World Education Presentation 11/14/2016
Teaching Collaboration-
Materials Needed:Flip Chart or White Board, Markers, Easel, pens-pencils, extra paper
Handouts: What Insight (1/4 page), What dilemma (1/4), last Question for discussion (1/2)
Definition of Collaboration (1page)
Arrival: Take handouts, Fill out the 2 ¼-page questions
Greet people, guide them to take handouts and fill out ¼-page questions2:45 pm
Welcome: 2:50 pm
Goal: to provide experiences with some key skills for collaboration
Problem Solving
Expectation: Fun, movement, reflection and person-to-person exchange
Commitment: Mutual respect, willingness to try new things and honesty
I. Listening (we will work in pairs, dyads)3:00 pm
How many different sounds can we identify in 20 seconds?
Partner with someone you do not know (well) [dyad] – Decide who will be first.
Read to your partner the dilemma that you wrote when you arrived.
The Partner imitates as well as possible and each rates the imitation 1-5 (5 best)
Switch roles with your partner and repeat.
Large Group response “What did we learn or relearn?” Record on White Board3:15 pm
II. Clarification (we will work in pairs, dyads)3:20 pm
With you partner choose who will speak and who will respond.
Speaker:Briefly tellwhat you wrote as your insight when you arrived.
Responder: “When you say (insight) , I believe you are describing (or mean to say) .”(Trying to clarify the insight)
Speaker Responds “No,” or “There is more to it.”
Responders tries to clarify the other’s insight by themselves one last time.
Speaker may elaborate.Then Switch Roles and repeat the process above
Large Group response “What did we learn or relearn?” Record on White Board3:35 pm
III. Collaboration (we will work with two dyads, i.e. pods)3:40 pm
Half the Dyads are instructed to serve as Experts, they select the one insight they will advertise, prepare a poster and display it.
The other half of the Dyadswill choose the dilemma that requires assistance.
Next the Dyads seeking assistance choose an Expert Dyad.
The non-experts explain the dilemma, define the problem. Listen and Clarify.
The Experts list at least two possible solutions.Listen and Clarify.
All members of the Pod evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each solution, and continue to discuss it issue.
The Pods Brainstorm answers to the question: 3:55 pm
“What conditionsfacilitatethe behavior of seeking support from others?”
Large Group response “What one thing will you take and use from this session?” Record on White Board 4:05 pm
End4:15 pm
COMMENT ONE:Please list one insight or innovation that has occurred to you today that you would like an opportunity to share with others at this conference.
COMMENT TWO:Please list one difficulty you face at work, for which you would like someone else’s perspective.
COMMENT THREE:In one or two sentences write a provisional definition of ‘collaboration.’
On the back, list the different sounds you identified during the first exercise.