Local Enterprise OfficeWestmeath
Proposal for delivery of EEN Programme
July 29th 2016
About the Enterprise Europe Network
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) isthe world's largest support network for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and helps Irish companies to make the most of business and technology opportunities in the EU and other major global markets. It is a key instrument in the EU's strategy toboost growth andjobs.Bringing together around 600 business support organisations frommore than 60 countries, it helps small companies seize the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market.
Member organisationsincludechambers of commerce and industry, technology centres, research institutes and development agencies. Most of them have been supporting local businesses for a long time. They know their clients' strengths and needs- and they know Europe.
As members of the Enterprise Europe Network they are linked up through powerful databases, sharing their knowledge and sourcing technologies and business partners across all Network countries. But they are also closely linked with the European Commission, which enables them to keep abreast of EU policies and to feed small companies' views on them back to Brussels.
Services tailored to small companies.
Supporting small businessis a cornerstone of the EU's drive for growth and jobs. Because 99% of all EU companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), accounting for 67% of jobs, what's good for SMEs is good for Europe's economy.
EEN is co-financed under “COSME” - an EU funding programme designed to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises. Services are tailored to SME's but are also available to all other businesses, universities and research centres.
Local Enterprise Office Westmeath is seeking quotations for specification and delivery of recruitment and delivery of clinics and mentoring as outlined below:
Programme Targets:
The overall targets of this programme will be to encourage applicants to submit an EEN profile for one of the following partnership types;
- Business Partnering Opportunity
- Technology Collaboration Request
The Programme is designed to help businesses identify product gaps and sales opportunities and increase sales through Product Transfer & Product Sourcing. One to one specialist mentoring support for participating companies will be available in order to compile their EEN profile after conducting an Options Appraisal to ensure the project has practical business improvement/sales outputs.
The aim of this proposed programme for Westmeath will be to:
- Generate awareness amongst the micro/ SME companies of Westmeath of the role of Enterprise Europe Network;
The EEN process
- Presentation of case study successes from micro/SME businesses and further description on the nature of eligible projects and resource and commitment requirements to the process including timeframes for responses;
- Organise a one-to-one specialist clinics for businesses to attend and discuss potential EEN projects, support with creating EEN project profiles;
- Encourage businesses in Westmeath to sign up to EEN Digital Services, namely the EEN Newsletter, which provides information on partnership opportunities throughout the EEN network;
- Conduct Baseline Audits with at least 5businesses to assess suitability, capacity and potential to undertake an EEN project;
- Support the creation of 5 project profiles for submission to EEN in conjunction with LEO Donegal EEN representatives. Will include drafting of project profiles, identification of key project words/phrases to aid partner search, markets to be targeted and any follow up discussion with Donegal LEO to ensure project profile is successfully approved;
- Manage and support follow up with 5 businesses that receive Expressions of Interest from EEN partner companies. This mentoring time will also include support on how to respond to EOIs and approach to developing potential;
- Provide market research to any participating company that has not received Expressions of Interest relating to their project profile. This will ensure all companies receive tangible outcomes from the programme. Market Research support for such companies will focus on identifying potential partnership opportunities and sales/market opportunities for such companies.
Proposed Programme Outline:
Advisory Support Specialist Clinic0.5 day /1.0 day
Baseline Audit/options appraisal1.0 mentor session
EEN Profile creation 1.0 mentor session
Expression of Interest Response support 1.0 mentor session
& Follow up
Quote to include:
- Clinic – Day rate
- Mentoring – session rate
- Appropriate experience, approach, qualification and CVs
The Company /business/ Consultant to be engaged shall be required to work within the remit and comply with the Health Safety & Welfare at Work Act 2005. If not already an approved supplier of Westmeath CoCo a Health and Safety Questionnaire will have to be completed before award of programme – See Appendix 2.
Local Enterprise Office Westmeath may decide following evaluation of tenders not to proceed or to proceed with a limited number of elements of the proposed programme. LEO Westmeath may decide to appoint more than one deliverer.
The successful applicant will be determined on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender, following an evaluation by the Local Enterprise Office Westmeath, on the basis of the following criteria (weights in brackets):
- Comprehensiveness and quality of approach (30%)
- Value for money (40%)
- Expertise, experience and resources allocated (30%)
Quotations and specifications to be returned in HARD COPY ONLY (2 copies) to the details below no later than 12pm on Friday, 12th August 2016 to:
Aileen McGrath
Local Enterprise Office Westmeath
Westmeath County Council
Aras An Chontae
Mount Street
Co. Westmeath
Submissions to be clearly marked ‘Proposal for delivery of EEN Programme’.
