Minutes of the meeting of East Hanney Parish Council – 5th October 2016
1. Attending: Cllr J Triffitt (Chairman), Cllr J Long, Cllr D Kirk, Cllr S McKechnie.
Apologies for absence: Cllr S Scott, Cllr P Aram.
In attendance: G Langton (Clerk), S Wilkinson, M Cooper, B Cooper, A Carroll, C Carroll, H
2. Members Declarations of Interest.
No members declared an interest in items on the agenda.
3. To confirm: The minutes of the September 2016 meeting of the Parish Council.
The minutes were accepted by the Council, proposed by Cllr Long, seconded by Cllr Kirk.
4. To confirm: The minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on 22.09.16.
The minutes were accepted by the Council, proposed by Cllr McKechnie, seconded by Cllr
5. To receive: Update on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda.
The meeting held on the 7th September 2016:
Item 4: Playing Fields. It was reported that the Council’s solicitor was in the process of
drafting a lease agreement for the rental of the Hodgson's field.
Item 5: Public participation period. It was noted that according to the latest Speedwatch analysis, East Hanney had recorded the highest proportion of speeding vehicles across the
Item 8: Request for sponsorship of the Michaelmas Fayre. The Council noted its
congratulations to the organisers of the 2016 Hanney Michaelmas Fayre.
Item 9: Field waste bin. It was reported that dog waste was an issue on the playing fields in the village. It was noted that the Clerk was in the process of requesting quotes from a supplier of dog waste bins and would then empty them on a weekly basis. Cllr McKechnie agreed to seek sponsorship from local agencies and charities for the bins. Action Clerk and
Cllr McKechnie.
Item 14: Annual Parish Survey. It was reported that noted that the villager who was undertaking this work was not able to complete all aspects as required by the County Council.
Action Clerk to contact villager to discuss ways forward.
Item 15: Update on Land Registry titles. It was reported that the Clerk had contacted the
villagers in question who had objected and was awaiting a response.
Item 16a: Appeal by Lagan Homes regarding the reduction in affordable housing on Steventon Road. It was reported that the Lagan Homes appeal was heard in the War Memorial Hall. A representative of the PC attended and presented the Council’s objections to the
appeal and a determination was not available at the time of the meeting.
The meeting held on 22nd September 2016:
Item3: Proposed development by Pye Homes. It was reported that the architect, West Waddy ADP had undertaken a second mailshot following feedback that a number of residences had
been missed on the first circulation.
It was reported that the Chairman was in the process of sourcing Department of Transport
vehicle data.
It was noted that the map identified by the local resident identifying a lack of suitability of land in the fields north of Ashfields Lane had not yet been received by the PC, and that it could not be located at the District Council, the same went for the reported photographic evidence of flooding on the field. It was noted that these items of evidence were needed if the Council
was to refer to them in any response to this development.
6. Public Participation Period.
Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes
S Wilkinson. Mrs Wilkinson reported that when walking round the new development on Ebbs lane, she considered them to be of good quality. She wondered what the PC planned to do with the green space the Council would be taking ownership of on that development. The Clerk reported that this land was proposed to be designated as a ‘Centenary field’ and that appropriate signage and village furniture would be installed. The Chairman noted it would
become a pleasant public amenity when complete.
Mary Cooper. Mrs Cooper noted that the field to the North of Ashfields lane was important to relieve flooding on the A338 and that this should be a major consideration when the Council drafted its response to any application for development in that area of the village. Mrs Cooper also brought the Council’s attention to the arrangements for rain water drainage from properties on Alfred's Place, which went to a soakaway, not mains drainage and that this
must also be taken into account when responding to any future planning applications.
Mrs Cooper also reported that refuse collection vehicles were unable to access the new developments to the East of the A338 and that as a result, refuse bins had to be left away from the property. In the light of the District Council announcing action against households that place the incorrect waste in each bin and suspending future collections for those households that do not comply with the requirements, she noted serious concern that if a household’s bins were kept away from the property, other people may place the wrong waste in the bins, and thus suspend others’ waste collections. Action Clerk to contact the District
Council for a solution.
Mrs Cooper reported that vehicles coming out of Dandridge’s Close and Stevenson’s Close were not looking both ways when joining Alfred's Place. The Council agreed to publicise this
problem in the next issue of Hanney News Action Clerk.
