WorkSource Integrated Technology (WIT) Project
Change Request #9
Disability Resume Searches
Title: Disability Resume SearchesChange Request #9
ROM #ROM 16-037
Requested by:Monster Government Solutions (MGS) / Completion of the form facilitated by:Michael Bakhtiar, Manager Professional Services, Monster Government Solutions / Date Requested:
Overall Impact to the project
In calendar time: None
Change Details
Change Description (Describe change from a business perspective preferably – include objective / purpose):
As an enhancement to the new WorkSourceWA system, ESD has requested new functionality to augmenting the resume search capabilities to allow employers interested in hiring workers with a disabilty to better identify job seekers who disclosed having a disability. This search capability will only be available to employers who – on WorkSourceWA – self-identify as being ”disability friendly” employers, request access to the capability and have been granted approval by a system administrator.
This new functionality will be developed with the following features:
- Requirement1:Establish a ‘disability friendly’ company level setting in WorkSourceWA system. This‘disability friendly’ setting will be administrable via the WebAdmin Recruiters tool.
- Requirement 2: Add an indicator on the Employer platform - Company page - Special Hiring Features section . Provide link to initiate a change request in disability friendly status.
- Requirement 3: Send an email notification to the WorkSourceWA administrator.
- The recipents of the request notification are the same as the workforce region specific account approvers.
- Requirement 4: Enhance the Resume Search experience to include:
- Add UI control in the Advance section of the Talent Search Index page to limit search results to only self-described disabled Seekers.
- Add UI control to the refinement section of Talent Search Results page to limit search results to only self-described disabled Seekers.
- Requirement 5: Enhance Resume View experience - Render a wheelchair icon indicating the Seeker has a self-claimed disability on the follow pages:
- Resume search results
- Resume view page
- Manage Candidate view page
- Also, add Disability reference in the Career Information of Additional Info tab
- Requirement 6: Enhance the Account Request WebAdmin tool to view, grant or deny requests from new and existing Companies. This ‘disability friendly’ status approval will be independent of the account approval status.
- Requirement 7: Translate the Employer and Seeker facing content to both the Spanish and Russian pages on WorkSourceWA.
- Requirement 8: Capture the Employer resume search and view activity. Provide a reporting mechanism for this specific data.
- Requirement 9: Create a field in ETO capturing each company’s ‘disability friendly’ company level attribute from Job Match (Yes disability friendly, or blank).
- Requirement 10: Send an update to ETO indicating a change in company’s ‘disability friendly’ company level attribute.
- Requirement11: Upon approval or change of the disabililty setting, send an email notification to the administrator(s) of the employer companyexplaining the change.
Business or Technical Justification (why is it important):
Employers biggest challenge is finding the right candidates in the shortest time period. This challenge extends to employers seeking candidates with disabilities. Therefore, providing straightforward visual indicators will help employers identify the targeted candidates.
Impact of Not Incorporating the Change:
Choosing to not incorporate the change will not impact existing funcitonality to job seekers or employers using WorkSourceWA. The impact to employers is an increase in the time it could take employers to find a specific segment of the job seeker base. And this need has been communicated from the employer base to ESD.
Impact Analysis
Impact on Project Scope: In Scope Out of Scope
Impact to Contract(s) (check all that apply):
x Statement of Work Change or other contract wording
x Financial Adjustment: increase in project cost: $307,150.00 (See attached price quote for a break out of pricing per services and out years for maintenance.)
Create a contract
Terminate a contract
Impact on Project Risk (positive or negative):
Providing this additional feature, can reduce the number of inquiries (to both WorkSource helpdesk and WorkSource staff) from employers who seek assistance finding candidates with disabilities. Reducing the number of inquires allow WorkSource helpdesk and staff to aid additional customers.
Alternatives (describe alternatives to making this change):
The only alternative to the proposed change is a job seeker self disclosinghaving a disability on their resume and/or cover letter when submitting a job application. And employers would need to proactively search the contents of those said documents.
Change Decision
Decision Made By: / Date
Decision Rationale:
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Oct. 8, 18