Proposed Syllabus


B.Tech. Bio -Technology Course



(Board of studies in Technology)


Note: The scheme of Examination and the content of syllabi for 1st and 2nd semester of B.Tech Biotechnology will be same as of B.Tech Group-I (El/EIC/ECE) Branches.





S.No / Course No. /


/ Teaching Schedule
L T P/D Total / Examination Schedule
Th. Sess P/VV Total / Duration
of exam
1. / BT –201 / Cell Biology / 3 1 - 4 / 100 50 - 150 / 3
2. / BT – 203 / Micro biology / 3 1 - 4 / 100 50 - 150 / 3
3. / BT – 205 / Bio chemistry / 3 1 - 4 / 100 50 - 150 / 3
4. / BT – 207 / Genetics / 3 1 - 4 / 100 50 - 150 / 3
5. / BT- 209 / Organic Chemistry / 3 1 4 / 100 50 - 150
6. / BT – 211 / Mol. Biol. / 3 1 - 4 / 100 50 - 150 / 3
7. / BT – 213 / Cell Biology & Genetics Lab / - - 3 3 / - 50 50 100 / 3
8 / BT– 215 / Microbiology Lab. / - - 3 3 / - 50 50 100 / 3
9. / BT – 217 / Biochem. & Mol Biol. lab / - - 3 3 / - 50 50 100 / 3
10. / BT – 219 / Organic Chemistry lab / - - 2 2 / - 25 25 50 / 3
Total / 18 6 11 35 / 600 445 205 1250

Note 1.Students are allowed to use single memory, non-programmable scientific calculator during exam.

3rd SEMESTER( Bio– Tech. )


BT –201

L T Theory: 100 Marks

3 1 Sessional: 50 Marks

Total: 150 Marks

Time: 3 Hrs.


1. Cell: An introduction and classification of organisms by cell structure,cytosol, compartmentation of eukaryotic cells, cell fractionation.

2. Cell membrane and Permeability: Chemical components of biological membranes , organization and fluidity of membrane components, the membrane as a dynamic entity of cell, signalling ,cell recognition and membrane transport.


3. Membrane Vacuolar System Cytoskeleton and cell motility: Structure and function of microtubules,Microfilaments, Intermediate filaments .

Endoplasmic reticulum: Structure, function including role in protein segregation.

Golgi complex: Structure, biogenesis and functions including role in protein secretion

Lysosomes , vacuoles and microbodies : Structure and functions.

4. Ribosomes : Structure and function including role in protein synthesis.

5. Mitochondria : Structure , genomes , biogenesis .

6. Chloroplasts : Structure , genomes, biogenesis.


7. Nucleus : Structure , cell cycle (Interphase & M phases ), regulation of cell cycle.

8. Extracellular matrix : composition ,molecules that mediate cell adhesion, membrane receptors for extra cellular matrix, macromolecules ,regulation of receptor expression and function.

9. Muscle contraction:Different muscle type in the body, structural protein of muscles, energetics and regulation of muscle contraction .

10.Neurons and Neurotransmission : Resting potential, Action potential , Synaptic transmission neurotransmitters and receptors ,the generation of action potential by sensory stimuli and mechanism of nerve-impulses

11. Cancer : Carcinogenesis , agents promoting carcinogenesis, characteristics of cancer cells,molecular basis of cancer.


1.Molecular Biology of cell, 3rd edition by Albert et al, Garland Publishing ,Inc.

2.Cell Biology – Smith and Wood by Chapman and Hall

3. Cell Biology: Organelle structure and function by D.E .Sadava, Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

4. Cell and Molecular Biology , 8th ed. EDP. De Robertis and EMF DeRoberties, Lippincot

Williams & Wilkins Pvt Ltd , ( international student edition).

5. Molecular cell Biology –Harvey Lodish and D .Baltimore W.H Freeman & Co. 4th ed.2000.

Note for Paper setter:

Eight questions will be set in the question paper .Two from unit 1 & three each from unit II & III. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one from each unit.

3rd SEMESTER B.Tech. (Bio – Tech. )


BT- 203

L T Theory : 100 Marks

3 1 Sessional : 50 Marks

Total : 150 Marks

Time : 3 Hrs.


Fundamentals of Microbiology: Scope and relevance of microbiology, Evolution of microbiology and its history.

Classification of Microorganisms : – Microbial Taxonomy, Criteria used including molecular approaches, Microbial phylogeny and Current classification of bacteria.


