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Wrap-Up Liability Application
Named Insureds (list)Program participants
Owner name
Owner address / City / Prov / Postal code
General Contractor name
Contractor address / City / Prov / Postal code
Project/Construction Manager
Prime architectural/engineering consultant
Geotechnical engineer
Project Name
Project address/location / City / Prov / Postal code
Project type and description
Project Duration
Design / from / toConstruction / from / to
Maintenance/Warranty / from / to
Estimated substantial completion date
Estimated final completion date
Closing Date
/ Date required by
Please attach
PDF Copy of Contract, Request for Proposal, or Tender Documentsshowing
a) Risk of Loss Clauses
b) Hold Harmless and Indemnity Clauses
c) Insurance Specifications
d) Bonding Specifications (including BondForm) – efficiency/output guarantee clauses
f)Liquidated Damages Clause
General Information
Joint venture proposals / Name of joint ventureJoint venture address / City / Prov / Postal code
Percentage of participation in joint venture / % / Name of surety of each partner
Separately registered Corporation / yes no
Testing/start-up/commissioning required? / yes no
Describe testing operations/procedures to be undertaken
Indicate any watercraft requirements by type of watercraft and whether owned or non-owned or chartered.
Indicate any transport of cargo risks by air or water, along with brief description of cargo, values and route of shipment.
Breakdown of Values
Contractor Portion / Subcontractors / TotalConcrete (Flatwork) ** curb/gutter / $ / $ / $
Bridge over Land / $ / $ / $
Bridge over Water / $ / $ / $
Grading / $ / $ / $
Sewer and Watermain / $ / $ / $
Mechanical works / $ / $ / $
Electrical works / $ / $ / $
Value of client supplied material / $ / $ / $
Consulting engineer/design / $ / $ / $
Engineering/falsework design / $ / $ / $
Transit costs (mobilization) / $ / $ / $
Other (please specify) / $ / $ / $
Total estimated contract value / $ / $ / $
Owner Contingency / $ / $ / $
Cables and Transmission Lines
Proportion of contract value / % / Max. height of pylons/masts / metresConstruction of pylons/masts
Max. cable length between towers / metres / Value / $
Total cable length / km
Type of cable / Cable laying methodTrench depth / metres / Max. trench length worked on at any one time / metres
Canals and Channels
Dimensions of excavation / width / length / Max. depth / metresType of lining
Lock gate details
Coffer Dams
Construction typeDimensions (metres) / width / length / height
Built to allow overtopping? / yes no
If no, freeboard above highest recorded flood level? / metres
Dams and Barges (and reservoirs including dam)
Dimensions (metres) / width / length / heightType of construction
Breakdown in contract value
Main Dam / $
Coffer Dams / number / value / $
Tunnels / number / value / $
Outfall / $
Spillway / $
Penstocks / number / value / $ / Piping above ground? / yes no
Power Station / $ / including machinery / excluding machinery
MethodWater table reduced (metres) / from / to
Where will water be discharged?
Main equipment and power source
Standby equipment and power source
No. of well ports
Land Reclamation
Proportion of contract value / %Nature of reclamation (e.g. from marshland, sea, etc.)
Area / Frontage to major water exposure
Method of work
Pipelines (land only)
Proportion of contract value / %Max. depth (metres) / cuttings / trenches
Max. diameter of pipelines (cm)
Max. trench length being worked on(metres)
Type of pipe
Details of water crossings
Describe significant gradients
Work In and Adjacent to Water
Proportion of contract value / %Name of waterway (e.g. lake, river)
Nature of waterway (e.g. slow/wide/tidal/flash flood)
Description of work and protection
Period during which work carried out / from / to
History of flooding
Max. recorded flood level (metres)
Width of watercourse (metres) / Depth of watercourse (metres)
Bank height above normal water level (metres)
Flow of current / normal / cu sec’s / flood / cu sec’s
Tidal range / from / metres / to / metres
Flood warning facilities
Proximity to watercourse traffic and precautions
Value of excavation/cuttings / $Max. depth (metres) / Incline of sides(degrees) / °
Method of support
Description of water crossings
Value / $
Embankments or other earth works including leveling/grading
Value / $ / max. height (metres) / incline of sides / °
Retaining walls
Value / $ / height(metres) / thickness(metres)
Method of construction
How secured
Type/method of road surfacing
Value / $
Details of significant gradients
Traffic Controls (Please describe or attach from contract)
Is there winter shutdown?
If so, how is jobsite protected during shutdown?
Sea Works (e.g. piers, dolphins, jetties, wharves, docks, seawalls, breakwaters, etc.)
