About the size of drops: Drops dropped from different size

droppers are different in size. The larger the end of the

dropper, the larger the drop will be. I refer in all cases to

the standard MMS bottle and cap shown in this book (a

four ounce green bottle is used). A “standard” eye

dropper will create drops 2/3 the size of the drops that

drop from the standard MMS bottle. If you are using a standard glass

eye dropper that comes down to a point as shown below, you should

multiply the number of drops given in all the recipes in this book by

1.5. Again, I stipulate, anywhere the drops are mentioned in this

book, multiply the number by 1.5 if you are using the standard eye

dropper. (See the pictures below.) When using the bottle dropper

cap shown below, use the exact same number of drops that is

See Chapter 20, page 6 for data on obtaining MMS.

In case the world has stopped using bottle dropper caps as shown

below, the dropper end size in this cap is .180” X .180” square

Drops in a Teaspoon: A level teaspoon of lemon juice or 10% citric

acid solution is about 80 drops. So a quarter teaspoon is 20 drops.

A little too much lemon juice or citric acid makes no difference at all.

Just don’t get too little or you get poor results. On the other hand, a

little too much MMS can make you sick so always count the drops for


When giving two drop doses it is permissible to use a little

less than ½ teaspoon of vinegar or lime juice, but no less than ¼


Obviously the citric acid worksas hundreds of people have used it so far and it worked on Dr.Hesselink’s friend’s arthritis. It appears to be more effective than

vinegar or lime for activation, because I was able to measure a

greater amount of chlorine dioxide present in the solution. It is 10

times the strength of the vinegar activated MMS. So if you try it, let

us know if you get as good results as we have so far.

Instructions for using MMS with citric acid as the activator (instead of

vinegar or lemon or lime). Obtain citric acid in powder form as citric

acid crystals. Some health food stores carry them, or you can order

them from a pharmacy (heaven forbid). Make a 10% solution of

citric acid. To make a 10% solution put one level tablespoon full of

crystals in a clean glass or jar. Then add 9 level tablespoons full of

purified water into the same jar. When the crystals have dissolved

this is a 10% solution. In all cases when using the citric acid as an

activator, use 5 drops for each 1 drop of MMS. Do everything else

the same. Wait 3 minutes after mixing, add juice and drink.