The World Bank
Consultant:Julio Llinas(Dominican Republic)
1.Mission objectives and priorities
2.Summary of activities undertaken
3.1 Proposed activities
3.1.1 Hydrological Forecasting Master Plan
3.1.2 Rationalization of Hydrological Network (surface water needs)
3.1.3 Regionalization of Bangladesh Hydrological Service
3.1.4 Hydrological Network Implementation
3.1.5 Training Center for Hydrology
3.2 Estimated Cost
Executive Summary
The report summarizes the work carried out by a consultancy carried out to the Hydrology Unit and the Bangladesh Water Development Board, from September 25thto October 5th2009. Consultant's mission was developed to support the BRIC project identification mission team, with respect to surface water hydrology and flood forecasting system themes. Although the mission was mainly held in Dhaka, a field trip was made to visit several stations of the hydrological observation network, located in the south west region of Bangladesh.
The report concludes with recommendations to be implemented in the BRIC project and ToR of several consultancies related to be done.
TWB/BWDBIdentification Mission Report of Surface Water HydrologyJulio Llinás BRIC Project
- Mission objectives and priorities
The objectives of Identification Mission, in terms of hydrology activities were:
- Be responsible for the preliminary design and costs estimate of all activities related to the hydrology and groundwater network rehabilitation and associated activities.
- Prioritize investments and prepare the Terms of Reference (ToR) for preliminary studies related to hydrology and groundwater to be funded under the PPF.
- Contribute to the PCN and Aide Memoire.
- Summary of activities undertaken
The following table show a summary of activities developed for this mission:
No. / Date / Activity1 / Sep, 25th/2009 / Departure from Santo Domingo, DR
2 / Sep, 27th/2009 / Arrive to Dhaka, BD
First meeting with Ousmane Dione (TTL)
3 / Sep, 28th/2009 / Team Meeting at Westin Hotel
4 / Sep, 29th/2009 / Brief Team Meeting at WBOD
Meeting with Chief Engineer, Hydrology Unit in Dhaka
Meeting with
5 / Sep, 30th/2009 / Field Visit to Gorai/GDA
Stay at Bharamara
6 / Oct, 1st/2009 / …Continue Field Visit
Ganges River curent meter measument at Hardinge Bridge
Visit to hydrological network
Late return to Dhaka
7 / Oct, 2nd/2009 / Notes for Field Trip
Preparation for next day presentation to Hydrology Unit and BWDB meeting
8 / Oct, 3rd/2009 / Meeting with Hydrology Unit and BWDB Officers.
Presentation on Hydrological Network Stages
Departure from Dhaka, BD
9 / Oct, 5th/2009 / Arrive to Santiago de Chile, CL
- Deliverables
For the hydrology network development, and as a background, the Consultant received a copy of the “Feasibility Study for Improvement of Flood Forecasting and Warning Services in People’s Republic of Bangladesh”, conducted by Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., under contract by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) - hereafter refered as JICA Report. This study was developed between November 2002 and December 2003, when a Final Report was issued.
Based in this report the Consultant was deeply in findings, Considerable Solutions and suggestions, and according to the state-of-the-art in hydrology measurement, hydrometeorological network planning/development, primary/secondary hydrological data processing and present opportunities of telemetric techniques, a set of activities are proposed to contribute to a modern hydrological service that support for a better Bangladesh water development plans.
3.1Proposed activities
3.1.1Hydrological Forecasting Master Plan
This activity is considered as a preparatory study to be done before implementation of a modern Flood Forecasting and Warning System (FFWS).JICA report considered activities to be developed at feasibility detail, related to FFWS, but also part of hydrological practices and institutional issues (as found at November 20003 by the JICA mission) were covered. Although a lot of recommendations are up to date and can be implemented inmediatly, a few important points were not considered, and at present conditions these would introduce modifications in final recommendations, such as:
- For communications, INMARSAT-C was only considered as the satellite option (satellite service for pay), but GMS (meteorological geostationary satellite operated by Japan Meteorological Institute - JMI, with satellite service for free, after Memorandum of Agreement – MOA- signed with JMI), and INSAT (operated by The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) under Department of Space (DOS) from India) was never considered/included in the JICA report.