Microbial Diversity- Distribution & Characterization : Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Morphology and cell structure of major groups of microorganisms.e.g. bacteria, Fungi, algae, protozoa. Unique features of viruses.


Cultivation & Maintenance of Microorganism – Nutritional categories of microorganisms. Methods of isolation, Purification and preservation.

Microbial Growth and Metabolism - Growth curve, generation time. Synchronous batch and Continuous culture. Measurement of growth and factors affecting growth . Metabolic pathways –amphicatabolic and biosynthetic.

Bacterial reproduction – Transformation , Transduction & conjugation. Endospores, sporulation.


Control of Microorganism: Physical & chemical agents.

Water microbiology – Bacterial pollutants of water, the coliform group . Sewage composition and its disposal.

Food microbiology – Important Microorganism in food microbiology – molds, yeasts & bacteria. Major food born infections and intoxications, preservation of various types of foods.


1. Microbiology: Prescott et al., 2003, 5th edition, Mc Graw Hill, USA.

2. Microbiology: Pelczar et al, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.

3. Food Microbiology: Adams & Moss, 1996, C B S Publishers, New Delhi.

Note for paper setter:

Eight questions will be set in the question paper. Atleast two from each unit. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one from each unit.

3rd SEMESTER B.Tech. (Bio – Tech. )


BT- 205

L T Theory : 100 Marks

3 1 Sessional : 50 Marks

Total : 150 Marks

Time : 3 hrs.


1. Introduction to Biochemistry: A historical prospective.

2. Amino acids & Proteins – Structure & Function. Structure and properties of Amino acids, sources of amino acid pool. General reactions of amino acids: Transamination, Oxidative and non- oxidative deamination & decarboxylation. Peptide bond, types of protein and their classification, acid base properties and Titration of proteins, Forces stabilizing protein structure and shape.

Different Level of structural organization of proteins, Purification of proteins and criteria of their purity. Denaturation and renaturation of proteins. Fibrous and globular proteins.

3. Carbohydrates – Structure and function : Structure and properties of Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Ring structure and mutarotation . Homo & hetero polysaccharides, Mucopolysaccharides , Sialic Acids, bacterial cell wall polysaccharides, Glycoprotein’s, and their biological Functions. Blood group substances.

4. Lipids–Structure and functions: Classification, structures, nomenclature and Properties of fatty acids, essential fatty acids, Glycosides and their classes, Hydrolysis of fats, specification value,rancidity of fats, iodine no. and acid Value. Phospholipids structure and properties of different types of phospholipids, Sphingomyelins, glycolipids, cerebrosides, gangliosides, Prostaglandis Cholesterol – its structure and biological properties, utilization of cholesterol.

5. Nucleic acids - Structure and functions: Physical & chemical properties of Nucleic acids.Structure and properties of urine & pyramidine basis Nucleosides & Nucleotides. Biologically important nucleotides, biological function of DNA & RNA species double helical model of DNA structure and forces responsible for it A, B, & Z –DNA, denaturation and annealing of DNA.


6. Enzymes: Nomenclature and classification of Enzymes. Holoenzyme, apoenzyme, Cofactors, coenzyme, prosthetic groups, metalloenzymes, monomeric & Oligomeric enzymes, activation energy and transition state, enzyme activity, Specific activity, common features of active sites, enzyme specificity : types & Theories (look & key induced fit & three point attachment) ribozymes, abzymes Biocatalysts from extreme thermophilic and hyperthermophilic archaea and bacteria. Role of cofactors in enzyme catalysis : NAD + / NADP +, FMN / FAD, Coenzymes A, thiamine pyrophosphate, pyridoxal phosphate, lipoic acid, biocytin Vitamin B12 coenzymes tetrahydrofolate and metal ions;

7. Carbohydrate Metabolism: Glycolysis : reactions, energetics and regulation. Fate of pyruvate under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Pentose phosphate Pathway and its significance. Gluconeogenesis pathway and its regulation . Biosynthesis of lactose, sucrose and starch. Glycogenolysis and glycogenesis. Control of Glycogen metabolism. Maintenance of blood glucose levels. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase and its regulation .TCA cycle: reactions, regulation and Amphibolic nature, glyoxalate cycle. Photosynthesis.


