Maria Cristina Villa

1999–2000 / UCLA, Department of ItalianLos Angeles, CA
Ph.D. in Italian
Dissertation: “Italy Doesn’t See, Doesn’t Listen, Doesn’t Talk? Italian Movies of the Holocaust”.
Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityMoscow, Russian Federation
Visiting Student
University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI
MA in Italian
1992–1994 / Università degli Studi di BergamoBergamo, Italy
BA and MA in German and English Languages and Literatures and Film Studies
Dissertation: “Writers and Filmmakers. The Collaboration Between Wim Wenders and Peter Handke in The Goalkeeper’s Fear at the Penalty Kick, Wrong Move, and Wings of Desire.”
Universität des SaarlandesSaarbrücken, Germany
Exchange Student
Teaching Experience
November 2010
January 2006–present
April 2009
January–March 2007
June 2004–
September 2007
September 2004–March 2006
August 2004–December 2004
July 2003–August 2004
March–June 2004
March–June 2003
September 2001–March 2003
January2001–June 2003
September 1999–August 2000 / USC, Department of French and Italian Los Angeles, CA
Guest Speaker
Professor Margaret Rosenthal’s Course: “Italian Women Writers”.
Presentation: “Edith Bruck, a Shoah Survivor and a Writer”
USC, Department of French and Italian Los Angeles, CA
-Italian Language at all levels
-Writing about Italian Literature: “The Shoah in Italian Cinema and Literature
-Writing about Italian Literature. “The Image of the Moon in Modern Italian Literature and Art”
-Summer Program in Verona. Italian Literature and Culture. “The Powerful Prince, the Fierce Condottiere, and the Talented Artist: Italian Renaissance Art and Literature”
-Modern and Postmodern Italian Literature: “Young People and Italian Culture in Contemporary Italian Literature and Cinema”
- Developed course: “Italian Culture and Society Through Music”
UCLA, Department of ItalianLos Angeles, CA
Guest Speaker
Professor Luigi Ballerini’s Honors Course “Il giorno della civettadi Leonardo Sciascia
UCLA, Department of ItalianLos Angeles, CA
Italian Language at all levels
Associazione Culturale TeodolindaRavenna, Italy
-Italian Language at all levels
-Italian Culture, Cinema, Literature, History, and Art History
UCLA ExtensionLos Angeles, CA
-Italian Language at all levels
-Intensive Workshop on Italian Verbs (Verborama)
Mount San Antonio College, Department of Humanities
Part-time InstructorWalnut, CA.
Elementary Italian.
UCLA, Department of ItalianLos Angeles, CA
Teaching Associate
-Intensive Italian
-Italian Language at all levels
UCLA, Department of ItalianLos Angeles, CA
“Dante in English”
UCLA, Department of ItalianLos Angeles, CA
Technology Teaching Consultant
Graduate seminar in technology and language pedagogy for graduate students and teaching assistants.
UCLA, Department of ItalianLos Angeles, CA
Teaching Assistant
Italian 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Conversation, Intensive Summer Classes in Florence
Istituto Italiano di CulturaLos Angeles, CA
Italian 1, 2, 3, and Basic and Advanced Conversation.
The French House, University of WisconsinMadison, WI
Teaching Assistant
French Conversation Classes
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Department of French and Italian Teaching Assistant Madison, WI
Italian Language
Work Experience
September-June 2010
March 2010- present
January 2004–
August 2010
November–December 2005
June 2005
September–October 2003
May–June 2003
August 1999–August 2000
July 1998–July 1999
June 1998
November 1997
June 1997
February 1997–August 1998 / USC, Department of Gerontology and Kinesiology Los Angeles
Coordinator for the Summer Program in Genoa

California Interdisciplinary Consortiumof Italian Studies Los Angeles, Ca

Associazione Culturale TeodolindaRavenna, Italy
Founder, Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, and Instructor
National Foreign Language Center, University of Maryland College Park MD
Subject Matter Expert for Langnet a language learning support system with interactive materials
Istituto Italiano di CulturaLos Angeles, CA
Curriculum Coordinator for the Language and Cultural School Lingua Viva
MIFF. Film festival internazionale di MilanoMilan, Italy, and Los Angeles, CA
Collaborator, Interpreter, and Translator
Tognozzi – Cavatorta Ponti. Textbook. Cengage.
Online Video Producer
The French House, University of WisconsinMadison, WI
Resident Assistant
East West Consulting ItaliaMilan, Italy
Project Manager
Iber Contact ItaliaBergamo, Italy
English-Deutsch InstituteBergamo, Italy
Freelance Translator
Odin Teatret Milan, Italy
Press Officer
IMB FairKöln, Germany
Virax Borghi ItaliaMilan, Italy
Translator, Interpreter, and Administrative Assistant
Publications /

“Ambigue femme fatale nel cinema italiano.” Accepted for publication.

“Il cinema italiano e la deportazione razziale: Il grido della terra, L’ebreo errante, L’oro di Roma e Kapò quale testimonianza dell’elaborazione del lutto da partedella comunità ebraica italiana.”. Accepted for publication.

