The Washington State Center of Excellence for Careers in Education invites your application to the 2013-2014 Leadership Training for Workforce Deans.

This training is designed to provide future (or new) workforce deans with

  1. solid understanding of the core elements of leadership and
  2. hands-on skills required to effectively administer workforce and professional technical programs in Washington State’s community and technical colleges.

The program is appropriate for faculty, staff and administrators whose career plans include workforce administration at the dean or VP level and for individuals newly serving in such positions. The program values diversity and encourages applications from all interested participants, including those from historically underrepresented groups in education, as well as from faculty, staff and administrators.

We will be accepting approximately 15 participants for the 2013-2014 cohort. Applicants will be notified of their status by May 10th, 2013, and colleges will be invoiced for the $2,500 fee at that time. The program begins summer quarter, 2013and runs through spring quarter, 2014.

Participation requires a commitment to attend approximately 8 days of in-personsessions as well asonline sessions and monthly workgroup meetings. The program also requires commitment to completing an individual leadership project, and other self-paced activities. The Fall/Winter and Spring in-person sessions are aligned with the quarterly Workforce Education Council meetings, dates will be determined summer quarter.

If you are interested in attending, please submit the completed application form, current resume, letter of interest, and recommendation(s) from your institution’s VP/Dean for workforce programs and/or your immediate supervisor.

Return application materials no later than April 19, 2013 to:

WashingtonStateCenter of Excellence for Careers in Education

Mailstop TEACH

Green RiverCommunity College

12401 SE 320th Street


(253) 833-9111 ext 4359





Street Address

CityStateZip Code

Phone: (work) (cell)


Current position:

Title of person to whom you report ______

Education (highest degree first)

College or University DegreeFieldDate Earned

Professional history (most recent position first)

TitleInstitution, StateDatesFull / Part-time

Professional activities

Committees or boards on which you have actively served / held office

Awards / honors


Activities other than professional (civic, community, recreational, other)

Supplementary information

  1. current resume
  2. letter of interest that
  3. identifies your professional objectives
  4. identifies your strengths
  5. identifies challenges you feel might affect your professional development
  6. describes your ideal career path over the next 5 years
  7. identifies how you hope the Leadership Trainingwill help you achieve your objectives


A recommendation from your immediate supervisor and/orthe workforce / professional-technical dean at your institution is required. *If your immediate supervisor is the workforce dean, recommendations from the workforce dean, only one letter is required. We want to ensure that you will have campus support to fully participate in the year’s activities.

We request the following commitment from each sponsoring workforce dean/VP.

  • Assist/support the candidate in identifying a suitable leadership project for the year.
  • Include the candidate in annual workforce planning (ie Perkins/Worker retraining). The level of involvement is at the sponsoring college’s discretion.
  • Meet with your candidate quarterly to discuss their progress in the academy. You will be provided a quarterly update outlining the recent topics andactivities that have occurred.

The Leadership Training for Workforce Deans is partially funded by the Carl D Perkins Career and Technical Education Act