World History Part 2 Syllabus

Instructor: TannaHagy

Room: 221



Text: World History: Modern Times by Jackson J. Spielvogel

Additional Class Materials:

3 ring binder with dividers and loose leaf paper / 3 subject notebook


Colored pencils/ Crayons

Glue Sticks (2)

*Students are expected to bring materials to class each day!

Course Description:

Students will examine history and geography from 1500 a.d. (c.e.) to the present, with emphasis on Western Europe. Geographic influences on history will continue to be explored, but increasing attention will be given to political boundaries that developed with the evolution of nations. Significant attention will be given to the ways in which scientific and technological revolutions created new economic conditions that in turn produced social and political changes. Noteworthy people and events of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries will be emphasized for their strong connections to contemporary issues.

The study of history rests on knowledge of dates, names, places, events, and ideas. Historical understanding, however, requires students to engage in historical thinking, to raise questions, and to marshal evidence in support of their answers. Students engaged in historical thinking draw upon chronological thinking, historical comprehension, historical analysis and interpretation, historical research, and decision making. These skills are developed through the study of significant historical substance from the era or society being studied.

Attendance and Make-up Work:

Being present at every class meeting is a must! However, there will understandably be circumstances that cannot be avoided, causing an absence. It is the STUDENTS responsibility to meet with the teacher to discuss work that has been missed. Students have three (3) days to make up work when three (3) or fewer days have been missed. When absences exceed three (3) days, an additional day will be allotted for each additional absence.

For example:
Student A misses two (2) days……. Student A has three (3) days to make up missed assignments.

Student B misses five (5) days……. Student B has five (5) days to make up missed assignments.

Failure to complete make-up work within the allotted time will result in a lower grade:

-10pts per day late!!


When students are assigned a project/activity/homework, there will be a due date given. It is imperative that work is turned in ON TIME. Points will be deducted for work turned in late!

-10pts per day late!

Classroom Notebook:

Each class will have a Classroom Notebook. Each day, a student will be “scribe” for the class. The scribe’s notes will be copied and placed in the Classroom Notebook. This notebook is to remain in the classroom AT ALL TIMES! When a student is absent, they may go to the Classroom Notebook to see what notes they have missed and copy them into their own notebook.

Criteria for Grading:

Grades this semester will be based on a points system. The following chart shows the available points for different assignments:

Tests: 75-100 possible points

Quizzes: 10-25 possible points

Projects: 40-60 possible points

Classwork & Homework: 10 possible points

Extra Credit:

Extra Credit will be very rare in this class. If a student feels they need to receive extra credit, they may see the teacher to discuss possible options.

Cell Phones:

Cell phones are to be kept in your locker. If a student is caught with a cell phone, they will immediately turn it over to the teacher when asked. Failure to do so will result in the student being sent to the office immediately. All collected cell phones will be turned in to the Attendance Office, NO EXCEPTIONS.