8. Lipid Metabolism: Degradation of triacylglycerols by lipases, fatty acid activation, transport of fatty acyl CoA into mitochondria, beta - oxidation of Saturated fatty acids, oxidation of unsaturated and odd carbon fatty acids, Regulation of fatty acids oxidation, alpha & omega oxidation of fatty acids, peroxisomal beta - oxidation & formation & utilization of ketone bodies.Acetyl CoA carboxylase, transport of acetyl CoA from : mitochondrial matrix to cytosol, Biosynthesis of saturated fatty acids, elongation and desaturation of fatty acids, Biosynthesis of Tri acylglycerols, regulation of fatty acids metabolism.

9. Protein Metabolism : Essential & non essential amino acids, Degradation & Biosynthesis of amino acid, urea cycle : reactions, regulation and and its linkage with the citric acid cycle. Nitrogen cycle, Regulation of amino acid bio synthesis.

10. Nucleic Acid Metabolism : Denovo-biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine Nucleotides.Regulation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis. salvage pathways of purines and pyrimidines . Formation of deoxyribonucleotides. Catabolism of purines and pyrimidines.

11. Integration of Metabolism : Mitochondrial electron transport chain, mechanism Of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, hypotheses of oxidative phosphorylation inhibitors and uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation .


1. Biochemistry, 4th edition, by L. Stryer (1995). W.H.Freeman & Com...N.Y.

2. Biochemistry, 4th edition, by G .Zubay (1998). Wm.C. Brown Publishers.

3. Biochemistry, 2nd edition by Laurence A. Moran, K.G.Scrimgeour , H.R.Hortan, R.S.Ochs and J.David Rawn (1994), Neil Patterson Publishers Prentice Hall.

4. Lehninger : Principle of Biochemistry, third edition, by David L.Nelson and M.M.Cox (2000) Maxmillan / Worth publishers.

5. Biochemistry, 2ND Edition, by R.H.Garret & C.M. Grisham (1999). SaundersCollege publishing, N.Y.sonsNY

6. Fundamentals of Biochemistry by Donald Voet & Judith G Vote (1999), John Wiley & Sons NY.

7. Harper’s Biochemistry, 25th edition by R.K.Murray, P.A.Hayes, D.K. Granner, P.A.Mayes & V.W. Rodwell (2000).Prentice Hall International.

Note for paper setter:

Eight questions will be set in the question paper. Atleast two from each Unit. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one from each unit.

3rd SEMESTER B.Tech. (Bio – Tech. )


BT- 207

L T Theory : 100 Marks

3 1 Sessional : 50 Marks

Total : 150 Marks

Time : 3 hrs.


1. Principles of Heredity and Variation : Mendel and his experiments, Mono hybrid crosses, Incomplete dominance and codominance, Dihybrid crosses, Rediscovery of Mendelism, Multiple alleles, Epistasis, ( Probability in prediction and analysis of Genetic data) .

2. Genes and Chromosomes : General feature of chromosomes , Cellular division, Sexual reproduction , The chromosome theory of inheritance , sex –linked , sex - limited and sex influenced inheritance ,Variation in chromosome number & structure.

3. The Molecular Organization of Chromosomes :Genome size and evolutionary complexity, the supercoiling of DNA , The structure of the bacterial chromosome , the structure of eukaryotic chromosomes, Polytene chromosome .


4. Gene Linkage & Chromosome Mapping : Linkage and recombination of genes in a chromosome ,Crossing over & Genetic mapping , Gene mapping from three – point test crosses, mapping by tetrad analysis , Recombination within genes, Complementation.


5. Extranuclear Inheritance : Organelle heredity , The evolutionary origin of organelles , the cytoplasmic transmission of symbionts, maternal effect in snail shell coiling .

6.Gene Mutation and DNA Repair: Characteristics of mutations, Classification of mutation, Spontaneous mutation, induced mutation, detection of mutation, site -direct mutagenesis, Application of induced mutations, Mechanism of DNA repair.


7.Population Genetics and Evolution : Allele frequencies & genotype frequencies, Random mating & Hardy – Weinberg principal, Inbreeding, Genetics & Evolution. Mutation & migration, Natural selection, Random genetics drift.

8. Quantitative Genetics: Quantitative inheritance, Cause of variation, Analysis of quantitative traits.

9. Somatic Cell Genetics & Immunogenetics : Somatic cell hybrids and gene Mapping. The production of hybrid cells, The immune responses, Blood-group System, Antibodies & antibody variability, Histocomptibility Antigens.


