Family and Children First Council
August 16, 2006
JacksonCountyJob and Family Services
In Attendance With Vote:
Mandated Members in Attendance: / Pat Pletcher, GJM BADAMHSGreg Ervin, Chair, Jackson Co. Health Department / Ron Adkins, GJM BADAMHS
Kay Michael, MRDD / Donna Staten, HMG/Parent Rep
Rick McNelly, Sec., Jackson Co. Commissioner / Molly Seimetz, JVCA, Head Start
Nancy Crabtree, Parent Rep. / Sandy Mossman, Parent Rep.
Larry Simpson, DYS, SEOR Athens
Mandated Members Not in Attendance:
Steve Anderson, JacksonCitySchools / Cindy Davis, JFS
Shane Goodman, Jackson Mayor / William Ramsey, Vice-Chair, OakHillSchools
Dave Tener, WoodlandCenters / (Jerry Blankenship, WCS)
Associate Members with vote in attendance:
Sandra Borden, Jackson YMCA / Terri Mathews, FACTS
Missy Ross, Parent Rep.
Associate Members with no vote in attendance:
Vickie Storms, JVCAI / Rebecca Akers, JVCAI-WIC
Shadra Jenkins, ACE / Jeff McKinney, JCJFS
Todd Barlow, ACE
Interested Others in attendance:
Megan Peters, FCFC Intersystem Coordinator / Janet Rose, JCHD HMG
Lois Campbell, LAUNCH / Danielle Malone, Juvenile Court
Jill Salmons, WoodlandCenters / Ken Murray, ISS
Julie Coyan, JFS / Amanda Fannin, LAUNCH
David McNelly, LAUNCH / Judy Weaver, Parent/Grandparent
Welcome and Membership Roll Call
Greg Ervin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone. Greg introduced two new employees with LAUNCH, Lois Campbell and Amanda Fannin. Greg asked everyone to introduce themselves. Upon call of roll, a quorum was recognized for the purpose of conducting official business.
Approval of Minutes ofJuly 19, 2006 - Greg noted several corrections to the Minutes of the July 19, 2006 meeting. Megan stated that in CCG the paragraph should read: Donna Staten reported that there is a new Family Information Network Representative for JacksonCounty, her name is Suzanne Huffman. She will be attending the next CCG and CFSP meeting to be held on September 14th where the County Family Support Plan will be reviewed. Another correction is in the Announcements; that paragraph should read Ronald McDonald Day is August 9. Missy Ross thanked JacksonCitySchools, WellstonCitySchools and OakHillUnionLocalSchoolsfor funding the summer program at HopeHavenSchool and the YMCA for having the summer camp activities and that her kids really benefited from the programs. Kay Michael said that MRDD has an SSA position available, a degree is required, and to see her if anyone has a referral. Greg stated that in the Financial Reports Motion 06-100; the TANF amount should be omitted and HMG Carry over of $2068.38 should be added.
MOTION: 06-109
A motion to approve the minutes of theJuly 19, 2006 meeting with the corrections noted was made byRon Adkinsand seconded byKay Michael. All voted in favor; motion carried.
Approval of Agenda/Additional Items - Greg asked if there were any additions to the agenda. There being none, Greg called for a motion to approve the agenda as submitted.
Motion: 06-110
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Donna Staten and seconded by Rick McNelly. All voted in favor; motion carried.
Council Business
In the absence of Treasurer, Marsha Baisden,the Financial Reports were presented by Greg Ervin. Greg reported that the Executive Committee approved:
HMG: Expenditures in July were: TANF $23,479.83, GRF $2018.34 and Part C $2018.33 for a total of $27,516.50.
FCFC Administrative Expenses
FCFC-FCFC expenses totaled $6250.45; FAST - no expenditures.
OCTF: Expenditures for July were $481.66.
LAUNCH: No expenditures for the month of July.
MOTION: 06-111
A motion to approve the Julyfinancial report as submitted for July was made by Molly Seimetzand seconded byKay Michael. All voted in favor; motion carried.
