Workshop on Microwave Fundamental Metrology
and On-Wafer Measurement


This workshop is endorsed by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technique Society Microwave Measurement Committee (MTT-11) and Instrumentation and Measurement Society High Frequency and Connector Technical Committee (TC-4) in conjunction with the support of National Chip Implementation Center National Applied Research Laboratories (CIC/NARL) and Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP) MemberCenter for Measurement Standards/ITRI and National Measurement Laboratory. Metrologists in this Asia-Pacific region will have the opportunities to attend both the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference and this workshop to discuss measurement research topics in microwave technology.


  • IEEE Microwave Theory and Technique Society Microwave Measurement Committee (MTT-11) and Instrumentation and Measurement Society High Frequency and Connector Technical Committee (TC-4)


  • APMP, a regional metrological organization with more than 40 institutional members. (
  • Center for Measurement Standards (CMS)/ITRI and National Measurement Laboratory (NML,
  • NationalChipImplementationCenter National Applied Research Laboratories (CIC/NARL)


  • Anritsu

Target Audiences: Metrologist of Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme, Attendees of APMC ( Taiwan Microwave Measurement Community

Date: Dec. 10-11, 2012 (Monday and Tuesday)

Language: English


Room #121, Building #16

Center for Measurement Standards/Industrial Technology Research Institute

321, Kuang-Fu Road Sec. 2, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Local Host: CMS/ITRI Local Contact: Ms. Hui-Chung Ma,

Workshop Registration (For International Attendees):

CMS/ITRI (Ms. Shu Yuan Wang, )

(Use the“Registration Form”for international attendees only)

On-Line Workshop Registration (For Taiwan Attendees):

工研院量測中心 王淑媛(Ms. Shu Yuan Wang, )
Tel: 03-5743704

Workshop Fee: No fee

Hotel Reservation: (NT$3000 per night, Tax and Breakfast included)

Lakeshore Hotel Metropolis I (煙波大飯店都會一館)

(It locates beside the biggest mall, BigCity巨城, in Hsinchu and Taiwan.)

Contact Ms. Ma for your reservations.

Biography of Workshop Speakers

Speaker / Affiliation
Yu-Ping Lang / Division Director of CMS/ITRI
Ron Ginley / RF Group Leader, National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.A.
Jon Martens / Research Fellow, Anritsu, U.S.A.
Blair Hall / Measurement Standards Laboratory, New Zealand
Masahiro Horibe / Senior Researcher, National Metrology Institute, Japan
Brian Lee / Metrology Manager, Anritsu, U.S.A.
Qiu-Lai Gao / Lab Manager, National Institute of Metrology, China
Wen-Tron Shay / Senior Researcher, Center for Measurement Standards, Taiwan
Shuw-Guann Lin / Section Manager, NationalChipImplementationCenter National Applied Research Laboratories (CIC/NARL)
Andrej Rumiantsev / Product Marketing Manager, Cascade Microtech
Hui Huang / Senior Researcher, National Institute of Metrology, China

Workshop Agenda

Day One Program: Dec. 10, 2012

Time / Topic / Speaker (s)
08:30-09:00 / Workshop Registration / CMS and IEEE
09:00-09:20 / Opening and Introduction by Local Host / Dr. Yu-Ping Lang/CMS
09:20-10:20 / Bridging the Gap Between Classical Microwave Metrology and Emerging Technologies / Mr. Ron Ginley/
10:20-10:30 / Break
10:30 -12:30 / Vector Network Analyzer Metrology / Dr. Jon Martens/Anritsu
12:30-13:30 / Lunch
13:30-14:00 / CMS/NML Lab Tour / Ms. H. C. Ma/CMS
14:00-15:50 / Microwave Measurement Uncertainty Analysis and Examples / Dr. Blair Hall/
MSL, New Zealand
15:50-16:10 / Break
16:10-17:10 / S-Parameter Measurement Standards for Calibration of Test Instruments used for Regulations / Dr. Masahiro Horibe/NMIJ, Japan
17:10-17:30 / IEEE Standards and Development on Microwave Measurements
Resources for Good Microwave Measurement Practices / Dr. Brian Lee/Anritsu