1. Hartl, D.L.Genetics. Jones & Bart let Publishers, Boston.

2. Russell, P.J. 1998. Genetics. 5th edition .Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. California.

3. Brokker.,R.J.1999.Genetics: Analysis and Principles. AW. Longman,Inc, California

4. Miglani, G.S.2000. Basic Genetics. Narosa Publishing House , New Delhi.

Note for paper setter:

Eight questions will be set in the question paper. Atleast two from each Unit. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one from each unit.

3rd SEMESTER B.Tech. (Bio – Tech.)


BT -209


3 1

Theory : 100 Marks

Sessional : 50 Marks

Total : 150 Marks

Time : 3 hrs.


1. Types of Organic Reaction : Substitution, Addition, Elimination, Rearrangement Reactions: Wanger – Meerwin rearrangement, Cope rearrangement, Hyper conjugation : concept & consequences.

2. IUPAC Nomenclature: Systematic IUPAC nomenclature of alkenes alkynes Cycloalkanes, aromatics bicyclic and polyfunctional organic compounds, bond line notation.


3. Hydrogen Bonding : Nature type, stability and its importance in organic compound nods, P۸D۸ bonding , ylids ( S&P) ,wittig reaction , biological methylating reagents. Tautomerism–concept, Ring chain tautomerism.,Ring chain isomerism, properties , reactions of keto enoltautomers , Epoxides: properties & nucleophillic ring opening of epoxides and crown ethers.

4. Stereo Chemistry : Classification of stereomers , diastereomers , separation of enantiomers,absolute configuration ( R & S) , projection formulae stereochemistry of compounds cantainingtwo asymmetric C-atoms stereochemistry of byphenyls, zeometrical isomerism - concept ,E & Znomenclature.

5. Carbonyl Compounds : Nature & structure of carbonyl group ,Relative reactivities of carbonyl compounds , hydration & addition of alcohol to aldehydes and ketone , Addition of ammonia & ammonia rivatives to aldehydes & ketones , wolf – kishner reduction & its mechanism, aldol condensation, claisen , condensation reformatsky reaction & perkin reaction.

6. Acid Derivatives: Acid catalysed & base catalysed hydrolysis of esters & acid amides amono- lyses & alcohol lysis of esters.


7. Polymers : Classification of polymers functionality , chain growth and step growth polymers, co-ordination polymerization, epoxy resins, urea formaldehyde resins, Natural rubber & its vulcanizations, elastomers.

8. Reducing Agents : There applications in Organic Chemistry with special emphasis on LiAlH4, NaBH4, Pt / Ni / H2, METAL / NH3,Solution,Diimide,Hydroboration Tri –n- butyl tin hydride.

9. Peptide Bond Synthesis : Protection of N-terminal & C- terminal of amino acids, formation of peptide bonds , solid phase peptide synthesis.


1. Organic Chemistry by I. L. FINAR

2. Modern Organic Chemistry by D.R.Boyed.

3. Organic chemistry by Paula Yurkanis Bruice.

4. Principle of organic synthesis by Richard Norman & James M Coxon.

5. Reaction Mechanism by O.P. Aggarwal.

Note for Paper setter:

Eight questions will be set in the question paper .Atleast two from each unit. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one from each unit.

3rd SEMESTER B.Tech. (Bio – Tech. )



L T Theory :100 Marks

3 1 Sessional : 50 Marks

Total : 150 Marks

Time : 3 hrs.


1. Genes : Structure of DNA , DNA as the genetic material , Supercoiling and periodicity of DNA , Mutations in DNA , Nature of multiple alleles , CIS – acting and Trans-acting Molecules, Euchromatin & hetrochromatin, Nucleosomes, DNA amplification, Polymerase Chain Reaction .

2. From Genes To Genomes : Gene mapping , Exons & introns Repetitive & nonrepetitive DNA ,C-value paradox .

3. DNA Replication : Origin of DNA replication, the bacterial genome as single circular replicon, connecting bacterial replication to cell cycle, Eukaryotic chromosome, DNA polymerases Mechanism of DNA replication and its regulation , Excision repair and SOS response.

4. Protein Synthesis : Structure of t-RNA, Role of ribosomes in protein synthesis, Genetic code,Wobble,s hypothesis, initiation, elongation and termination of protein Synthesis Regulation of translation in prokaryotes & eukaryotes.Post translational modifications of proteins.

