2009- 2010
Welcome to Third Grade!
Miss Bittner
3rd Grade
Room 43A
Wow! You’re in Third Grade!
Welcome! Congratulations on earning your way to third grade! That is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself!! I know I am! Third grade is going to be fantastic! This year we will learn many new and exciting things including multiplication, cursive handwriting, the physics of sound, and how to read different types of maps. And of course, we will also review and build upon all the skills and knowledge you learned in kindergarten, first, and second grades. My job is to teach you everything you need to know to move on to become a successful fourth grader. Your job is to try your best! If we both do our parts, we will be a successful team!
I am seeking a few parent volunteers to help in the classroom this year. Specifically, I would love help with copying, special projects, and helping students in the classroom as the need arises. If you are able to help out, please complete the following and return it to me. I will schedule you on a monthly volunteer calendar which I will send home with your child.
____ Yes, I will be able to help.
I am available on ___ Monday ___a.m. ___ p.m.
___ Tuesday ___a.m. ___ p.m.
___ Wednesday___a.m. ___ p.m.
___ Thursday ___a.m. ___ p.m.
___ Friday ___a.m. ___ p.m.
Circle any that apply: make copies
create/complete bulletin boards work 1:1 with students
special projects/crafts
Other: ______
Your Name Child’s name
Best Phone #: ______
~Important Things Parents Can Do~
(Borrowed from Mrs. Kolar, Third Grade Teacher)
Play board games and card games with your child – This promotes critical thinking skills ad problem solving skills
Build puzzles together to develop spatial skills for mathematics
Cook together to help your child learn about measurement, capacity, and elapsed time (i.e. how long cookies need to bake)
At the store, have your child estimate how much money is being spent, and when paying with cash, have your child count out the correct amount.
Visit the library. Let your child choose books that are interesting to him/her.
To promote writing skills, have your child write “Thank You” notes and create home-made birthday or holiday cards with hand-written messages.
Writing in a daily journal also promotes writing, and it can help you find out about concerns or joys in your child’s life.
Limit television viewing.
Make sure your child receives a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast each day.
Ensure your child dresses appropriately for the weather.
Show an interest in your child’s school work.
Be a guest reader in your child’s classroom.
Meet Ms. Bittner!
Hi! My name is Danielle Bittner, and this is my fourth year teaching at Rhodes. I moved here from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania three years ago! I lived in Pennsylvania all my life and was very excited to move here. Las Vegas is very different from Philadelphia, but I like living here very much!
I have a daughter, Dakota, who recently turned five years old. She is in kindergarten here at Rhodes, and you’ll probably see her in the hallways sometimes. Right now, she is learning how to write, spell, read, and add. Do you remember when you learned all those things? Everyday, she learns something new; and everyday, you will too! So, make sure you tell your family what you learn each day!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please review the following information packet and refer to it throughout the school year. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Additionally, as parents, I know that we know our children better than anyone, and I always appreciate any input you have to offer in order to help make this a successful school year for your child. Working together, we will make certain that your child’s individual needs are met so he/she will stay encouraged and make great academic achievements. Please contact me by phone or email.
Phone: 799-3450 ext. 70901271
Betsy Rhodes Rockets’ Rules
Ricky Rocket says:
ROCKETS show respect
are kind,
play safely,
do their best,
are responsible,
and help others!
Room 43A Rules
The first week of school, the class will create a poster of our rules which will be posted in our classroom. A copy of your child’s signed behavior contract will be sent home in September.
Daily Specials
Mon.Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
Music Library Art P.E. P.E.
Class Website:
A fun way to communicate!
Please check out our class website at
Click on my picture and access important district/class information, reminders, class happenings, upcoming events, etc. Monthly homework assignments and weekly spelling lists will also be accessible and updated weekly.
What does a third grader need? Rhodes Elementary provides basic supplies such as pencils, rulers, glue, and paper. Your child may bring in his/her own supplies to use; however, I discourage three ring binders and trapper keepers.
If you would like to donate any of the following items for general classroom use, please do so at your convenience throughout the school year.
Thank you in advance for your contributions!
