World Literature Semester 1 Vocabulary Review

  1. camaraderie (n) – brotherhood, jovial unity
  2. candor (n) – honesty, frankness
  3. encore (n) – demand for a repeat performance
  4. encumber (v) – to weigh down, burden
  5. lenient (adj) – demonstrating tolerance or gentleness
  6. appalling (adj) – inspiring shock, horror, disgust
  7. medley (n) – a mixture of differing things
  8. rebuke (v) – to scold, criticize
  9. advocate – 1.(v) to argue in favor of something. 2. (n)a person who argues in favor of something
  10. empirical – 1.(adj) based on observation or experience 2.(adj) capable of being proved or disproved by experiment
  11. emulate (v) – to imitate
  12. paradigm (n) an example that is a perfect pattern or model
  13. imperative – 1.(adj) necessary, pressing 2.(n) a rule, command, or order
  14. imperious (adj) – commanding, domineering
  15. seminal (adj) – original, important, creating a field
  16. adulation (n) – extreme praise
  17. despondent (adj) – feeling depressed, discouraged, hopeless
  18. deter (v) – to discourage, prevent from doing
  19. paradox (n) – an apparently contradictory statement that is perhaps true.
  20. pariah (n) – an outcast
  21. eminent – 1. (adj) distinguished, prominent, famous 2. (adj) conspicuous
  22. timorous (adj) – timid, fearful
  23. tirade (n) – a long speech marked by harsh or biting language.
  24. fastidious (adj) – meticulous, demanding, having high and often unattainable standards.
  25. scathing (adj) – sharp, critical, hurtful
  26. scintillating (adj) – sparkling
  27. embellish – 1. (v) to decorate, adorn. 2. (v) to add details to, enhance
  28. immerse (v) – to absorb, deeply involve, engross
  29. fathom (v) – to understand, comprehend
  30. fervent (adj) – ardent, passionate
  31. agile (adj) – quick, nimble
  32. bequeath (v) – to pass on, give
  33. berate (v) – to scold vehemently
  34. accessible (adj) – obtainable, reachable
  35. acclaim (n) – high praise defile (v) – to make unclean, impure
  36. coalesce (v) – to fuse into a whole
  37. coerce (v) – to make somebody do something by force or threat
  38. feral (adj) – wild, savage
  39. fatuous (adj) – silly, foolish
  40. abort (v) – to give up on a half-finished project or effort
  41. abridge (v) – 1. To cut down, shorten 2. (adj) shortened
  42. debunk (v) – to expose the falseness of something
  43. deface (v) – to ruin or injure something’s appearance
  44. cerebral (adj) – related to the intellect
  45. chaos (n) – absolute disorder
  46. elicit (v) – to bring forth, draw out, evoke
  47. eloquent (adj) – expressive, articulate, moving
  48. obsolete (adj) – no longer used, out of date
  49. behemoth (n) – something of tremendous power or size
  50. benevolent (adj) – marked by goodness or doing good
  51. benign (adj) – favorable, not threatening, mild
  52. veracity (n) – truthfulness, accuracy
  53. caucus (n) – a meeting usually held by people working toward the same goal
  54. cavort (v) – to leap about, behave boisterously
  55. nefarious (adj) – heinously villainous
  56. wizened (adj) – dry, shrunken, wrinkled
  57. abet (v) – to aid, help encourage
  58. abhor (v) – to hate, detest
  59. garrulous (adj) – talkative, wordy
  60. genial (adj) –friendly, affable
  61. elated (adj) – overjoyed, thrilled.
  62. salve (n) –a soothing balm
  63. satiate (v) – to satisfy excessively
  64. vehemently (adv) – marked by intense force or emotion
  65. circumlocution (n) – indirect and wordy language circumspect (adj) – cautious
  66. impertinent (adj) – rude, insolent
  67. impervious (adj) – impenetrable, incapable of being affected
  68. impetuous (adj) - rash; hastily done
  69. reciprocate (v) – to give in return
  70. reconcile (v) –1. to return to harmony. 2. to make consistent with existing ideas
  71. manifest (adj) – 1. easily understandable, obvious. (v) 2. to show plainly
  72. tenable (adj) – able to be defended or maintained
  73. effervescent (adj) – bubbly, lively
  74. antithesis (n) – the absolute opposite
  75. anxiety (n) – intense uneasiness
  76. apathetic (adj.) – lacking concern, emotion
  77. pretense (n) – an appearance or action intended to deceive
  78. primeval (adj) – original, ancient
  79. laudatory (adj) – expressing admiration or praise
  80. illicit (adj) – forbidden, not permitted
  81. ubiquitous (adj) – existing everywhere, widespread.
  82. nebulous (adj) – vaguely defined, cloudy
  83. maelstrom (n) – a destructive whirlpool which rapidly sucks in objects
  84. malediction (n) – a curse
  85. malevolent (adj) – wanting harm to befall others
  86. quaint (adj) – charmingly old-fashioned
  87. quandary (n) – a perplexed, unresolved state
  88. vacillate (v) – to fluctuate, hesitate
  89. eclectic (adj.) – consisting of a diverse variety of elements
  90. ecstatic (adj) – intensely and overpoweringly happy
  91. garish (adj) – gaudy, in bad taste
  92. hallowed (adj) – revered, consecrated
  93. hapless (adj) – unlucky
  94. laceration (n) – a cut, tear
  95. larceny (n) – obtaining another’s property by theft or trickery
  96. fabricate (v) – to make up, invent
  97. oblique (adj) – diverging from a straight line or course, not straightforward
  98. oblivious (adj) – lacking consciousness or awareness of something
  99. obscure (adj) – unclear, partially hidden
  100. jubilant (adj) – extremely joyful, happy
  101. balk (v) – to stop, block abruptly
  102. ballad (n) – a love song
  103. banal (adj) – dull, commonplace
  104. tantamount (adj) – equivalent in value or significance
  105. forage (v) – to graze, rummage for food
  106. forbearance (n) – patience, restraint, toleration
  107. rail (v) – to scold, protest
  108. rancid (adj) – having a terrible taste or smell
  109. rapport (n) – mutual understanding and harmony
  110. cacophony (n) – tremendous noise, disharmonious sound
  111. calibrate (v) – to set, standardize
  112. wallow (v) – to roll oneself indolently; to become or remain helpless
  113. aberration (n) – something that differs from the norm
  114. abduct (v) – to kidnap, take by force
  115. pacific (adj) – soothing
  116. palatable (adj) – agreeable to the taste or sensibilities
  117. palette (n) – a range of colors or qualities
  118. pallid (adj) - lacking color
  119. saccharine (adj) – sickeningly sweet
  120. salutation (n) – a greeting