Worship Commission Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

7:00 PM


Grace Sims, Jennifer Clacher, Marlene Moening, Gary Drypen,KathyRakowski, Paula Dixon


Jennifer led the opening prayer.

Minutes from last meeting were approved.

Study - The Supper of the Lamb

Books were purchased and distributed last Sunday

We will read the preface and intro and do corresponding pages in study guide

Next meeting we will discuss - Kathy will facilitate the conversation

Old Business

Jennifer's article will be in the bulletin Sunday after next

All Soul's Day

Sunday mass was wonderful - many good comments

Picture display was excellent

Reciting the names in a song was very well received

New Business

What do we feel is the most important?


·Continuing the education of our faith and becoming a more welcoming community

·She had heard of another parish, Where the "church was hopping". Music was playing as people were coming in and greeter handed out the books with announcement slips

·She suggested that we should do something like the announcement slips before Christmas


·Referencing the handout from last meeting, which Gary feels says what is most important:

§Guiding liturgical renew, education and celebrations

§Adult Christian education related to worship

·Once a week we have the opportunity for evangelization


·Sense of community - engage the people

People really like the birthday and anniversary and the greeting at the beginning of mass, because it is a chance for them to be engaged.


·Building unity and community

§She suggested that we could do something like a Welcome home sign

·Collaboration of ministries is important

Kathy's visit to the Parish council meeting

They excepted our ideas.

Prayer cards

Parish council questioned the source of the prayer and said we need to cite the source.

Marlene suggested that we ask the Knights Daughters to help stuff them in the books

Paula stated that the new hymn books are put out for the 1st Sunday of Advent. The new books are put in the covers right after the last Sunday of the church year. So for this year that will be Nov 24th after the morning mass. Morning mass people will do the book cover exchange. While they are doing that we will have the prayer cards ready to be put in inside front covers. There are about 400 books.

The old books will be retained without covers for the Thanksgiving mass.

Prayer Service

We will aim for having it mid to end of January. It will be after the 11:00 mass on a Sunday. Kathy volunteered to lead the service and will come up with a structure. The focus will be the year of prayer with different prayer themes each month. The theme for January can be opening ourselves a new. If Dan is not available Kathy and Grace will provide music.

We will ask to use the hall and the church

Paula will find out what the baptisms schedule will be for January.

We should market the events.

Reserved seats for Christmas and any heavily populated mass

A concern was voiced that enforcing may not be possible.

We will place notices in the bulletin, announcements, website, signs on doors, notes home with CCE kids. Kathy will word smith the notices.

We will state that:

§no seats will be saved after a certain time before mass is scheduled to start if the person has not taken their seat the seats will be open for someone else.

§For every 5 seats saved there must be one person present in the church

Representatives at the parish council meetings

The Worship commission should have a representative at each parish council meeting. We will take turns. The meetings are the 4th Thursday of each month except for November and December. Nov 20th is the next meeting. Marlene said she could attend as our representative.

Paula is planning a prayer breakfast for the adult ministers of the parish.

It will be an opportunity to thank the people who minister. It will also be an opportunity to communicate and invite others to minister. She is looking at a Saturday in February. Since Ash Wednesday is Feb 18th maybe she will make it part of Lent.

Lighting of the wreath

There was a question voiced as to the reason Father doesn't have a wreath lighting ceremony at the beginning of each mass of advent, not just the first Sunday of Advent.

Marlene will ask Father.

Jennifer let us know that the parish activity meeting is the Nov 13th.

That is when we need to let Pam know when our meetings will be.

Marlene brought in a magazine - Ministry & Liturgy.

It comes to the church addressed to the Worship Commission. Marlene will read it first then will pass it around to the other members of the commission..

Jennifer is going to work with Gloria for a Facebook page for the Youth Ministry, using social media to reach the youth.

Closing prayer

Led by Paula

The next meetings are scheduled forNov 18th and Dec 2nd at 7PM

as recorded by Grace L Sims