World History Between the Wars Study Guide

  1. What did the peace settlement at the end of WW I try to fulfill?
  1. Many Germans vowed to?
  1. In April of 1921 how much did Germany owe for reparations? How much was it supposed to pay annually?
  1. The following year Germany claimed they couldn’t pay so what did France do?
  1. With the German inflation what did the German mark go from 1914 to 1923 for one US dollar?
  2. In 1924 what was the Dawes plan?
  1. Who signed the Treaty of Locarno? What did it do?
  1. What is a depression?
  1. What two factors played a key role in the start of the Great Depression?
  1. At the end of WW I what did Germany create?
  1. After the defeat of Germany who became the strongest European power?
  1. Who came up with collective bargaining? What is it?
  1. What is deficit spending?
  1. In 1932 what Democrat won a landslide victory and put in his plan called the New Deal?
  1. What is a totalitarian state?
  2. In the early 1920’s who established the first European fascist movement in Italy?
  1. What is fascism?
  1. Who came up with the NEP? What does it stand for?
  1. What was the Politburo? What job did Leon Trotsky hold? What job did Joseph Stalin hold?
  1. Who became leader of the Communist party and disbanded the Politburo and Bolsheviks? What was the name of his economic plan?
  1. What is collectivization?
  1. Who won the Spanish civil war in 1939? Who did Franco favor?
  1. Who was born in Austria in 1889? What was at the core of his ideas? What was the name of the book he wrote?
  1. In 1921 what was the name of Hitler’s party? How much had it grown by in 2 years?
  1. By 1929 how big was the Nazi party? What was the name for the German parliament?
  1. What was the enabling act? What did it allow?
  1. Large prison camps were set up in Germany that opposed the new regime what were they called?
  1. What was the Schutzstaffeln? What was it abbreviated as? Who was in charge of it?
  1. What were the Nuremberg party rallies? When were they held?
  1. By 1939 what percent of adults were watching movies about once a week in major countries around the world?
  1. A lot of film especially in Germany used?
  1. What was photomontage?
  1. What was surrealism? Who was the high priest of surrealism?
  1. What was the uncertainty principle? Who explained it?