“I nazisti nel cinema italiano negli anni cinquanta e sessanta.” Accepted for publication.

“Il viaggio a Cefalonia di Luigi Ballerini.” Forthcoming in a volume about the poet Luigi Ballerini.

“Patria, lingua materna e diaspora nell’Europa del post-Shoah.” Forthcoming in Italianistica Utrechtina in Winter 2011.

La finestra di fronte di Ferzan Ozpetek .Co-author. In: Quaderni di cinema italiano per stranieri. Perugia: Guerra edizioni. Forthcoming in Fall 2010.
Pierre de La Varenne, Il cuciniere francioso. Translation from French into Italian. Milano: Guido Tommasi Editore. Forthcoming in Fall 2010.
“Uno scrittore al cinema: Giuseppe Berto.” In: Lamberti Maria Pia, Bizzoni Franca (eds), Italia y la generación 1900-1910. Ciudad Universitaria México, D.F.: Universisad Nacional Autónoma de México: 2009. Pag. 361-369.
“... e Mnemosine, confusa e smarrita, vaga tra le rovine. Monumenti e luoghi della memoria della deportazione razziale in Italia.” In: Speelman, Raniero. Monica Jansen e Silvia Gaiga (a cura di). Memoria collettiva: il ricordo della Shoah come politica sociale. Utrecht: Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services, Dic. 2008. Pag. 181-192.
“Una macabra danza erotica. L’erotizzazione del nazismo e del fascismo nel cinema italiano.” L’anello che non tiene. Journal of Modern Italian Literature. Spring- Fall 2006-7. Vol. 18. N 1-2. Pag. 111-132.
“Perché la Shoah talvolta parla italiano?” In: Speelman, Raniero, Monica Jansen, and Silvia Gaiga (eds). Contemporary Jewish Writers in Italy: a Generational Approach. Utrecht: Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services, Nov. 2007. Pag. 97-105.
Crescendo (Workbook and Lab manual). Co-author. Boston: Thomson-Heinle: 2007.
“Il silenzio dei vivi. La letteratura della deportazione razziale nell’Italia del boogie-boogie, della rivolta studentesca e del terrorismo.” In: Gillian, Ania e John Butcher (a cura di). Narrativa italiana degli anni Sessanta e Settanta. Napoli: Dante & Descartes, 2007. Pag. 118-128.
“La lunga notte del cinema italiano: fascisti ed esquimesi.” Carte Italiane. 2007. Vol. 3. Pag. 187-196.
“The Moon and the Bonfires by Cesare Pavese”. In:J. Moss, (ed). World Literature and its Times 7: Italian Literature and its Times.Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2005.
“Alla ricerca del midollo del leone e l'Ariosto geometrico di Calvino.”Romance Studies. July 2004. Vol 22. N. 2. Pag. 115-126.
“La bambola di pietra: Il dolore del ricordo, il ritorno del rimosso, l’incomunicabilità e il silenzio nell’Attrice di Edith Bruck.” Carte Italiane. Fall 2003. Vol 18. Pag. 83-99.
June 23-27, 2010
April 22-25, 2010
April 8-11, 2010
May 7–11, 2009
October 22–26, 2007
June 6–7, 2007.
May 3–6, 2007
October 5–7, 2006
May 25–28, 2006
April 14–15, 2006
March 24–25, 2006
June 3–5, 2005
April 29–30, 2005
April 11–12, 2003
November 8–11, 2002
April 18–21, 2002
February 8–9, 2002 / Utrecht University – Netherlands Institute in Turkey. Fourth International Conference on Jewish Italian Literature (ICOJIL 4) in Istanbul: “Jewish migration: voices of the Diaspora.”Title: “Patria, lingua materna e diaspora nell’Europa del XX secolo.”
American Association of Italian Studies – Annual Conference at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Title: “L’ambiguo nazista nel cinema italiano.”
Northeast Modern Language Association – Annual Conference at McGill University in Montreal.
Title: “Ambigue femme fatale nel cinema italiano.”
Title: “Il viaggio a Cefalonia di Luigi Ballerini.”
American Association of Italian Studies – Annual Conference at St John’s University in New York.
Title: “L’italianità della Bruck, Springer e Schenider.”
Title: “Quei fascisti di Totò, Tognazzi e Gasmann.”
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional Autònoma de Mexico. Cátedra Extraordinaria Italo Calvino. “VIII Jornadas Internacionales de Estudios Italianos.La generación 1900-1910.”
Title: “Uno scrittore al cinema: Giuseppe Berto.”
The Catholic University of America-Washington, D.C and Università di Roma La Sapienza. Second International Conference on Jewish Italian Literature (ICOJIL 2)in Rome .“Memoria collettiva: il ricordo della Shoah come politica sociale.”
Title: “... e Mnemosine, confusa e smarrita, vaga tra le rovine. Monumenti e luoghi della memoria della deportazione razziale in Italia.”
American Association of Italian Studies – Annual Conference at Colorado College in Colorado Springs.
Title: “La Shoah spiegata a mio figlio.”
1)Utrecht University- Italian Cultural Institute Amsterdam. First International Conference on Jewish Italian Literature (ICOJIL 1) in Amsterdam.“Contemporary Jewish Writers in Italy: a Generational Approach.”
Title: “Perché la Shoah talvolta parla italiano?”
2)American Association of Italian Studies – Annual Conference in Genoa.
