World History Study Guide – Mr. Huesken
Unit III Exam – 90 points total
Test Breakdown:
- 60 multiple choice questions @ 1 point each
- 15 map matching questions @ 1 point each
- 3 essay questions @ 15 points
- You pick the one (1) that you feel the most comfortable with
- Bonus questions
Test Date: ______
Exam Topics
- Culture
- Definition
- Elements of Culture
- Anthropology
- What is it?
- How did it originate?
- Anthropological Method
- Dangers of Culture
- Stereotyping
- Ethnocentrism
- Xenophobia
- Assimilation
- Ethnocide
- The Middle Ages
- Feudalism
- The Manor
- The Class system
- The Serfs
- The Black Death
- Causes?
- Where did it originate?
- Symptoms
- Impact on Europe
- The Renaissance
- Causes
- Where did it originate?
- Major figures
- Impact on Europe
- The Founding of Christianity
- Where did it originate?
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Peter / Paul
- Edict of Milan
- The Council of Rome
- The Catholic Church
- Why was it so powerful?
- Power structure
- The Pope
- Purgatory
- Excommunication
- The Inquisition
- Purpose
- The Reformation
- [REFORM]ation
- Reasons for…
- Martin Luther
- 95 Theses
- Diet of Worms
- John Calvin
- Impact on Europe
- Results of the Reformation
- Religious violence
- Peace of Augsburg
- The Anabaptists
- The Mennonites
- The Amish
- Absolute Monarchs
- Reasons for…
- Divine Right
- Impact on Europe
- Islam
- Founding
- The Prophet Muhammad
- The Qur’an
- The Five Pillars
- Shia / Sunni Muslims
- The Ottoman Empire
- Creation
- The sultan
- The Janissaries
- Suleiman the Lawgiver
- The Ottoman law code
- Cultural impacts
- Feudal China
- Filial Piety
- Mandate of Heaven
- Feudal Japan
- The Shoguns
- Social structure
- Tokugawa shoguns
- The Samurai
- Bushido
- Czarist Russia
- Rivalry between Czar / nobles
- Ivan the Terrible
- The “good” period
- “The Times of Trouble”
- Peter the Great
- Turning of Russia into a imperial power
- Pre-Columbian / Mesoamerican Civilizations
- Aztecs
- Incas
- Mayas
- Age of Exploration
- Motivations
- Major Explorers
- Impacts of…
- The Vinland Map Controversy
- Evidence for & against
- Isolation of Asia
- Chinese Exploration / Zheng He
- Reasons for…
- African Slaves Trade
- Why Africans?
- Effects
- The Scientific Revolution
- Reasons?
- Important scientists
- Impacts of…
- The Enlightenment
- Reasons for…
- Major themes
- Major philosophers
- The English Civil War
- Reasons for…
- James I / Charles I
- Parliament
- Oliver Cromwell / his rule
- The Restoration / Charles II
- Latin American Revolutions
- Reasons for…
- Major figures
- The Haitian Revolution
- Reasons for…
- Major figures
- The start of the violence
- International war?
- Independence
- The French Revolution
- Reasons for…
- The “Moderates” / Declaration of the Rights of Man
- The “Radicals” / The Jacobins / The Reign of Terror
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Early life / military career
- Rise to power
- Major conquests / successes
- Mistakes
- Final exile
- Industrial Revolution
- Reasons for…
- Major innovations / inventions
- Major figures
- Influence of…
- Industrial Reformers
- Reasons for reform
- Major influences
- Major figures / ideas
- European Imperialism in Asia
- Reasons for…
- End of Isolation (China / Japan)
- The British / Opium trade
- The US / Commodore Perry
- The Boxer Rebellion
- British Imperialism in India
- Reasons for…
- Pros / Cons
- The Sepoy Rebellion
- European Imperialism in Africa
- “Scramble for Africa”
- British in South Africa
- Reasons for…
- Apartheid
- The Boer Wars / Results
- The US in the Philippines
- The Spanish – American War
- “Coaling Stations” / US goals
- Emilio Aguinaldo / Filipino goals
- How the war was fought
- US reaction to the war
- Results of the war
- Otto von Bismarck / Imperial Germany
- The German Confederation
- Congress of Vienna
- Prussia / Otto von Bismarck
- Bismarck’s steps to victory
- Franco-Prussian War
- The Armenian Genocide
- The Ottomans & the Armenians
- The Russo-Turkish War / WWI
- Planning & creation of the genocide
- World reaction
- Influence today
- The Russian Revolution
- Reasons for…
- Czar Nicholas II
- Vladimir Lenin / Bolsheviks
- Russian Civil War
- Creation of the USSR
- Anastasia / Anna Anderson Mystery
- The USSR / Josef Stalin
- Lenin’s death
- Leon Trotsky vs. Stalin
- “The Great Purge”
- “The Five Year Plan”
- Results of…
- Imperial Japan
- “Opening Up”
- Treaty of Kanagawa
- The Shi-Shi / Meigi Revolt
- Japanese modernization
- New government
- Foreign expansion / conflicts
- The Weimar Republic
- End of WWI / Treaty of Versailles
- The German Revolution of 1918
- The Weimar Government
- Reaction to…
- Issues with…
- The end of…
- Judaism / The Holocaust
- Beginnings of the religion
- The “diaspora”
- European “anti-Semitism”
- Hitler / Jewish “scapegoat”
- The Holocaust
- Views of the Holocaust
- The Israeli – Palestinian Conflict
- Zionism
- British Mandate / Palestinians
- Balfour Declaration
- Jewish immigration to Palestine
- Violence / World War II
- The Peel Commission
- The White Papers
- Current Issues
- Hinduism
- History of…
- “Big ideas”
- Caste System
- Dharma
- Karma
- Ganges River
- Gandhi / Indian Independence
- INC / Muslim League
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Work in South Africa
- Non-Violent Resistance
- Work in India / results
- Partitioning of India / Pakistan
- Independence / issues
- Gandhi’s assassination
- Partitioning plan / British leave
- Issues with…
- End results with…