- The international issues (well explained in JICA report) can be afforded to a new era, because an undefined number of hydrometeorological telemetry stations located in Ganges and Bamaputra river basin, are operated by India Government (so called Data Collection Platforms – DCP) at present time, and are using INSAT satellite as communication link, and because eventually Bangladesh DCP to be consider in this project, can also share their data and Indian hydrometeorological data for FFWS purposes. The scenario using radio link (as final proposal in JICA report) will change dramatically in terms of regional interchange of hydrological data for forecasting, not only for flood, but for low flow (drought) purposes too.
An update of the JICA report needs to be done, in order to convert this in an updated implementation plan. In Annex No. 1 of this report a proposed ToR for this activity is included.
3.1.2Rationalization of Hydrological Network (surface water needs)
This activity is considered as a preparatory study to be done before implementation of a modern hydrological network. BWDB has been measuring hydrometeorological variables for several years. Such national network must be considered dynamic in terms of economical and social development of the country. A common process in a hydrometeorological network planning is to review present set of hydrometeorological stations and operational components, in a technical activity call rationalization of the network, including all activities related to the national hydrological data cycle. It is proposed to conduct this exercise, in order to establish the future hydrological network that Bangladesh need, and document how this process will be done in a future for the next ten (10) years. In Annex No. 2 of this report a proposed ToR for this activity is included.
3.1.3Regionalization of Bangladesh Hydrological Service
JICA report suggested a decentralization of the present Hydrology Unit of BWDB, in five (5) Regional Offices of Hydrology for FFWS purposes. It is considered an important change in institutional terms not only for hydrological operation of a modern observing network, but also required for a dynamic FFWS, set by law to BWDB (dissemination, response system, etc.). In this activity - and before strong steps be considered - the Consultant propose a set of success samples of hydrological services regionalization will be show and review by the BWDB and Hydrology Unit related staff, in a technical trip to other countries. After that, and in joint exercise with project institutional team, an implementation plan can be developed. These activities will include the preparation of technical specifications and building details for each proposed hydrological regional office. Another related sub-activity to be included here are all considerations for the establishment of an interconnected hydrological data bank among regional and national office of hydrology, were a replication scheme will be considered as a key point for FFWS and operational hydrology purposes of data transfer and analysis.
3.1.4Hydrological Network Implementation
This is considered an implementation activity. All required instrument and equipment will be acquired, and all hydrological stations will be modernized, as concluded by activity 3.1.2 above. This activity should include national engineering firms for construction/re-construction, and also the installation, testing and reception of all equipment, including spares for the next five (5) years. The implementation details, technical specifications, work plan and bit documents for this part will be developed as part of activity 3.1.2 above.
3.1.5Training Center for Hydrology
This is considered an implementation activity. In parallel with the activity 3.1.4 above, a training program should be develop by a Consultant. A report on training facilities to be build, support equipment, annual suggested program, etc. should be develop and implemented. This training center should be considered for all activities related to hydrological data collection, transmition, processing (primary and secondary), dissemination, etc. as a key activity for modernization and strength of the hydrological network in Bangladesh.
