It’s Elementary! July 2016

Dear Parents,

Wow! Summer is almost over, and in just a few weeks a new school year will begin! For those of you who are returning, welcome back! New students and families, welcome aboard! Lower Elementary Montessori classrooms abound with new and rich learning opportunities for your child, and Ms. Kim and I are very excited to continue or begin that journey. We have great plans for the year!

Please review the Important Details listed below. They will help your child make a smooth transition back to school. During the first couple of weeks, we will be reviewing, observing, and assessing how your child learns best, both individually and in a group setting. Each student will be guided to work and given the time to demonstrate his or her abilities and acquired skills. Routines and classroom rules will be established in order to work together effectively. Organizational skills and care and use of materials and the classroom will be incorporated into their daily routine. It will be a period of adjustment for everyone as we strive to build a positive, cooperative, and peaceful classroom community.

Important Details

1. Drop-Off is from 8:30-8:45 a.m. at the entrance to the Lower Elementary East classroom. Parents are encouraged to pull up to the door and drop off their children as this makes for an easier good-bye and a smoother transition into the classroom. A teacher or assistant will be on hand to greet your child as s/he enters the room. After 8:45 a.m. you will need to stop by the upstairs office to sign in and get a late pass for admittance to the classroom.

2. Work Time begins after the student puts away his/her lunch box, hangs up outerwear and changes into indoor shoes.

3. Mid-Morning Snack – Parents are asked to include, on a daily basis, a healthy snack in their child’s lunch box. Please follow the “Wellness Guidelines” when selecting this snack.

4. Lunch time is around 12 p.m. Please send items that are healthy, easy for your child to open, and, if necessary, may be quickly warmed in a microwave. Utensils for consuming food and plates or bowls for warming food in the microwave should be included. A cloth napkin placed in the lunch box is desirable. (They will be returned daily for clearning.)

Lunch should consist of a protein, fresh fruit and a vegetable. Milk or water is suggested for the beverage. High protein, low-carb, low-sugar lunches fuel the child’s learning for the remainder of the day. Please see our “Wellness Guidelines” in the handbook.

Lunch boxes sit on a shelf in the hallway between the classrooms away from sunlight in an air-conditioned space. If you are worried about spoilage, please consider adding a cold pack or insulated thermos to the lunch box.

5. Dismissal is from 2:55-3:05 p.m. from the classroom doors. At 3:05 p.m., children remaining will be taken to the After School Program so that teachers may be prompt to meetings and complete planning tasks. Parents will need to park and go in to sign them out. For early dismissal, please remember to stop by the office and sign your child out for the day.

If you have any questions or information you wish to share, feel free to contact me via email, and either Kim or I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Should an emergency arise or there is a need to get a message to us is, please call the office at 904-261-6610 by 2:45 p.m.

Please see the supply list for items that need to be procured prior to the beginning of school. You are welcome to drop these items off early provided they are in a bag which is clearly marked with your child’s name. You do not need to mark each individual item as many are placed in containers for group use.

We can’t wait to see you in August! Enjoy the remainder of your summer.


Debbie Hodsdon, Lower Elementary Directress

Kim Philo, Assistant

Lower Elementary West Supply List 2016-17

1. 1 pair student scissors – rounded end type for left or right hand (Fiscar or Wescott)

2. 2 large pink erasers (Pink Pearl suggested)

3.1 pack of 24 Crayola non-erasable colored pencils

4.1 pack of 24 Crayola crayons

5.1 medium sized backpack for transporting items to and from school.

Backpacks on wheels are too large to store in the hallway. So please look for one that can be hung easily on a hook.

6. 1 insulated water bottle filled and brought to school daily.

7. 1 pair of light-colored rubber soled shoes for classroom wear. (Examples: moccasins, Tevas, plain Crocs, swim shoes. (Old Navy carries a nice inexpensive slip on shoe.) The shoes should stay firmly on the feet and have a strap on the back. Bedroom slippers are not substantial enough to protect feet during quick, fire drill exits.)

8. 1 complete change of clothing, labeled and sealed in a zip- lock bag

9. 1 large container Clorox wipes (or equivalent)

10. 1 box of Kleenex

11. 1 box of quart size zip-lock bags

12. 2 reams of 8 ½ x 11 inch copy paper

13. *** 2nd and 3rd Year Students: A Children’s Scholastic Dictionary – to be used at home

(As a cost saving measures to you and storage purposes for us, we have eliminated a number of items from the supply list. You will be asked to re-supply as needed after the winter holidays.) All items other than clothing are for community use. Labeling these items with your child’s name is not necessary or encouraged.)