Pre-AP World History Syllabus Fall 2012

Eastlake High School

Instructor: Ms. Adrienne Mounsey

“The more you sweat in preparation, the less you bleed in battle!”

Instructor Availability:

Before school

After school by appointment


Telephone: 937-3703


55% = Daily grades

25% = Test/Projects

20% = 9 Week Test

Organization of Course and Type of Assignments:

Students will be expected to engage in many different assignment types during this year. For each unit of study, students should expect to keep an interactive notebook, take vocabulary quizzes, write free-responses, and take topic exams. In addition, for each nine-weeks period students should expect to complete one current event assignment and complete a nine-week research project per nine weeks.

1. Assignment due dates will be available on the class website – NO EXCUSE FOR NOT KNOWING

2. All Assignments are due at the first of the class period, before the start of instruction.

3. Any assignment that is completed or turned in online is due by midnight on the due date.

4. Nine-Week Projects can be turned in by 4:00 on the due date – No late projects excepted.

5. Late Assignments – The first day the assignment is late there will be a penalty of 20 points. A 10 point deduction will follow every day the assignment is late.

6. When students are absent due to a school related or approved absence, any work is expected to be turned in within three school days after the student returns to school, unless specific accommodations are made in advance with Ms. Mounsey. Work missedduring absences (including quizzes or exams) must be made-up within three school days. If a project was due on the date the studentwas absent, the project is expected to be turned in the next day thestudent is at school. (Not the next time theyhave Ms. Mounsey’s class.)

Required Materials:

  • Composition Notebook
  • Blue or Black pen only
  • #2 Pencils for tests
  • Eastlake Print card (Buy in Library)
Student must bring all supplies to class every day

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Please refer to Ms. Mounsey’s Student Code of Honor

Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices:

Cell phones and other electronic devices provide a distraction to the educational environment. If cell phones or other electronic devices are in use during class, they will be confiscated. These devices may be picked up from the business office for a fee.

Parent/Student Acknowledgement

Dear Parents,

I would like to welcome you to the current school year. I am very happy to have the opportunity to be your child’s teacher. As an educator, I believe that all children deserve the opportunity to be successful in the classroom. Together we can achieve this goal. If ever you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with you this year.

  • Feel free to email or call me in regards to your child’s progress in this course. If you would like, I can actually email progress reports. I will have a space on the success contract for you to give me your address. – With the new grade system we are using, grades may be available for you to see.
  • Remember if you have not received a progress report by the end of the 3rd and 6th weeks your child probably does not want you to know how they are doing, so make sure you email or call me.
  • Some students at first will struggle in my class. Don’t panic!!! For most, this course in Geography will cover new topics.
  • I have high expectations for my students as I assume you have for your children. Almost 100% of the time students’ struggle it is related to time management. This is where you can help the most.

Student Name:______

Please Return to Ms. Mounsey

Please sign and return this copy to Ms. Mounsey by the next class period.

I,______(Student Name) and ______(Parent Name) have read Ms. Mounsey’s Classroom Procedures and Syllabus. If we have any questions or concerns about any aspect of Ms. Mounsey’s class, we will discuss the issues with her as soon as possible.
Student Signature Parent Signature
If you, as a parent, would like to receive emailed progress report, please print your email address below.
Parent’s Email Address (Please Print)
Home Phone Number Work Phone Number

Thank you,

Ms. Mounsey

Continued on other side

Student Name: ______Please Return to Ms. Mounsey

Period: ______

Student Code of Honor


As an educator at Eastlake High School, I believe that the best academic environment is one that holds personal integrity and responsibility in the highest regard. To this end, I have designed the following Student Honor Code for those enrolled in my class.

The Code:

When enrolled in Ms. Mounsey’s class, students are expected to exhibit honest, responsible and ethical behavior at all times.

  • Students will take credit only for ideas and efforts that are their own.
  • Students will refrain from the following:
  • Submitting fraudulent or plagiarized work
  • Giving or receiving unauthorized assistance
  • Cheating by any means on exams and/or quizzes (including the use of an electronic devices such as phones and/or I-Pods)
  • Protecting the unethical actions of their classmates through either direct action or inaction

Those who have observed a violation or who have knowledge of a violation should report violations of the Honor Code. Students therefore, should not only honor the Code themselves, but they should also accept responsibility for reporting the suspected violations of others. Violations of Honor Code should be reported directly to Ms. Mounsey.

Discipline (Per Eastlake High School Policy):

Violators will receive:

  • A “U” for conduct for the nine-weeks grading period the offense occurs.
  • A zero for the grade of the activity, quiz, or exam in question.
  • Depending on the severity of the situation students will receive a discipline referral.


I do herby acknowledge the existence of Ms. Mounsey’s Student Honor Code. I understand that the Code supports an environment that values integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct for all students’ participation in class.

Date: ______

Parent: ______Student: ______

Please Return to Ms. Mounsey

Continued on other side