Title: “Una macabra danza erotica: porno svastica e sado lager al cinema.”
3)Harvard University Graduate Student Conference “Tutta un’altra letteratura: Authors and Approaches beyond the Italian Canon”.
Title: “Il mondo silenzioso e spettrale dei sopravvissuti. La letteratura ebraica e la Shoah in Italia.”
4)University of Salford, England. International Conference “Italian Fiction of the Sixties and the Seventies”.
Title: “Il silenzio dei vivi. La letteratura della deportazione razziale nell’Italia del boogie-boogie, della rivolta studentesca e del terrorismo.”
UCLA Graduate Students Conference “War in the 20th Century: Representations in Italian Culture.”
Title: “La lunga notte del cinema italiano: fascisti ed esquimesi.”
Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Los Angeles. Conference dedicated to Giuseppe Berto.
Title: “Berto al cinema: sceneggiatore, critico cinematografico e gli adattamenti dalle sue opere.”
6)Department of French and Italian 12th Annual Graduate Student Organization, Indiana University – Bloomington.
Title: “Alla ricerca del midollo del leone e l'Ariosto geometrico di Calvino.”
Title: “Il potere oscuro del negromante di Manganelli.”.
8)Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference. Hosted by the Western Washington University in Bellingham.
Title: “The Fierce Condottiero, the Devoted Wife, the Brave Lover in The Profession of the Arms by Ermanno Olmi.”
10)American Association for Italian Studies Conference. Annual Conference atthe University of Missouri – Columbia.
Title: “La bambola di pietra: Il dolore del ricordo, il ritorno del rimosso, l’incomunicabilità e il silenzio nell’Attrice di Edith Bruck.”
The University of Chicago Italian Studies Collective Sixth Annual Graduate Student Conference. “Identità e forma: Costume, Clothing, and the Construction of Identity in Italian Culture.”
Title: “Trattati di bellezza del Rinascimento.”
March 2010
October 2009
June 2009
May and March 2006
July 26–August 6, 2004
September 2003–June 2004
Summer 2003
August 2002
September 2000–June 2001
September 1992–July 1993 / USC Next Level Initiative Award
Shoah Foundation-USC Faculty Stipend
Exchange Scholar Funds, University of Grönigen, Netherlands.
Travel-Conference Fellowship, Center of European and Eurasian Studies, UCLA.
Fellowship to attend an Intensive Workshop for Italian Teachers offered by the American Association of Teachers of Italian and the Italian Ministry of Education.
Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA Graduate School.
Pre Dissertation Fellowship, Center of European and Russian Studies, UCLA.
CEE Fellowship to Moscow, Center of European and Russian Studies, UCLA.
Chancellor Fellowship, UCLA Graduate School.
ERASMUS Fellowship, European Union.
Languages / Italian:native
English:very good
French:very good
German:very good
Sanskrit elementary
Computer Skills / Dreamweaver, Netscape Composer, Microsoft Front Page, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, and Quark X Press.
Other Activities
September-December 2010
April–June, 2010
September–November, 2009
January–April 2007
January–February 2005
September 2002
August 2002
October 1998–March 1999
September 1998–March 1999
September 1998 –June 1999 / Bahkti Yoga ShalaSanta Monica, CA
Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga WorksPacific Palisades, CA
Ayurvedic Training Program
Yoga WorksPacific Palisades, CA
Ayurvedic Training Program
Yoga WorksSanta Monica, CA
Yoga Teacher Training
UCLA ExtensionLos Angeles, CA
Course in “Indie Film Business”
Scuola Internazionale Studi d’Arte del Mosaico e dell’Affresco Ravenna, Italy
Intensive Course in Mosaics
Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityMoscow, Russian Federation
Intensive Russian
Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreMilan, Italy
Course in journalism
Compagnia teatrale Quelli di GrockMilan, Italy
Course in diction and dubbing
Compagnia teatrale Quelli di GrockMilan, Italy
Course in acting
2007 – present
2002-present / Northeast Modern Language Association
American Association of Yoga Teachers
Arca Russia. Center for Russian CultureTreviso. Italy
Teodolinda. Center for Italian Studies and Culture Bergamo. Italy.
Babel Group of Translation Studies. UCLALos Angeles, CA
American Association of Italian Teachers
References / Prof. Natania Meeker
Prof. Margaret Rosenthal
(213) 740-3702
University of Southern California
Department of French and Italian
Taper Hall 155
Los Angeles, California 90089-0359
Tel: 213. 740.3700
Fax: 213.746.7297
Prof. Ballerini Luigi
Prof. Ciavolella Massimo
Prof. Harrison Thomas
Prof. Tognozzi Elissa
University of California Los Angeles
Department of Italian
212 Royce Hall - Box 951535
Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1235, USA
Tel: 310.825.1940
Fax: 310.825.9754