Lynda Manhart

Brockway School District

Title:Naming Farm Animals

Audience:Kindergarten (14 students)

Duration:30 minutes

Objectives:Students will play matching farm animal picture game. If they name the animal correctly, they keep the pictures.

Process Skills:Identify



Standards:4.4b Identify common animals found on Pennsylvania Farms.

1.6 Speaking and Listening

Materials:3 chairs

Picture cards (2 of each of 10 common farm animals)

Anticipatory Set:1.Three chairs will be set up in the back of the room (panel)

2. Ten children will be up front holding picture cards with the picture toward themselves.

Procedures:1. Review names of farm animals.

2. Use drawing sticks, with children’s names on them to pick 3 children to be the panel.

3. The first panel member names 2 students to show picture (like in the game of concentration).

4. If the pictures match, the student get to name the animal.

5. If the student can name the animal correctly, he/she gets to keep the picture cards.

6. Game continues till all animals are matched and identified.

7. Student with the most cards at the end of the game wins the game.

Closure:Observe which children are correctly naming animals.

The classroom aid will work with those students having difficulty naming the animal correctly. Repeat the process for those having difficulty until all students can name all 10 farm animals correctly.

Lynda Manhart

Brockway School District

Title:My Friend the Cow

Audience:Kindergarten (14 students)

Duration:40 minutes

Objective:Students will learn that milk come from cows.

Students will learn that cows are farm animals.

Students will learn that milk is an important food that makes our bones strong.

Students will use sound spelling to write a cow story.

Process Skill:Communicating


Standards:4.2b Identify by products of animals.

4.4a Know the importance of agriculture to humans.

4.4b Identify common animals on Pennsylvania farms.

1.1 Learning to read independently.

4.2b Identify products derived from natural resources.

Materials:Books: The Milk Markers by Gail Gibbons

What is made from Milk?

Cow Books




Alphabet charts

Word wall charts

Anticipatory Set:Place cow pictures in front of the classroom.

Place empty containers of yogurt, butter, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, with large cards on each container naming the item.

Place a stuffed cow in front of the classroom.

Procedures: 1.Picture walk through the book, “Milk Makers”.

2. Discuss the pictures.

3. Read the book.

4. Discuss the book.

5. Give the students cow shaped books with three pages of lined paper.

6. Each adult volunteer will pair up with three students.

7. Students will write a story about a cow (each student is expected to write at least three sentences.)

Closure: Each student will sit on the “share” chair and share his/her story.

We will use a special cheer and say after each child is finished,” Moo, Moo, Good for You”.

Extension:Parent volunteers will type the stories with each child’s name and make one master copy of the cow book so that I can make books for the children, printed, that they can read.

The next day, we wills sit in a circle. Each child will read his page. We will repeat this for three days then take them home.

Then we will learn a song after we talk about how pesky those flies are to the cows.

Song with motions:

Shoo fly (push right hand off left palm)

Don’t bother me (no, no finger)

I belong to somebody (cross heart)

I feel (right arm up)

I feel (left arm up)

I feel like a morning star (arms swish)