World View Global Education Symposium
Technology and Innovation in a Global Age
October 20-21, 2010
Exhibitor ApplicationExhibitor Information
Name of Organization:
Name of Contact Person:
Phone: / Fax:
May we list this contact information on the program website? Y N
Please explain briefly how your organization helps to advance global learning in North Carolina K-12 schools:
My organization would like TO RESERVE
½ table at a rate of $75.
1 full table at the rate of $150.
(An additional $100 fee applies to out of state exhibitors.)
Registration is offered at a reduced cost for exhibitors who would also like to participate in the symposium. Registration includes access to all sessions and materials, a participant packet, 1.5 Continuing Education Units, and lunch on October 20. Cost of registration for exhibitors is $100 (in addition to cost of exhibit table). Please register online or by mail (see attached flyer), and note on your registration form that you are an exhibitor.
World View is pleased that you are interested in exhibiting at our upcoming event for K-12 educators involved in globalizing their curriculum and their schools. The 2010 Global Education Symposium will be held at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill, NC. Please fill in the requested information and return this form to World View. We will confirm your request soon after it is received. On the day of the event we will have an exhibit table and nametag available for you.
Name of representative
staffing exhibit:
(if different than contact person)
Job Title:
All exhibits and exhibitors are subject to the following regulations:
Meeting Participants: There will be several opportunities for participants to view exhibits and meet exhibitors including three breaks, one lunch, and time before and after sessions on both days. For the 2010 Symposium, registration is expected to exceed 400 K-12 educators from across North Carolina.
Table assignments: Assignment of space is dependent on a number of criteria, including the level of sponsorship for the event and the order in which proposals are received. Friday Center exhibit tables are located in the main atrium, in close proximity to the auditorium and coffee and break food stations. Tables are skirted and are 3’ X 6’. World View can assign your organization to a table near an electrical outlet upon special request.
Exhibit set-up and dismantle date and times: Exhibitors must set up their exhibits on Wednesday, October 20 between 7:15am and 8:15 am. Exhibits must be taken down before 11:45am on Thursday, October 21. Please note that neither World View nor the Friday Center is responsible for any damage to or theft of exhibits or for items left at the venue after the symposium has ended.
Staffing of booth: Staffing of your exhibit is optional. However, if you would like to attend the event and join any of the plenary or break out sessions and lunch on October 20, we ask that you register as a symposium participant.
Return of proposal and payment:
Please complete this form and mail to:
World View
UNC at Chapel Hill
CB 8011
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8011
or fax to: 919/962-6794
or e-mail to:
Make checks payable to World View. Exhibit applications are due by October 8, 2010 and payment is due in full by the first day of the program. You will be contacted to confirm your exhibit space and will be given a schedule of events with directions and parking information. No refunds will be provided.
Please contact World View at 919/843-8210 or if you have any questions. We very much look forward to working with you in October!
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