SEI TRAVEL Award Program
SEI TRAVEL Award is a travel support program for SEI young members (under 35 years-old) to sponsor their attendance to national and international Immunology meetings from June to December 2017.The deadline for applying to this program will be before 22th December 2017 and awards will be based on the CV of the applicant and relevance of the applicant's meeting program to Immunology.
Young SEI members (under 35 years-old) may apply. Applicants must be SEI regular or associate members in good standing for at least one year. Each travel support Award may be reimbursed with 300 €.
For application to the SEI fellowship, you should send by e-mail to before 22th December 2017 the following documents:
1) Scan of the application form below signed by you and your supervisor that will certify your position as resident, PhD student or postdoc.
2) Scan of identity card or passport with name and birth date.
3) Send the submitted abstract in which the applicant must be main author.
4) Send a copy of the meeting program.
4) A brief CV (2-3 pages).
5) Send a certificate of attendance for the meeting.
The selection will be done on the 29th December 2017 based on scientific criteria by the SEI executive committee.
If you are selected to receive the fellowship, please contact Laura Grau, Editorial Assistant of the SEI journal "Inmunología", (), to receive instructions about your compulsory contribution with a meeting report of 1500 words and 1-2 figures to the "Panorama" section of the SEI journal.
Formulario a cumplimentar:
Apellidos: Nombre:
Titulación y puesto:
Residente, Predoctoral, Postdoctoral
Año de Inicio como residente/pre/post-doc (especificar si otro) :
Fecha de Nacimiento:
Correo electrónico:
Institución o Centro de trabajo:
Dirección postal:
CP: Ciudad: Provincia:
Confirmación por el supervisor:
Apellidos: Nombre:
Cargo en la institución y respecto al solicitante:
Fecha de confirmación:
Las concesiones o denegaciones de la beca se resolverán el 29 de Diciembre de 2017 en base a los criterios establecidos por la Junta de la SEI.