Southwood Middle School

Fall Advisory Council Meeting


November 5, 2015

4:00 pm


Raul Garcia, Principal

Veritza Kostovski, Southwood Middle Lead Counselor

Rhonyce Hall, School Counselor

Sophia Duplessis, Teacher

Jaheim Duplessis, Student

Debi Hammon, Staff

Beverly Perez-V, Teacher

Joan Lobo, AP

Sue DeFerrari, Parent

Marni Cain, Parent

Dave Smits, Parent

Thelma Connor-Miller, Staff

Heather Almaguer, Parent

Brigette Triana, Parent

Michael Deutsch, Teacher

Panga Thompson, Teacher

Kristen Hernandez, Teacher

Purpose: To introduce the ASCA National Model to key stakeholders in our local community, and to explain student services goals and the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) process.

Start time: 4:05

Veritza Kostovski opened the meeting by re-introducing the members of the Advisory Council and providing a general description of the Southwood Middle School comprehensive school counseling program. Ms. Kostovski presented the school counseling goals that were developed in September 2015 with the School Advisory Council. The goals were developed by looking at last year’s data, which included the Early Warning Systems Report, the School Improvement Plan and other district reports:

GOAL 1 : By June 2016, the number of retained students in sixth, seventh and eighth grade will decrease by 30%, from 15 students in the 2014-2015 school year to 10 students in the 2015-2016 school year. (Academic)

GOAL 2: By June 2016, the number of students with a less than 90% attendance rate (19 or more absences) will decrease by 11% from 94 students in the 2014-2015 school year to 84 or less students in the 2015-2016 school year. (Attendance)

GOAL 3: By May 2016, the number of discipline referrals involving “teasing, name calling or the use of profanity” toward another student will decrease by 40% from 11 in the 2014-2015 school year to 7 or less during the 2015-2016 school year. (Social/Emotional)


Ms. Kostovski reviewed the mission and vision of the student services department and explained how it ties into the school and district mission and vision.

Ms. Kostovski introduced the ASCA National model and described how it aligns with the RAMP program.

The counselor presented process data to the council. Based on the information collected through electronic sign-in, the school counselors have already serviced over 200 students from August until November 5th.

The counselors delivered grade level- school orientation presentations to all students. Mrs. K commented that students seemed to enjoy the interactive presentation with the counselors and were engaged in the activities. Students learned information and answered questions that pertained to school protocol, getting to know the counselors, and promotion requirements were addressed. According to the pre and post questions/perception data collected, students believed they mastered the objectives of the orientation.

Ms. Kostovski received a $3,100 grant in the summer and she was able to purchase the 12 iPads for the student services program. Those iPads were and will continue to be used in the classrooms for guidance lessons as well as when counselors meet with individual students for support student achievement and success.

Southwood Middle offers a grant-funded, volunteer-based program called iPrep Math, an initiative by the superintendent that involves blended, personalized learning and utilization of technology based programs for teaching and learning. Two parents expressed concern regarding the idea of their children “learning on a computer” but clarification by Ms. Hansen (district support) regarding the blended learning program and the rituals and routines of the classroom was explained to parents. Three teachers are assigned to the classroom to provide individualized and targeted instructional support to students. Perception and outcome data is collected and presented to all stakeholders and the Department of Education at the end of each schooo year

The school counselors have started reviewing data from the 2014-15 school year and explained how they use utilize school outcome data to establish school counseling program goals that will support student success. With the help of district reports, counselors have organized small counseling groups based on underachieving students and students who have been retained. Counselors have met with retained students and developed a personalized success plans for promotion to the next grade level. Also, counselors have held conferences and provided academic advisement to students who are repeating a class they failed last year. Counselors will continue to track and meet with students who were retained and are recovering a course, which aligns with our academic goal. The counselors will meet with them at least one time per month to monitor, track their grades, and provide resources and support. Also, these students are participants in an academic success small group.

Ms. Kostovski explained the character development lessons the counselors plan to deliver in classrooms. The council members talked about the need to include cyberbullying lessons in the curriculum.

The activities department has requested money from the EESAC committee to provide an activity bus for students, which will run Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The after-school bus provides transportation for students participating in after-school tutoring, clubs, etc. Math tutoring is offered every Wednesday. In order to meet our attendance and social/emotional goals, the counselors are members of the Attendance Review Committee (ARC), developed to support students and increase our attendance rate. Counselors will meet every student who has three or more unexcused absences as well as initiate parent contact. Also, counselors are analyzing the data to begin a group for girls who have been involved in reports of teasing, name-calling and/or other instigative behavior.

Ms. Kostovski scheduled a professional development workshop for teachers on suicide prevention that took place in September during a teacher planning day. Ms. Hall has scheduled and will be taking current eighth grade students on a field trip for “Panther for a Day” at Palmetto Senior High School in December. Ms. Hall along with Mr. Cameron, our Magnet Lead Teacher, will be planning a Magnet Fair for Magnet high schools to come and present their programs to our 8th grade students. Ms. Kostovski has scheduled Wells Fargo to train social studies teachers to teach financial literacy to their students. The representative will come on January 18th, since it is a student early release day. In addition, Ms. Kostovski initiated contact with Hope for Miami to begin activity lessons for sixth to eighth grade students through Physical Education classes. The lessons will focus on self-esteem, study skills, and prevention of alcohol and tobacco use. These courses will start in January 2016.

Ms. Kostovski talked about submitting the RAMP application this year. The student services has, in collaboration with stakeholders and the council, developed goals for the year now that the 1st nine weeks has come to a close. The school counselors and resources are available to students and parents on the main page of the school’s website titled “Counselor’s Corner”. Counselors will share important information with parents and students through their website.

The council commended the counselors for a great job and their commitment to student success. The members did not have any further questions. The council recommended another meeting next month to follow up on the goals and future events.

Next meeting December 10th at 4pm.

Meeting ended at 5:15 pm.

Minutes taken by Susan H.