/ SKILLS / ASSESSMENTS / STANDARDSSeptember / Introduction to the Law
Criminal Law / Develop an understanding of law as it relates to business.
Career opportunities in the field of law and law related areas.
Recognize the various kinds of law.
Demonstrate knowledge of criminal liability and defenses.
Classify crimes / Students will be able to develop a legal vocabulary and learn how to interpret cases, work with others, and relate Business Law situations to current event articles.
Students will gain the ability to reason and solve problems through the interpretation of common legal situations.
Chapter tests will assess their understanding. / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 1-Career Development
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
October / Tort Law
Ethics and Social Responsibility / Understand the differences between civil and criminal law.
Develop an understanding of how Intentional and Unintentional Tort Law, Ethics and Responsibility apply to the business world.
Recognize how Ethics affects decision making in business / Students will use appropriate technology to interpret cases and decision-making projects dealing with Business Law.
Students will continue to reason and solve legal situations.
Legal vocabulary development will continue.
Chapter tests will assess their understanding
Videos dealing with business and law will help to present information on topics
Weekly Business Law news articles / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
November / Contracts and Business / Recognize the six requirements of a valid contract.
Determine the competencies of parties / Students will continue to reason and solve legal situations.
Legal vocabulary development and Chapter tests to continue
Film dealing with contracts and business.
Researching the Uniform Commercial Code
Learn to use Inspiration to outline chapters and make graphs
Weekly Business Law article / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
/ SKILLS / ASSESSMENTS / STANDARDSDecember / Contracts and Business / Develop an understanding for the different types of contracts.
Learn the functions of contracts. / Students will learn how to write a contract based on their knowledge.
Mid-year project sheets distributed.
Legal vocabulary development and Chapter tests continue
Case problems for analyzing contracts.
Use inspiration for chapters on contracts which will be used in conjunction with tests
Weekly Business Law article / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
January / Breach of Contracts and Remedies / Understand what a
breach is and remedies
for one
Damages for breach / Mid-year projects
Continue case studies and chapter tests using inspiration.
Weekly business law article
Legal vocabulary development continued / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
February / Consumer Protection / Develop an understanding of advertising and the law
Develop an understanding of labeling, packaging,
Consumer product safety and credit protection / Better Business Bureau speaker
Advertisement project
Legal vocabulary and chapter test
Inspiration outlines
Videos about consumer protection and fraud
Mock trial
Weekly Business Law article / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal
March / Commercial Paper
Negotiable Instruments / Learn what the functions and types of commercial are.
Develop and understanding of negotiable instruments
Learn about bank-customer relationships / On-line activities
Legal vocabulary continued
Chapter test
Inspiration outline
Case studies
Chapter test
Weekly Business Law article / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
/ SKILLS / ASSESSMENTS / STANDARDSApril / Creditors’ Rights and
Bankruptcy / What are the laws relating to creditors?
Develop an understanding of debtors protection and how bankruptcy, liquidations, and reorganizations occur / Teacher prepared materials
On-line activities
Inspiration outline
Chapter tests
Legal vocabulary continued
Weekly Business Law articles / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
May / Minors and the Law / Students will develop an understanding of the age of majority in New York State.
Recognize the importance of minors’ responsibilities for torts and minors, and employment law. / Film, “Gregory K” dealing with Minors’ rights
Case studies
Weekly news articles
Legal vocabulary
Teacher prepared materials
Chapter test / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
June / Insurance / Recognize an insurance contract.
Learn about types of insurance / Simulations relating to insurance.
Inspiration outlines
Legal vocabulary lists
Collect final project / Career Development and Occupational Studies
Standard 2-Integrated Learning
Standard 3a-Universal Foundation Skills
\\wpadminbdc\EHOFFICE$\Curr&Instruction\Curriculum Maps\High School –Business Education/Business Law