Day Two Program: Dec. 11, 2012

Time / Topic / Speaker
09:00-10:30 / Attenuation and Waveguide Noise Standards / Mr. Qui-Lai Gao/NIM
10:30-11:15 / Calibrating RF E-Field Probes with Tapered Cells / Dr. Wen-Tron Shay/CMS
11:15-11:30 / Break
11:30 -12:30 / RF Measurement Service and Development at the CIC
On-Wafer Quadrature Phase Measurement by 4-port Network Analyzer / Ms. Shuw-Guann Lin/CIC/NARL
12:30-13:30 / Lunch
13:30-14:15 / Establishing S-Parameter Measurement Assurance: Towards Solutions of the Wafer-level Challenges / Dr. Andrej Rumiantsev/CMICRO
14:15-15:00 / On-Wafer CPW S-Parameter Measurement and Metrology Technology / Mr. Hui Huang/NIM
15:00-15:15 / Break
15:15-17:00 / On-Wafer Broadband and mm-Wave Measurements with Live Demonstration / Dr. Jon Martens/Anritsu

Workshop Course Descriptions

Topics / Learning Objectives
Bridging the Gap Between Classical Microwave Metrology and Emerging Technologies / This talk will demonstrate how the classical areas of microwave metrology – scattering parameters, power, and noise – can be leveraged and applied to new emerging areas of technology. Examples will be shown in the areas of high frequency network analysis (up to 750 GHz), climate change monitoring, antennas and communication, and electromagnetic properties of materials which include nanoscale device characterization, nonlinear material measurements, and microfluidics.
Vector Network Analyzer Metrology / Variations among calibration methods
-Algorithm choice and the media and standards available
-Sensitivities of the calibration to standards issues
Time domain methods
-Concepts from a frequency domain point of view
-What these methods can and cannot do well
-As a de-embedding method, what are the sensitivities and uncertainties?
-Uncertainty contributors
Other de-embedding methods
-How to choose?
-Standards requirements
-Sensitivities and uncertainty contributors
O/E and E/O measurements
-Viewing as a de-embedding problem
-Mixed domain implications
Quasi-linear and nonlinear measurements
-Simple quasi-linear: gain compression, weak intermodulation distortion
  • Instrumentation limits and contributions to uncertainty
  • Calibration approaches
  • Signal range considerations
-Common approaches and thinking in terms of waveforms
-Calibration requirements and the criticality of phase
Microwave Measurement Uncertainty Analysis and Examples / * We will review the method of measurement data processing initially proposed in the "Guide to expression of uncertainty in measurement" (GUM). In recent years, this method has been extended so that most types of problem encountered in RF and microwave calibration work can now be handled.
* We will see how to formulate data-processing procedures for measurements of real and complex quantities, how to represent the uncertainty of influence quantities (type-A and type-B), how to evaluate the effects of these influences and how to report the measurement results.
* We will also see that an algorithmic approach to data processing simplifies the calculations, which can become onerous. Software can be used to automate most of the data-processing steps, leaving just the problem definition and presentation of results to choice.
* Examples of common measurement scenarios will be used to illustrate concepts.
* The talk will be of interest to metrologists and managers working in a calibration environment. A little familiarity with the GUM would be useful, but is not necessary. A working knowledge of basic engineering mathematics and statistics is assumed.
S-parameter Measurement Standards for Calibration of Test Instruments used for Regulations / *RF scattering parameter standard
Calibration and traceability of RF scattering parameter is strongly required for instruments in EMC testing. RF scattering parameter standard is ensured by standard termination establishing direct traceability to the SI base unit. The talk presents the theoretical principlesand uncertainty analysis for standard terminations, subsequently, describes analysis for VNA measurement uncertainty at RF.
*Waveguide VNA measurements at Sub-millimeter wave and THz frequencies
Regarding ITU-R and the Japanese Radio Law, measurement traceability of scattering parameter is important for power standard development at sub-millimeter wave and THz frequencies. Scattering parameter measurement is established by waveguide VNA and TRL line standard traceable to the SI base unit. The talk presents dimensional measurement method, the principle of electromagnetic theory and uncertainty analysis for standard terminations, subsequently, describes analysis for VNA measurement uncertainty at THz.
IEEE Standards and Development on Microwave Measurements
Resources for Good Microwave Measurement Practices /
  • Current status on the IEEE standards: 287-Coaxial Connector Standards, 378-Scattering Parameter Standards, 1785-Waveguide Standards beyond 110 GHz
  • Good measurement practice: connector care
  • Uncertainty analysis software tools