3.2Estimated Cost
The estimated cost should be as follows:
Activity / Description / Estimated Cost (US$ k)3.1.1 / Hydrological Forecasting Master Plan + Implementation / 5,000
3.1.2 / Rationalization of the Hydrological Network / 100
3.1.3 / Regionalization of Bangladesh Hydrological Service / 15,000
3.1.4 / Hydrological Network Implementation / 20,500
3.1.5 / Training Center for Hydrology / 4,500
3.3Contribution to Aide-Memoire
Bangladesh is a densely populated developing country. The natural resource base of the country is not yet fully developed. Slowly developing infrastructure like road, railway and water resource management has left the country’s population and fast developing agriculture vulnerable to natural disasters like flood, drought, riverbank migration, cyclone and storm surges and the likes. Discovery of arsenic pollution in ground water has shattered the Hand Tube Well based rural drinking water supply. Uncontrolled sewage and fast growing industrial waste disposal into the river system is not only affecting the life and environment of the people but also affecting the fish production for the nation. Deteriorating open water fisheries due to pollution are particularly affecting the poor fishermen and common people from the easy accessibility to the source of protein from the open water fisheries.
Being the most downstream riparian of the GMB (Ganges, Meghna, Brahmaputra) System passing through China, India, Nepal and Bhutan, Bangladesh has to maintain an eternal vigilance on the upstream development and how this country is likely to be affected. Global Climate change, consequent sea level rise and its effect on Bangladesh coast is another important point of eternal vigilance.
The first works related to hydrology was established in Bangladesh from 1960 to 1995 by a number of T. A. Projects implemented by UNDP and other Domor Organizations. The present hydrological monitoring network was considered and conceptualized during that period, and any formal effort has been made since those years to review the network components (number of stations, primary and secondary practices, data storage and retrieval, etc.). Present time user needs are fulfil only adhoc in terms of data availability, and stations are now installed when requested by authorities, and never as a part of a formal network planning process.
Representative basins has not been set, which will give opportunities to monitor the hydrological cycle in such a way that not all rivers need to be measured, taking into account the advantage that nowadays GIS give to “transfer” or “extrapolate” hydrological parameters to similar conditions environments.
Present flood warning system produce hydrological forecasting from mathematical models outputs based on data reported from a telecommunication network supported by different sources (phone, fax, cells, etc.), manually operated, only covering observations made each three hours during daylight period (6:00 to 18:00 hrs), but totally ignoring what is happening during nights. Dissemination of the hydrological forecasting bulletins are only supporting the level of decisions makers, and poorly reach the organizations that manage affected people in areas impacted by floods or droughts. Other identified lacks that affect the opportunity timing of hydrological warning are no automation and quality control availability of data incoming to the models.
TWB/BWDBIdentification Mission Report of Surface Water HydrologyJulio Llinás BRIC Project
Annex 1 – ToR for Consultant on Hydrological Forecasting Implementation
Annex 2 – ToR for Rationalization of Hydrological Network
TWB/BWDBIdentification Mission Report of Surface Water HydrologyJulio Llinás BRIC Project
Annex 1
Terms of Reference for
Consultant(s) on Hydrological Forecasting Implementation
TWB/BWDBIdentification Mission Report of Surface Water HydrologyJulio Llinás BRIC Project
Bangladesh Rivers Information
and Conservation Program
Technical Assistanceon Hydrological Telemetric Network
Consultant:Not selected yet
Duration:30 days
Phase I. Component 1. Modernization of the network design, data collection and data transmission.- This sub-component will support the rehabilitation, upgrading, and expansion of network stations, data collection and data transmission for rainfall, specific river sections and groundwater aquifers. Key activities would include: (i) review of the information needs and an analysis of the current data sets, (ii) expansion and consolidation of the national hydrology monitoring network ( rainfall, surface water and groundwater) , (iii) installation of automated hydrometric and weather observing stations (AHWOS) and a telemetry system;, (iv) rehabilitation and upgrading of the overall groundwater network; (v) upgrading of operation and maintenance systems (vi) establishment of national workshops for repair and maintenance, (vii) ensure adequate security of equipment and infrastructure.
1. Background
The flood forecasting and warning service in Bangladesh commenced in 1972 when the Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC) was established under BWDB. The center has now operated for in excess of 30 years.
