Workshop Script – Making Consciousness COOL

Slide 1:

Welcome – insert your name and company logo. You can change title to appeal to your audience.

Slide 2:

What’s going on in the world today? Lots of unhappiness, conflict, fear, anxiety, disconnection, isolation, stress.

Share examples that your niche will relate to (that point to distress and lack of high consciousness) Most of us would agree that we are NOT living the life of our dreams.

Actually, by a show of hands, how many of you ARE living the lives of your dreams?

This workshop will show you that it is possible for you to do so – and will give you the first step to doing so. (Hint: it’s about high consciousness. But we’ll get back to that!)

Slide 3:

First, let me tell you a little about me and why I’m here today (your story, including what drew you to iPEC and ending with joining the OIA community)

Slide 4:

The One Idea Away community – – was sparked by this passage from Uncovering the Life of Your Dreams by Bruce D Schneider, the founder of iPEC, the coaching school I attended.

One Idea Away is making consciousness cool and helping people uncover the life of their dreams

Talk about ideas:

•So what kind of ideas are we talking about? In order to uncover the life of your dreams, in order to uncover anything you are one idea away from whatever it is that you truly desire.

•Not just any idea – an idea that raises your consciousness. An in the moment idea. Not ideas that come from fear, doubt, worry. Not ideas that come from the past.

•When you attach to that type of idea you are no longer operating by yourself. You have the energy of everything around you, people around you. You are operating in the flow. Things just happen. Synchronicities occur.

•Ideas that have a lot of power to them will make a tremendous difference in people’s lives, the tipping point. The impetus to change really stems from just one idea, a very special type of idea.

Slide 5:

Changing your world will have a ripple effect on the entire world. So let’s start with you!

You can take steps to being more conscious – begin to awaken, begin the uncovery process, begin to live the life of your dreams.

Slide 6:

Awakening is remembrance of Truth; an experience that tells you that there is something more than what you believed before.

There are two ways that people can awaken to Truth.

One is a direct path where you have some sort of spontaneous awakening.

The other is an indirect path in which you go through an exploration of figuring out what you are not.

Slide 7:

The indirect path involves a process that Bruce refers to as “uncovery.” It means removing the layers of all that you are not to reveal the truth of who you are.

It is a journey of self-realization. The process of uncovering strips away all the beliefs and ideas about who you think you are to reveal who you really are.

It’s both a logical and an intuitive process. As you systematically figure out what you are not, as different layers of yourself get peeled away, you are eventually left with who and what you are.

Uncovery involves challenging your belief system by questioning every single thing you believe about yourself, about the world, and about others. If those beliefs fit, keep them. If not, replace them with beliefs that “feel” right to you and continually refining those beliefs again and again.

When you have an idea like I was just talking about, you change your belief system. We’ll talk more about belief systems later.

As you uncover and awaken, you’ll become more conscious, more aware of who you are as your True Nature.

In Uncovering the Life of Your Dreams, the character visits five portals that talk about different aspects or traits of Consciousness, which is your True Nature: Awareness, Acceptance, Knowing, Presence, and Freedom. Don’t have time to go into them now – read the book – and then we can explore it together in <book group, coaching, etc.

Slide 8:

We have the option to experience the world of our choosing. In fact, that’s all we ever do. In the book, the main character, Scott, is told that “We each see what we expect to see … Our outer view is a reflection and projection of our inner view. If you expect darkness, you will be in the dark.”

So if you have the option to see the world the way you choose, if you align yourself with high energy consciousness and with universal truths, when you align with a very high conscious belief system you can then manifest miracles in your life.

Slide 9:

You can then create the life of your dreams.

You can then use that to experience what you choose to experience.

For me, my perfect life (describe your own ideal) or use Bruce’s explanation … The founder of iPEC and OIA says that “the experience of a perfect life is simply one that I can be me fearlessly, that I can just express who I am and I can share those things with others.”

I do believe that if people would resonate with high conscious concepts we would see a much more peaceful world

What do YOU choose to experience?

Slide 10:

Which do you choose – the world as it is now ….

Slide 11:

Or the life of your dreams: one where there is more peace, love, kindness, friendship, connection, communication, honesty, openness

Slide 12:

To begin to raise your consciousness, let’s take a look at the frame of mind that is needed to start out – we can abbreviate it as C-O-O– (I said we’re going to make consciousness cool – we’ll get to the L later!)