Brian Cooper. Mr Cooper reported that the drive of 1 Dandridge’s Close was confirmed as owned wholly by the owner of that property and that no access could be assumed across that
Helen Evans. Mrs Evans noted her objections to the proposed extension of The Sheilings, Snuggs Lane. She reported that she had the same objections to the development as the the first time it had been submitted, despite the change to the design of the extension, these
included: loss of light and privacy and the sheer size of the proposed extension.
Alan Carroll. Mr Carroll reported that he was unhappy with the proposed development at the Sheilings, Snuggs Lane, considering the proposal to represent over-development of a small bungalow. He noted that the windows would overlook his rear garden, that the extended property would be within 7m of the boundary of his property and that it would cause extra shade in his front garden. He noted that the extension took the property too close to the large
trees currently on the property and that this could cause a problem if any were to fall.
7. To receive: Invoices paid since last meeting and current statement of account.
The Chairman outlined the payments and receipts for the meeting. The acceptance of the accounts as considered was proposed accepted by Cllr Kirk and second by Cllr Long.
The Clerk reported that VAT would be reclaimed at the end of September 2016, 6 months
into the financial year. Action Clerk.
8. To consider: Repair of the ‘Black Horse’ bus stop, Main Street.
Cllr McKechnie reported that the ‘Black Horse’ bus shelter needed repair. The Council noted the received estimate. Cllr Kirk proposed the quote be accepted, seconded by Cllr Long. The Council resolved to accept the quote but to request a viewing window be left in the structure.
Action Cllr McKechnie.
9. To consider: A review of emergency clean up procedures.
The Clerk reported that following the visit by a family of travelers to the playing field, a clean up had been undertaken at a cost of £1689 inc VAT; a figure that represented over 10% of the Council’s annual precept.
The Council resolved to publicise this in its next Hanney News article to reinforce the message of locking the gates after use. Action Clerk.
The Council noted the need to draft cleanup procedures and share them on the members’
area of the Council’s website for comment. Action Clerk.
10. To consider: Further works to improve the security of the fields (ditches, earth bund to the car park, CCTV, security lights, display of playing field rules and the procedures to be adopted to retain security during authorized vehicular access).
The Chair reported that Cllr Aram had provided notes for this item. The Council noted that to ensure access was maintained, any ditch dug would need to be clearly signed and a footpath left of approx. 1.2m. The Council resolved to explore further both the construction of the ditch and to build up the verge in front of the metal field gate to West Hanney PC’s portion of the playing fields and that the Council should inform the land owner in writing as a matter of courtesy, proposed by Cllr Kirk and seconded by Cllr McKechnie. Action Clerk.
The Clerk reported that the War memorial Hall committee had agreed the installation of a new CCTV camera to overlook the new field gate. The Council resolved to request the W.M. Hall to undertake the work. Action Clerk.
The Council noted and approved the circulated regulations for issue of padlock combinations.
11. To consider: Scoping the potential installation of a MUGA.
The Council noted that the school’s developer had dropped the requirement for a MUGA from their plans as no further playing space was required. The item would return to a future
meeting for full discussion when Cllr Aram was available.
12. To consider: The Parish Council’s response to the following planning activity:
a. P16/V2038/FUL – erection of a single storey classroom building and associated landscaping at St James School, East Hanney.
Cllr Triffitt reported that the County Council had decided to proceed on the basis that no extra land was required. Cllr. Kirk noted that the land remaining would be too small for the children planned to attend the school and proposed a condition to be placed on the playing space or
parking spaces in the Council’s response to this application Action Clerk.
b. P16/V1778/FUL – erection of 4 dwellings north of Ashfields Lane, East Hanney.
The Chairman noted that the consultation was for a set of modified plans. It was noted that the development did not extend the village boundary. The Council noted its concern with the potential of increased flood risk and that the report included within the pack was not sufficient. Cllr Kirk proposed the response to this application include a requirement for additional work to be undertaken with regard to flood risk and foul water drainage. It was noted that the access had been changed back to the initial plan, despite the request by the Parish Council for each dwelling
to have its own separate access to the road. Action Clerk to draft the response.
c. P16/V2321/HH – proposed first floor extension at the Sheiling, Snuggs Lane, East Hanney.
The Council noted the material considerations as published by the Vale. The Council noted the limited objections from members to the circulated papers. The Clerk reported that the Council had received letters from the resident and from the owners of Eastbrook House. The Chairman considered that the local residents’ objections must be noted and that others had submitted responses objecting to the development directly to the District Council. Cllr Kirk proposed that
the Council object to the proposed development. Action Clerk to draft the response.
The meeting closed at 22.10
Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()4