Week #3-20 (02/05/2017) [Writing Sample- INSERT NAME]

Cross+Generational Worship Leader Guide

Week #3-20:

Healing the Sick and Raising the Dead

Luke 7:1-17

The Point:

God is revealed in Jesus, who heals and welcomes outsiders in the Bible, just as he can heal and welcome us all.

Making Connections (Unit Theme):

Healing and Forgiveness

Spiritual Practice:


Cross+Generational ministry has at its core the concept that faith is passed on from generation to generation (back and forth) through meaningful relationships and through finding our place in God’s story by exploring that story as a community. Effective cross+generational experiences are:







all of which promote an encounter withGod. All of the activities included in this worship guide are intended to engage these principles, through intentional cross+generational interaction and active, creative activities that bring the Bible story to life in our lives.

We pass on the faith through worship, and weaving teaching and learning moments into worship experiences reinforces the understanding that we are an active part of an ongoing story of God’s work in the world.

Background for Leaders

This background information is provided for the use of preachers, storytellers, music leaders, and anyone else who has a role in worship planning. It gives a deeper understanding into the context and thematic material found within and behind each text. Feel free to use it to inform your worship material choices.

[For a Writing Sample, please write 200-400 words using one or more of the sections below. ]

Making Connections

Each lesson should include a summary of the major storyline to bringthe leaders and participants from the last lesson to the current one. Relevant connections withany other stories can be helpful aswell. The Making Connections unit theme that has been provided should be included here, along with specific applications to the week’s texts. This application should be incorporated into the Making Connections activity in the lesson plan.

Story Summary:

Story Title

The lesson’s Bible story/passage should be summarized, as well as any historical, cultural, or interpretive information that would be helpful for the leader.

The Point:

Story Point

One to two paragraphs expanding The Point: Why is this text/Point important in context for our daily lives?

Spiritual Practice: Prayer

A brief, original paragraph explaining today’s Spiritual Practice, linking it to today’s reading. This is NOT a description of the Living the Story activity. .

Opening Prayer (X minutes)

Create an opening prayer, scripted or creative, that relates to The Point, themes, and Scripture of the day.

Learning the Story (XX minutes)

Activity Title (identical to Worship @ a Glance table)

Tagline (identical to Worship @ a Glance table

Create an activity to ensure worshippers know the plot and characters of the day’s Bible story (if the story is a narrative) and to communicate how the Bible passage relates to the worshippers and their daily lives. Worshippers should walk away from the activity being able to tell the story (or explain the passage) to another person and explain how it relates to their lives in a developmentally appropriate way. This activity can be used to replace or supplement a sermon.

You will need:

List supplies in checklist form

Before worship:

  1. Instruction for tasks to be performed before class begins. If no prep is needed, delete this section.

During worship:

  1. Instructions for activity using numbered steps.