Present time the FFWC receive at 9:00 am hydrometeorological data collected each three (3) hours, except for nights (06, 09, 12, 15, 18 hours) and issue a forecasting bulletin on daily basis. The MIKE11 hydrological modeling for 24, 48 and 72 is using to forecasting 91 sites along GBM (Ganges, Bramaputra and Megna) river system.
BWDB is incharge of forecasting dissemination to users, mainly on floods, and is also involve on response system during emergencies.
After several years of effort to improve to FFWS from various donors (WB, UNDP, DANIDA Projects, etc.), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) conducted a “Feasibility Study for Improvement of Flood Forecasting and Warning Services in the People’s republic of Bangladesh” (hereafter JICA Report), from November 2002 to November 2003. The report includes all considerations regarding this systems, to recomend the improvement of FFWS in Bangladesh. Several issues identified in this report still exist on present days.
2. Objectives
The JICA Report considered all mayor activities under duty of BWDB related to FFWS in Bangladesh. This study recommendations were ready to be implemented in a strengthened and modernized FFWS for Bangladesh.
Regarding telemetric observation system, in JICA Report was established that of those stations installed in the initial program in the 1980s, none continue to transmit data to the FFWC, and the primary reason is related to failure of the data transmission system and associated equipment.
Other components of proposed FFWS are using different forms of transmission, such as dissemination and response system. Present state of communication facilities in Bangladesh has dramatically changed since end of JICA Report, and original base data and information considered by the feasibility study changed. These changes force to consider a consultant to review and update the JICA Report.
The Consultant will consider modernized solutions for sensors, telemetric options using INSAT and GMS geostationary satellite communication links for the network, and in conjuction with Regionalization process considered in BRIC Project, include considerations for dissemination at regional level of forecasting, including north-east region where flash flood occurs during wet season.
It is required to the Consultant(s) to prepare all docs of this components, ready for bid process, adquire and implement the telemetric real time hydrometeorological data, including automatic validation and feed to MIKE11 hydrological model.
3. Activities
Under the coordination and supervision of the BWDB and Hydrology Unit, and closely with The World Bank and its Office for Projects in Bangladesh, the consultant(s) will participate as an expert(s) in rationalization of the hydrometeorological monitoring network, and develop the following specific activities:
1/.Conduct a detail review, analysis and update of the final considerations of JICA Report for FFWS implementation in Bangladesh. The Consultant(s) will include all telemetric options nowadays available nationally and internationally (satellite INSAT and GMS) related to hydrology and meteorology for Bangladeshand in the region.
2/.Prepare a set of documents for bid adquisition process, using TWB and BWDB formats, including equipments technical specifications, ToR for all services, installations and in general, all goods and procedures necessary to have the telemetric and receiving facilities ready to operate according to FFWS requirements.
3/.Prepare all documents and engineering details for implementation, and necesary constructions of the finally proposed and accepted telemetric network by Hydrology Unit and BWDB. This activity need to be developed in conjuction with Rationalization of the Hydrological Network activity,part of the same BRIC Project.
4. Expected outputs
The consultant shall prepare the products listed below in accordance with the guidelines and format of The World Bank and deliver to Hydrologic Unit of BWDB, both in print and in magnetic format[1]:
(1) Final Report. Duly published containing the results of the consultancy, and will include details of the following:
- Report of National Telemetric Network of Hydrometeorological Real Time Data, including all details for each type of station, technical specifications, total estimated cost, receiving facilities specifications, and action plan of activities.
- Reporton recommended equipment to be acquired for telemetric stations, including technical specification ready for bid adquisition process, according to TWB and BWDB format. This report must include spares acquisition for next five (5) years.
- Other required documents considered by Consultant(s) to be used during implementation part of the project: indications for the construction, working drawings and details.
- Report of activities: description of done jobs, persons contacted and finding and recommendations to be considered during implementation of proposed telemetric network.
(2) Executive summary presentation. A summary presentation (in MS-Power Point) detailing all results, main finding and recommendations. Should include details of suggested activities for proposed implementation.