Details of tides, currents, wind speeds and directionWaves / height / frequency
Structure (metres) / length / width / height
Protection from direct sea action
Method of work
Structure details (including purpose)
Armoring details
Fill details
Dredging details
Work from water details
Jetties/piers – length of span between support
Breakwaters (or similar) – max. length without final armoring at any time (metres)
Contract value breakdown
Concreting / $ / Decking, bollards, ancillaries / $
Stanchions or support work / $ / Major stonework / $
Sewage Works
Proportion of contract value / %Tanks/beds / value / $ / max. depth of excavation (metres)
Outfall / value / $ / method and type of construction
Pumphouse / value / $ / substructure, max. depth of excavations (metres)
Superstructure construction
Tunnels and Shafts
Proportion of contract value / %Dimensions (metres) / diameter / length
Method of excavationCompressed air in use? / yes no / If yes, pressure
Explosives used? / yes no / If yes, type / quantities
Method of explosive storageLinings / type / dimensions (metres)
Method of construction
Length of unlined excavations behind face (metres)Water Towers and Tanks
Proportion of contract value / %Method of construction
Tank dimensions (metres) / diameter / length
Foundation details
Supporting structure
Long Form Project Application
Will the Owner be supplying material/equipment etc for incorporation into the project? / yes noIf yes, please provide the following details, including value, with regard thereto:
- age and condition all materials and equipment, (if not new), including unoccupied structures provided by the Owner for incorporation into the project
- if an occupied structure is to be provided to the Contractor, provide details of age, condition, construction and occupancy of structure
Adjacent Structures (attach site plan if available)
Type of Construction / Occupancy / DistanceNorth
Site Details
Neighborhood (describe, i.e. industrial , commercial, residential)Describe site (e.g. sheltered valley, flood plain, hilly)
Describe existence of mine workings, caves, underground rivers, etc.
History of subsidence/landslip
Site Security
Fencing / yes no / DetailsWatchman service / yes no / Details
Close circuit camera / yes no / Details
Construction Details
Will construction operations be performed in compliance with geo-technical recommendations? /yes no
With modifications (details)
Describe unusual/experimental design or construction features or methods
Details of any specialized, unique or unusual machinery to be incorporated into the project (e.g. tower cranes, TBM’s etc.)
Anticipated replacement times for key machinery if replacement is required
Item / Delivery period / Supplier location
Describe any temporary buildings, structures or trailers to be covered and their value.
Detail any off-site locations for which coverage is required. Provide details of what is to be covered, why and value.
State type and total value of any single piece of material or equipment of any unusual nature to be transported to the job site.
Type of Material / Total Value / Shipment Point of Origin / Shipment Destination / Distance (km)$
Who will be responsible for transportation risk of such material or equipment?
insured / contractor / subcontractor / supplier / other (specify)
Shipments will be made by:
truck / water / air / other land conveyance (specify)
Hazardous Operations Details
Check all that apply. Describe exposure and controls.
Exposure / Exposure / Controls / CostBlasting
Temporary heating / yes no / Describe
Flammable liquids on site / yes no / Describe
Explosives storage / yes no / Describe
Describe any Project specific Contractors Equipment to be covered(TBM’s, tower cranes, scaffolding)and their value.
Flood Exposure
Name and distance to nearest body of waterPast flood history at site/in the area
Height of project above maximum flood stage
Describe exposure during and after excavation from surface water
Describe precautions to be taken to prevent damage from flood
What is being done to prevent run-off damage
Describe dewatering facilities on site (adequacy and backup)
Site Risks
Wrap-Up Liability Coverage Requirements
Limit / $Term of Completed Operations coverage (following date of acceptance by owner)
Exposures to Surrounding Sites
Attach a site plan or sketch (with scale) showing distances to surrounding properties, subways, railways, gas and otherutilities and roads:
Provide brief description of EACH such exposed property etc.
Where work is done close to adjacent properties, please attach plans for the following:
Excavation Foundation Shoring Underpinning Blasting
Exposures to Existing Structure
Does the project abut/attach to an existing structure? / yes noIf yes, manner in which structures will attach/communicate.
Occupancy of existing structure during construction
Business Interruption/Loss of Use for damage to existing structure
Is coverage required for damage to existing structure? / yes no
If yes, detail what is to be covered and value
Will the project or part thereof be occupied prior to completion? / yes no
If yes, provide period, and detailed description of reason for occupation and purpose
Risk Control Procedures
Provide information on pprocedures to identify (existing and potential) and minimize exposure to third party person or propertyPreconstruction surveys
Vibration monitoring
Traffic control procedures
Will the road be opened prior to completion? If so, detail breakdown of openings and associated values
The undersigned declares that all statements made in this Application are true. Signing of this document does not bind the Applicant to complete the insurance, but it is agreed that the Application shall be the basis for the contract, should the policy be issued.
Information provided by / TitleSignature / Date
Aboriginal Insurance Services Inc. - Wrap-up Liability Application / 1w:\aecon group inc\construction\2006\general\aon produced\project applications\milena\june 14 - civil app w bonding.doc