Program Reports
OCTF – Vicki Storms reported that they are going to take part in a campaign called Pinwheels for Prevention, in conjunction with April’s Community Awareness Campaign. Several counties in the area have participated in this campaign before but JacksonCounty hasn’t. After finding out how many cases of child abuse and neglect have been reported in the county there is a public display of a pinwheel for each case of abuse or neglect. Pinwheels for Preventionis designed to bring attention to child abuse and neglect in communities throughout Ohio. It will move from place to place through out the county during the month of April. Vickie stated that they have had very good response from Jackson and Wellston, are still trying to get in touch with Oak Hill’s Mayor. The Pinwheels need to be ordered by October.
HMG - Janet Rosereported that they will be having their Assistance Review;Ohio Department of Health looks at all the aspects of the HMG program, including services that families receive. This survey will be on the 12thof Sept. The survey is done every two years. In another matter; the state is working on compliance with Federal regulations and part of that is gathering data and implementing outcome measures. Since JacksonCounty has done such a great job in this area they have been selected for a pilot data collection project.
CCG – Donna Statenreported thatthe CCG will meet Sept. 14th and she will have more to report after this meeting. She will be getting out invitations within the next week.
ICT – Megan Peters stated that seventeen families are in full service coordination. Megan thanked all the agencies that are working with the families. Twenty-two children were sponsored by the YMCA with GRF Funds, PRC from Jobs and Family Services. This is the last week of summer camp; it has been a great summer. Thanks to Jobs and Family Services for funding that program.
LAUNCH – David McNelly gave an update on Launch activities which included Wellston Xplosion on July 29th. The Xplosion consisted of a scavenger hunt and a battle of the bands. A Coalition meeting to discuss youth development issues was held at the Jackson YMCA on August 8th. There were about 25 people in attendance. Beth is attending the CADCAYouthLeadershipAcademy in Las Vegas, NV this week. Two area youth, Janeesa Hollingshead and Emily Mauch, are also participating in training which includes learning the specifics of coalition building and youth involvement in community work.
Compassion Grant – Megan Peters reported that there are no new developments at this time; Terri Mathews stated that it was in Federal hands.
ODE after school program RFP – Megan deferred to Jeff McKinney who gave a program overview. Jeff indicated that Oak Hill Union Schools are delivering services this summer; they have an application in for the school year and are waiting to hear. Oak Hill Schools have been selected for more intense scrutiny to see how well the program works. Wellston City Schools have an application in for the school year and are also waiting to hear.
By-Law Update- Megan hasn’t had a chance to meet with the committee, but will get with them next week to work on the by-laws.
Annual Planning – Megan reported that PFSAcademy will be having training for Annual Planning. The training will be in Columbus on September 13th from 9:00 – 4:00. Megan asked for volunteers since this will be a five member team. Nancy Crabtree and Pat Pletcher volunteered to attend the training.
New Business:
Megan commended all agencies for their service coordination. Seventeen families are in service, four families are court referred. Megan met with the new superintendent at Wellston City Schools, Lee Kaple. Mr. Kaple will try to attend the next FCFC meeting. Megan also commended FACTS, WoodlandCenters and CCG for sending in their monthly reports in a timely manner.
Announcements –Rick McNelly commented on what a great event the Ronald McDonald Day was. The next FCFCmeeting will be September 20th (Apple Festival Week), with Executive Committee convening at 8:00 a.m., full Council at 9:00 a.m., both at JFS. October 20th will be the quarterly meeting. Today at 11:00 a.m. Greg will be presenting Bob Evans Restaurant in Jackson with a Community Excellence award recognizing its commitment to be “smoke-free”. Kay Michael announced;the SSA position that was available at MRDD has been filled by Alisha Orians. There will be an Open House at Jackson Vinton Community Action in Wellston on,Sept. 8th from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Vickie announced there are still air conditioners available for people with respiratory or medical conditions. They must have a doctor’s statement. The income guideline is 150% over the federal poverty guidelines. They can call Pamela Cox at 384-3722. Judy Weaver, parent/grandparent, spoke about her experience of becoming a “parent” to her grandchild, and how Help Me Grow helped in this transition.
MOTION: 06-112
A motion to adjourn was made by Ron Adkinsand seconded byNancy Crabtree. All voted in favor, motion carried, and meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted byLois Campbell