Religion 11: Sacraments
Ms. Jessica Clark
Parent/Teacher Communication:
Student/Teacher Communication:
Office Hours: By appointment only
Phone Number: (310)394-3701
Prerequisites: Religion 10: Catholic Spirituality/Ecclesiology
Upon completion of Religion 11 students will matriculate to: Religion 12: Catholic Social Teaching/Marriage and Holy Orders
Course Description
In the first semester, students study the Sacraments as a special way that Jesus remains present in the Church and the world today. This course explores concrete ways for students to understand the Sacraments, participate in them, and enjoy the grace they bring to life.
Course Goals and Objectives
This course will enable students to:
a) Understand that "sacraments are visible signs of invisible grace."
b) Understand that Jesus is the basis for all Seven Sacraments.
c) Recognize that the sacraments help us to become a community of faith, hope, and charity.
d) Recognize that we are brought into communion with the Trinity through the sacraments.
e) Realize that the Church itself is a sacrament or sign of God's love for the world.
Class Rules and Expectations
- Respect yourself, others, and the school.
- No food, drink, candy or gum is permitted in the classroom, except water.
- Students are to be seated by the second bell or you will be considered tardy.
- Students must use the bathroom facilities during break and/or lunch.
* No student will be allowed to go to the bathroom during class. however if there is an emergency they must sign out and back in *
- Students may not leave their seats at anytime unless allowed by teacher.
- Instructions are to be followed without hesitation or disruption.
- Cell phones are not permitted in class at any time. Any cell phones seen will be confiscated.
- Bring all course materials, assigned reading, and homework to class each day
- Students must follow the behavioral guidelines found in the 2015-2016 Parent/Student Handbook.
Course Text
Amodei,Michael and Gustafson, Janie.Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments. Notre Dame, Ind.: Ave Maria, 2010. Print.
Classroom Materials
The following materials are to be brought to class everydayunless noted by the instructor:
- Pens: blue or black andred ink
- 3-Ring Binder with Loose-leaf College ruled 3-hole punch paper
- Spiral Notebook (with 3-hole punch to fit in binder)
- 2 Pocket Folder
- SMCHS Planner
- An open mind and positive attitude
Course Methodology
The following methods will be used to deliver the material to the student:
- Lecture/Discussion with note taking
- Audiovisual presentation
- Group Activity
- Reading/Research
- Journal/Essay writing
- Study Skill development
Student grades will be assessed in the following areas:
- Homework25%
- Tests/Quizzes25%
- Projects/Papers25%
- In-Class Work/ Participation25%
Every assignment will be graded on an individual basis based on these criteria:
- Ability to turn work in when it is due
- No late work of any kind will be accepted.
- Effort
- Performance
- Individual growth
Course Outline
The following topics will be covered over the course of the semester:
- The Sacramental Nature of the Church
- The Church and the Sacramental Economy of Salvation
- What Happens in the Sacraments
- The Sacraments of Christian Initiation
- The Sacrament of Baptism
- The Sacrament of Confirmation
- The Sacrament of the Eucharist
- The Sacraments of Healing
- The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
- The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
- The Sacraments at the Service of Communion
- The Sacrament of Holy Orders
- The Sacrament of Matrimony
Christian Service Policy
Students are required to complete 15 total hours per semester of Christian Service for 2.5 units of credit per semester. Please adhere to the additional Christian Service Policyhandout to be distributed by the instructor at a later date.
St. Monica Catholic High School Grading Scale
Each assignment will be given a point value. At the end of each Quarter/Semester, the student’s total number of points earned, will be divided by the total number of points available to earn. This percentage will determine the student’s overall grade in the class.
100-95 = A86-83 = B76-73 = C67-66 = D
94-90 = A- 82-80 = B-72-70 = C- 65 = D-
89-87 = B+79-77 = C+69-68 = D+ 64-= F
Submitting Work
Unless otherwise specified, students should submit work using appropriate MLA formatting. Assignments to be submitted during class meetings should be submitted at the beginning of the period or will otherwise be considered late and NOT taken. Unless otherwise specified, writing assignments should be submitted using
- All homework must include your NAME, NUMBER, COURSE, PERIOD, DATE, and ASSIGNMENT TITLE.
- All homework must be TYPED using Times New Roman 12 point font (unless otherwise instructed).
- Homework is to be ready and handed in at the beginning of class.
Extra Credit
Extra Credit will be available at the discretion of the teacher. As a general rule, extra credit opportunities should not be relied upon to achieve a desired grade in a class. By definition, it is extra.
Absent Work
If you are absent for an excused reason, all work should be handed in on the first day back to school, unless otherwise worked out with the teacher, and will be considered for full credit. If the excused absence is planned (sports, vacation, college visit), please notify the teacher in advance so the appropriate accommodations can be made.
If you are absent for an unexcused reason, you will not receive any more than 70% of the grade for the homework assignment. It is the responsibility of the student to seek out the teacher for missing assignments, both in-class and homework.
Students are required to make-up all in-class assignments, quizzes, and tests missed due to an absence, regardless of it being excused or unexcused. For further information regarding absent work, please see the Parent/Student Handbook.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to conduct themselves honestly and with integrity in their work. All
forms of test procedure violation, cheating, and plagiarism are prohibited. Behavior that is unacceptable includes, but is not limited to:
• copying another student’s homework;
• working with others on projects that are meant to be done individually;
• looking at or copying another student’s test or quiz answers;
• allowing another student to look at or copy homework or answers from one’s test or quiz;
• using any other method to get or give test or quiz answers;
• taking a test or quiz in part or in whole to use or to give to others;
• copying information from a source without proper reference or attribution; and
• misrepresenting as one’s own, either in whole or in part, papers from other students, publications, or the internet.
Violators of this policy will be disciplined on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of the violation, prior violations, and other factors, as determined by the Dean of Students and the teacher(s) involved. Disciplinary measures include, but are not limited to, receiving a zero on a particular assignment, redoing an assignment or retaking a test, receiving a failing grade on the assignment, project, or test; receiving a lower overall grade in the class; detention, suspension, or dismissal.
*The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus during the year as deemed necessary.
Parent & Student Signature Sheet
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please feel free to contact me any time you have concerns or questions.
My contact information is:
• Email:
If you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss your son or daughter’s progress, please contact me and we can set a time.
Please read the syllabus carefully and sign and date below.
Ms. Jessica Clark
Please cut and return______Please cut and return
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by all of the policies laid out in Ms. Clark’s syllabus for Catholic Sacraments.
______Student Name (Please print)
______Student Signature
______Parent Signature
Catholic Sacraments, Ms. ClarkPage 1