COO stands for:

curious, which is the state of having an inquisitive, child-like fascination

open-minded, so when you find the truth, you will be ready to let go of what you currently believe, and

optimistic that you will find what you are looking for.

Curiosity is key – you have to be curious to ask “What can the life of my dreams be?What new ideas are out there do I want to consider?”, etc., etc.

Optional Slides 13-17:

(Note, unhide the slides if you plan to include them, otherwise they won’t show in presentation mode.)

Depending on time:

Slide 13: To further understand why COO is important and how it fits in with high consciousness, we need to back up and know a little about energy –

Energy is consciousness in form, consciousness manifested into physical form. Everything you see, smell, taste, touch, hear, everything you experience is some form of energy.

Everything we experience is a form of energy. Thought is a form of energy. There are two main types of thoughts. There are catabolic thoughts and then there are anabolic thoughts. Within the catabolic and anabolic frameworks there are basically seven levels of energy, seven vibrational frequencies of energy.

This is the Energetic Self-Perception chart developed by Bruce D Schneider.

Slides 14, 15, 16: Quick explanation of energy levels

Concepts in book resonate at L7 – high consciousness

Slide 17: COO is a way to access that high conscious mindset – COO itself may be Level 5 or 6 and is a gateway to Level 7

Slide 18:

Think about …

How curious, open-minded, and optimistic are you? How can you embody more of those traits?

Turn to neighbor – share: What would be different in your life if you were more COO?

Call on people to share their insights.

As you are open, things come. If you are closed off to something or have an attachment, you really limit your view

We’ve covered COO – before we get to the L, we need to discuss belief systems

Slide 19:

We need a life philosophy. We need certain principles or life rules that we base our actions on. That life philosophy is your belief system.

What are the things that you truly believe are Truth?

Many of your beliefs have been “inherited” from your parents, teachers, religion, etc. It’s time to create a new conscious belief system – one that you consciously choose. This is an ongoing process of keeping the beliefs that work and modifying those that haven't worked.

This can create peace in your life and allow you to live the life of your dreams.

Slide 20:

Uncovery involves challenging your belief system by questioning every single thing you believe about yourself, about the world, and about others. If those beliefs fit, keep them. If not, replace them with beliefs that “feel” right to you and continually refining those beliefs again and again.

Let’s start to explore your belief system. List your beliefs about yourself, other people, and the world. Where did these ideas come from? Which are consciously chosen and which are not? Which matter to you?

(Note: This exercise is taken from the companion program available on – offer to do it with them as a group or send them there to complete on their own.)

Slide 21:

Now, finally, let’s make consciousness cool by adding the L!

The L stands for loving-kindness.

Slide 22:

Loving-kindness is at the basis of all belief systems that resonate at high consciousness.

Loving kindness is an expression of caring for yourself, for the world, for everyone around you, everything around you.

Read the quotes on the slide out loud.

Loving-kindness is closer to your true nature.

If we talk about creating the kind of world we want to live in, loving-kindness is a great place to start because if you do something that is lovingly kind and the person next to you reacts in a similar fashion, your world is going to be more enjoyable. You will literally be in more of a world of loving kindness.

Slide 23:

Go back and look at your list of beliefs and add one more notation: Which are rooted in loving-kindness?

What are some of the beliefs that we can hold that would help us to become and practice more love and kindness? (take responses)

One of them would be that there is no separation between you and the person you are with. There is no separation. We are all the same. In fact, at the very basic level we all want the same things: we either want more pleasure or less pain, and if you look at that commonality and say that seven billion people want exactly the same thing, maybe we are not so different.

Uncovering the Life of Your Dreams is a great place to look for ideas about beliefs. It helps you understand the universal truths that lie within each of us. We may not recognize them yet, and we may have been taught otherwise but if we tune in, we can “remember” the Truth.

Slide 24:

Make sure the belief you pick or add resonates with loving-kindness.

Have them share beliefs with each other, then call on people to share with the group. (If time, you can coach someone on the belief and how they’ll incorporate it in their life.)

Remember, instilling a new belief system takes practice – first you have the idea, then you practice it and find out if it works for you, then with more practice, you’ll “be” it.

Slide 25:

Add you own offerings here.

Slide 26:

Add your contact info.


You can use to create word clouds like the ones on slides 2, 10, and 11. Here are the colors in the presentation:

RGB: 69,117,163 RGB 241,201,5 RGB:209,209,209

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