Pre-AP World Map Instructions
Heading: upper right hand corner (map side)
Title your map: PHYSICAL WORLD MAP (Top Middle)
Correctly label the following on your map: (remember- spelling counts)
Imaginary Lines
- Thisimaginary line of latitude divides the world into northern and southern hemispheres.
- This imaginary line of longitude divides the world into western and eastern hemispheres.
- This imaginary line is found at 23◦N at which the sun appears directly overhead in the June (summer) Solstice.
- This imaginary line is found at 23◦S at which the sun appears directly overhead in the December (winter) Solstice.
- This continent is located at 20◦S, 140◦E and is the largest island in the world. (color red)
- This continent is located at 40◦N, 100◦W and is home to two of the largest countries of the world. (color green)
- This continent is located at 20◦N, 20◦E and is home to the largest desert in the world. (color brown)
- This continent is located at 80◦S, 0◦and has a desert climate. (color orange)
- This continent is located at 50◦N, 20◦E and includes the birthplace of democracy. (color purple)
- This continent is located at 40◦N, 100◦E and is home to the country with the largest population in the world. (color yellow)
- This continent is located at 0◦, 60◦W and includes the 2nd longest river in the world. (color pink)
Major Bodies of Water
- This body of water is located at 0◦, 80◦E and is home to the Maldives.
- This body of water is located at 75◦N, 75◦E and is drainage area for the major Russian rivers.
This body of water is located at 20◦N, 120◦W and is home to the Hawaiian Islands.
- This body of water is located at 20◦N, 40◦W and is the starting point for all major hurricanes.
Major Rivers
- This South American major river has its mouth approximately at the Equator.
- This river flows north through arid, dry land and empties into the Mediterranean Sea.( hint: North-Eastern Hemisphere)
- This major river has its source in the Himalaya Mountains and flows in an easterly direction emptying into the Bay of Bengal.(hint: North-Eastern Hemisphere)
- This major river’s mouth is at 30 N latitude and 90 W longitude.
20.This major mountain chain is found along the border between Europe and Asia at approximately 60 N latitude and 60 E longitude.
21. This major mountain chain is in the western part of the United States at 45N, 110W through approximately 35N, 105W.
22. This is the highest mountain chain in the 2nd smallest continent (located around Switzerland, Italy, Austria and France).
23. These mountains are considered the highest mountains in the world and they are located just north of India in the Northern Hemisphere.
24.These mountains are in the South-Western Hemisphere and go through some of these countries—Peru, Ecuador and Chile.
25. This desert is one of the largest in the world. It is located in the North-Eastern Hemisphere sandwiched between China and Mongolia.
26.This desert is considered the largest in the world and it is just north of the Equator in some of these countries—Niger, Chad and Mali and Algeria.
27. This desert is found in the South-Eastern Hemisphere just north of the Tropic of Capricorn and in the world’s smallest continent.
28. This region of the world has harsh climates, rugged terrain and is mostly located in the northern part of Russia approximately along the 58 N latitude.
29. This large body of water is sandwiched between Europe and Africa.
30. This large island is found along the Arctic Circle near the Baffin Bay and is considered the largest in the world.
Title your map: POLITICAL WORLD MAP (Top Middle)
Countries / CitiesAustralia / Brazil / Beijing
Canada / China / Cairo
Egypt / France / London
Germany / India / Mexico City
Iran / Japan / Moscow
Mexico / Nigeria / New York City
Russia / North Korea / Paris
Russia / United Kingdom / Rio de Janeiro
United States / Saudi Arabia / Sydney
South Africa / South Korea / Tokyo