Late applications will not be considered
Appendix 2
Westmeath Local Authorities
Pre - Qualification Questionnaire
(Contractor, PSDP, PSCS)
This Questionnaire must be completed and returned
with your tender documents.
Failure of the consultant / contractor to successfully complete or where the consultant / contractor has been assessed as not fulfilling the requirements, the consultant / contractor will be excluded from proceeding further within thetender procedure.
All Applicants: Please complete sections 1 to 5
Section 1:Certificate of Competence
1.1 This company declares that it is competent to perform the works as required by the local authority and has
a thorough knowledge of the requirements of the current Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act,
Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance.
1.2This company declares that the information provided in this questionnaire is an accurate summary of
the company’s current safety and health management system.
1.3 Please supply details of service/supplies that you wish to provide to the Local Authority:
Registered Company Name: ______
Company Registration Number: ______
The year the company was registered: ______
Average No. of employees in the last 12 months: ______
Registered Company Address: ______
24 Hour Tel No.: ______Fax: ______Email: ______
Completed by: ______Position in Company: ______
Contact Number: ______Date: ______
Signed: ______Signed: ______
Position: ______Position: ______
]Note:All answers are to be categorised as per this questionnaire and where any supporting documents are being used to provide the answers, reference is to be made to the specific subsections as applicable
Section 2. Safety Health & Welfare Management
1 / Have you experience of previously carrying out work which is comparable in size and nature to this proposed work?List your top five jobs over the past twelve months______
_ / Yes/No
2 / Does your company have access to a competent Health and Safety Advisor (in-house/consultant)
Please insert name and contact details: / Yes/No
3 / Is a copy of your current Safety Statement enclosed?
(Please ensure it is enclosed, signed and dated by the head of the company before submission) / Yes/No
Does your safety statement include the following?
4. Up to date legislation? / Yes/No
5. Does you company have a hazard identification/risk assessment and controls for your activities? / Yes/No
6.Does it include emergency procedures / Yes/No
7.Does it include company structure chart, roles and responsibilities of
management & employees? / Yes/No
8. Do you consult with your staff on health & safety matters? / Yes/No
9. Do you bring the safety statement to the attention of your employees, at least annually? / Yes/No
10. If you don’t have a safety statement please detail how you intend to comply with section 20 of the Safety ,Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005
(only applicable for companies with 3 employees or less and complying with a construction safety code of practice) / Enclose
11 / Do you intend to sub-contract any part of the works for which you have quoted for? If Yeslist what elements will be sub-contracted out? / Yes/No
12 / Does your safety statement give details on how sub-contractors are managed?
If yes, please state which section of your safety statement / Yes/No
13 / Does your safety statement give details on how the competency of sub-contractors is assessed? / Yes/No
Section 3. Health & Safety Performance
14 / Have your company’s employees been involved in any accidents, which were required to be notified to the Health & Safety Authority over the past three years?If yes, please provide details: ______/ Yes/No
15 / Has your company or individuals employed by your company been prosecuted for any breaches of Health & Safety Legislation within the past three years?
If yes, please provide details: ______/ Yes/No
16 / Has any prohibition, improvement or other enforcement notice/order been issued against your company in the past three years?
If yes, please provide details: ______/ Yes/No
Section 4. Health & Safety Training, Instruction & Information
17 / Please indicate if the following training has been carried out by your company:IOSH Managing Safety / Yes/No/NA
Safe Pass / Yes/No/NA
Manual Handling / Yes/No/NA
Confined Spaces / Yes/No/NA
First Aid / Yes/No/NA
Fire safety / Yes/No/NA
Abrasive Wheel training / Yes/No/NA
Induction training / Yes/No/NA
Toolbox Talks / Yes/No/NA
CSCS Training for plant/activity operation (as per schedule 4 of the Construction Regulations 2006) / Yes/No/NA
Sign, Lighting and Guarding CSCS training (3 day and 1 day) / Yes/No/NA
Other (please insert details): / Yes/No/NA
18 / Do you ensure that relevant staff obtains CSCS/Safe Pass re-accreditation? / Yes/No/NA
19 / Are records maintained of all training and any certifications or licences obtained and induction undertaken for employees of your company? / Yes/No
Note;Provide copies of the training outlined above. Training must be kept up to date.