Attenuation and Waveguide Noise Standards / Attenuation Standard-
Audio substitution is an important method for establishing national attenuation measurement standard. The presentation describes the principle and uncertainty analysis. The presentation proposes a new method for attenuation measurement at milliwave frequency band as well.
Waveguide Noise Standard-
Standard noise sources are main standard devices for national noise standard. The presentation describes the noise standard principle, structure of cryogenic noise source and calibration of noise temperature of cryogenic noise source.
Calibrating RF E-Field Probes with Tapered Cells / In addition to TEM cells and anechoic chambers, tapered cells can be used in the calibration of E-field probes. The advantages of tapered cells include less expense in construction, less occupied space, less required RF power, coverage of the most commonly used frequency bands, and convenience of operation. The structure and design methodology of tapered cells, and its application in E-field probes calibration will be introduced in this presentation.
RF Measurement Service and Development at the CIC / A brief show-and-tell on the recent RF measurement service and development at the CIC/NARL
On-Wafer Quadrature Phase Measurement by 4-port Network Analyzer / The presentation will introduce the importance and history of quadrature phase measurement first. Next, we provide a method based on receiver mode in four-port vector network analyzer. A five port calibration kit is used. After de-embedding the phase/amplitude errors from cal-kit, the quadrature phase accuracy and amplitude error of a quadrature voltage controlled oscillator (QVCO) can be directly obtained using on-wafer testing with a single contact. We will also give some examples by this method.
Establishing S-Parameter Measurement Assurance: Towards Solutions of the Wafer-level Challenges / This presentation will review common requirements of the measurement system for accurate S-parameter characterization at the wafer-level. Several popular calibration methods will be analyzed for advantages and limitations. Special attention will be given to challenges defining the calibration reference impedance. We will also review common mistakes and pitfalls, and give practical suggestions on how to minimize possible calibration residual errors.
On-Wafer CPW S-Parameter Measurement and Metrology Technology / This presentation will review several popular calibration methods and uncertainties by Monte-Carlo analysis. Special attention will be given to define the calibration coefficients for probes and Impedance Standard Substrate. This presentation will also focus on how to accurately measure the S-Parameters of the probes. Finally, we give the practical measurement on how to establish calibration residual errors by time-domain method.
On-Wafer Broadband and mm-Wave Measurements with Live Demonstration / As device capabilities increase, the demands on higher frequency on-wafer characterization do as well. This talk will focus on some measurement considerations for mm-wave and broadband device characterization from the point-of-view of how the measurement physics can affect model extraction/validation.
Basic mm-wave S-parameter considerations
-Measurement stability and its determining factors: where are the exposed signal paths, what are the raw performance parameters, temperature, LO behavior…?
-Brief review of calibration options
-Power levels and their stabilities; when do these matter
-De-embedding complications. What are some options?
Model extraction and the measurements
-Asymptote dependencies: different model elements may critically depend on different frequency sub-ranges. Can one shape the uncertainties?
-Signal-to-noise limitation cases: certain device model elements stress the measurement signal-to-noise ratio. Can one improve these situations?
-Correlated effects: some model work can be affected by correlated measurement uncertainties. Can these situations be identified?
-Compounded effects: Some model elements are dependent on other extractions so errors can compound in unusual ways. Can these situations be identified and improved?
Example measurement setups
  • What on-wafer measurement configurations are more favorable from an uncertainty/stability point-of-view? Are they always mechanically feasible?
  • Where are some likely sensitive points?

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