● Ziploc bags (all sizes) ●● hand sanitizer ●
● paper towels ● ● antibacterial wipes ●
● tissues ●● dry erase markers ●
● bottled drinking water ● ● copy paper ●
Classroom Management
In order to maintain the optimal learning environment students deserve, it is imperative that all students behave appropriately. To ensure this, I will implement the following:
The Behavior Book System
Each day, it is expected that students will abide by school and classroom rules. Students who follow the rules will be rewarded daily. Students who are unable to follow the rules or behave appropriately will face consequences. For each offense, the student will write his/her name in the behavior book. (*See guidelines below.) Every student will start with a clean slate each day.
During the first week of school only: As needed, each child will receive a warning for the first offense each day before having to write their name in the behavior book. There will be no warnings after the first week of school.
NO STRIKES?? - EXCELLENT!!!! You have just earned Club Time! Pack up after class is over and enjoy your free time. =O)
Strike 1 – Write a letter to your parents explaining why you had to write your name in the book. Show the letter to me. Take the letter home and read it to your parents. They must sign the letter and you must bring it back to me the next day.
Strike 2 – Call your parents during recess or at the end of the day. Explain to them why you had to write your name in the book twice today. Only if they don’t answer, leave a message and write the letter explaining why. They must sign the letter and you must bring it back to me the next day.
Strike 3 – You’re out! You must go to the principal’s office with a write up from the teacher. When you get back, if you come back, you must write a letter explaining what you did wrong and why you will not do it again. You can get to “Strike 3” two ways: 1) writing your name three times in the book, or 2) by engaging in completely inappropriate behavior such as fighting, punching, hitting, threatening someone, etc.
**You will not participate in any special activities that week such as Field Day, parties, field trips, etc.
Homework Policy
Third graders will receive about thirty minutes of homework each day Monday through Thursday. In addition, students will be expected to read 15 – 20 minutes each day before or after school. Daily homework will be assigned to:
reinforce what has been learned in class that day
review what has been previously learned
prepare for upcoming lessons
develop positive study habits
Students will be responsible for completing and turning in their homework. Students will receive credit daily for turning in complete homework. Late or incomplete homework will not be accepted except from a student who was absent. Students will receive a homework folder to carry their assignments to and from school.
Included in the folder will be a “Contact Log” in which you and I can correspond as often as you would like regarding your child’s education. Please feel free to use this as an alternative method to communicate with me.
Each morning around 9:45 a.m., students will be allowed to eat a healthy snack from home, which they will not be permitted to share with others. Since third graders have much to learn in very little time, “snack time” will occur during the learning process. Choice healthy snacks include dried or fresh fruit, vegetables, yogurt, crackers, dry cereal, cheese sticks, cereal/granola bars, pretzels, apple sauce, trail mix, etc. In addition, it is highly recommended that students also bring in bottled water to drink throughout the day in order to quench thirst and stay hydrated. Water will be the only beverage allowed in the classroom except during class celebrations.
Book Orders
Book clubs provide students with the opportunity to select inexpensive reading that is of interest to them.
Take some time to explore the book orders with your child to find books that your child will enjoy reading. Please make checks payable to the company on the book order form and return to school on the indicated due date. Book orders take approximately two weeks to arrive at school. No cash orders will be accepted.
Daily Schedule
8:25 a.m.*Students allowed on campus
8:45 a.m.First bell – Line up at Dot 43A.
8:45 – 8:55 Morning routine
8:55 a.m.Tardy bell
9:00 – 10:00Reading (Snack @ 9:45 a.m.)
10:00 – 10:50Math
10:50 – 11:40Special (see p. 6)
11:45 – 12:25Recess & Lunch
12:30 – 12:50Math continued
12:50 – 1:20Language Arts & Read Aloud
1:20 – 2:05Writer’s Workshop
2:05 – 2:30Word Study & SSR
2:30 - 3:00Science/Social Studies/Health
3:00 - 3:06Afternoon routine & Dismissal
Progress Reports
Your child’s academic scores can be accessed at any time using the new ParentLink system. Hard copies of your child’s academic progress reports will be sent home once a month. Please review and discuss the progress report with your child as this is an excellent time to give praise about his or her achievements and encouragement about areas needing improvement.
Report cards will be distributed on December 18th, March 10th, and June 2nd. Parent-Teacher conferences will be held the week of December 14th (A specific date and time has yet to be determined.)
I am available to discuss your child’s academic progress throughout the school year over the phone or in person. Please contact me via email or phone to set up a mutually convenient time.