Regional Comprehensive Community Services
Consumer-Centered Assessment Workshop and Peer Discussion
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016
Wautoma, Wisconsin
Summary of 18Workshop Evaluations(18 people attended)
1. What is your overall evaluation of the workshop?1- Poor / 2 - Below
Average / 3 - Average / 4 - Above
Average / 5 - Excellent
Number of Responses: / 0 / 0 / 4 (22%) / 9 (50%) / 5 (28%)
Average Score: / 4.1
2. Was the workshop relevant to your needs?
Yes / No / Somewhat
Number of Responses: / 16 (89%) / 0 / 2 (11%)
3. What aspect or topic did you find the most helpful?
- (6) Peer to peer conversation / discussion
- (3) Group activities. Selected comment:
- Enjoyed the activities to keep the group engaged and work through issues all counties are having.
- (2) CCS assessment / assessment summary examples
- Issues basket. What other are doing. What has worked and what hasn't
- Regional working on documents
- Updating of assessment
- The slides, working as a team, and working individually.
- New to the program so all was good to know.
- Good overview
- The defining of roles.
- I found the topic of abbreviated assessment helpful.
- Practical things
- Realizing all in the group have a lot of the same questions.
- All of it.
4. What would you suggest to improve the workshop?
- (2) longer workshop (one mentioned ½ day, another mentioned 2 days)
- (2) better clarification / answers on some things
- More examples of how things should look
- Supervisors from all counties attend
- More issue focused, less broad
- It was great
- More breaks
- Enjoyed hearing region comments.
- State representative to fix all of it
- A better training room. Tables were not set in a way to see presenters. Chairs uncomfortable. Perhaps streamline info to stay on track.
- Only briefly talk about background/roles to allow more time for discussion of the actual assessment and issues facilitators are having difficulty with.
- I don't know
5. Please evaluate the presenter(s) using a scale of 1-5.
Number of Responses1 - Poor / 2 - Below
Average / 3 - Average / 4 - Above
Average / 5 - Excellent / Average Score
Presenters’ knowledge of material / 0 / 0 / 4 (22%) / 9 (50%) / 5 (28%) / 4.2
Relevance of material content / 0 / 0 / 2 (11%) / 9 (50%) / 6 (33%) / 4.3
Presentation/ organization / 0 / 0 / 2 (11%) / 9 (50%) / 6 (33%) / 4.2
6. Please add any additional comments/suggestions you might have:
- Good agenda. Communicating follow-up. Sharing ideas across the region.
- A gathering of same individuals soon to finalize assessment.
- Thank you for providing this workshop!
- More time with more breaks
- Love regional coordination of operations and processes.
- Great job Lori.
- Likes use of visuals, boards, screen, etc. All speakers were clear and appeared comfortable speaking. Thank you for keeping scheduled break and to end on time.