5. Protein Localization : Molecular chaperones.


6. Gene expression in Prokaryotes :

a) Transcription : t RNA as adapter , turn over of messenger RNA, 5, end Capping & 3, polyadenylation of m RNA , RNA polymerase ,Role of sigma factor,Promoter recognition, initiation ,elongation & termination of transcription.

b) The Operon : Positive & negative control of transcription , Represser – inducer complex , Catabolite repression Attenuation .

7. Gene Expression in Eukaryotes :

a) Initiation of Transcription : Eukaryotic RNA polymerases , down stream & up stream promoters, foot printing Exp., Factors of Transcription , enhancers interaction of upstream factors with basal apparatus .Transcription in mitochondria & chloroplast

b) Regulation of Transcription : DNA binding domains, zinc finger motif , helixloop helix, leucine zipers , Homeodomains Demethylation .


8. Nuclear Splicing : Lariat formation, Sn RNA s , cis splicing and trans splicing reaction, processed pseudogenes , catalytic RNA.

9.Transposons , Ritroviruses and retroposons , life cycle of phages.

10. Cell Cycle and Growth Regulation : Different stages of cell cycle, Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation mechanisms, Apoptosis .

11. Signal Transduction : Second messenger , Concept of G- proteins , Regulation of genome activity during development.


1. Genes VII , Benjamin Lewin , OxfordUniversity Press.

2. Genomes ,T.A.Brown , John Wiley & Sons Pvt. Ltd .

3. Molecular biology of Cell , Bruce Alberts, James D.Watson ,Garland Publising , 4th Edition..

4. MolecularCell Biology,H.Lodish and Baltimore,W.H.Freeman &Co.4th edition 2000.

5. Cell & Molecular Biology. E.D.P. Robertis ,8th ed.

6. Essential of Molecular Biology: Malacinski, ,Freifelder Jones, Bartlet Publisher 3RD ed.

7. Cell & Molecular biology, Concepts & experiments Gerald Karp , John Wiley & Sons.

8. The cell – a molecular approach ,Cooper , A.S.M.Press.

Note for Paper setter:

Eight questions will be set in the question paper .Atleast two from each unit. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one from each unit.

3rd SEMESTER B.Tech. (Bio – Tech. )


BT- 213

L T P Practical V/V 50 Marks

- - 3 Sessional: 50 Marks

Total : 100 Marks

Time : 3 HRS.

1. Microscopy: Structure of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell, Fixation, Cryofixation , Microtomy,Histology of various organ systems ( Nervous , Digestion , Reproductive , Respiratory and Circulatory system).Mitochondrial staining and enzyme localization (Histochemistry & Immuno-histochemistry).

2. Cell division in onion root tip / insect gonads.

3. Isoenzymes patterns (LDH etc) (starch gel electrophoresis).

4. Isolation of DNA and study of its denaturation spectrophotometrically and viscometrically.


1. Principles and techniques of Practical Biochemistry : K. Wilson & J. Walker ( 1994),

CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.


2. Introductory Practicle Biochemistry by S.K Shawnee & Randhir Singh (2000), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.

3. An introduction to Practical Biochemistry by David T. Plummer (1988), McGraw –Hill,Book Company, U.K.


A college must offer 70% of the above listed exp. The remaining 30% exp. may be modified by college according to facilities available here.

3rd SEMESTER B.Tech. (Bio – Tech.)


BT- 215

L T P Practical V/V : 50 Marks

- - 3 Sessional : 50 Marks

Total: 100 Marks

Time : 3 HRS.

1. Microscopy: Use of microscopes, microscopic examination of microorganisms.

2. Micrometry: Microscopic measurement of microorganisms.

3. Staining methods.

4. Preparation of culture media.

5. Isolation and enumeration of microorganisms from different sources.

6. Pure culture techniques – Streak plate, Pour plate, Spread plate

7. Measurements of growth and study of effect of various factors on growth of Microorganisms temp. , pH, salt concentration, U.V. & R.H.

8. Biochemical tests useful in bacterial taxonomy.

9. Water microbiology – BOD, multiple tube fermentation tests.

10. Milk Microbiology –SPC, testing the quality of milk.


1. Experiment in Microbiology, Plant pathology,Tissue Culture & Mushroom production

technology: Aneja K.R, .2001, 3RD Edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.

2. Microbiology –A Lab manual, Cappuccino J. & Sheeman N, 2000, 4th Edition, Addison

Wesley California .


A College must offer 70% of the above listed exp. The remaining 30% exp. may be modified by

college according to facilities available here.