Workshop Method – Mendocino Training Group – January 30, 2017

4 / Digital Review/ Resources 23 / Implementation in real work 6 / Planning & Design 15 / Modeling with Feedback 21 / Reflective Application 23 / Mentor Support 3 / Re-teach 0 / Map and Framework 4
Provide more homework and review materials in between meetings and hold us accountable for knowing material / Provide videos to review before training containing new and review materials / Micro skills in person and larger theories online and utilize “live” online contact with groups – i.e. Google Chat. Facebook and Web-Ex / Management will select models to solve issues, develop new strategies and organizational flow (MCYP). The enneagram will be embedded into SOS and utilized in Management team discussions. / Set aside time in training to plan for upcoming facilitations – Steve and group provide feedback / Individual could bring project or meeting to the training for feedback or planned strategy for which model would be best to use.
Steve modeling each technique with groups was very helpful for watching the process. / After watching Steve demonstrate processes, hold small groups to share how methods used could be used in individuals’ work / Organizational groups with prior attendees should be networking with currently enrolled training participants / Distill a concept into simple language to teach someone unfamiliar with process / Initially provide a structure (foundation) into which everything can fit to help in understanding the Leadership Practices
Assign specific tasks for mini-practice between modules / Steve can email group with tips and reminders on processes in between training sessions
Hybridize the training options to include both in person and online aspects - / Steve to send out prompts, questions, you tube videos. links to Steve’s website regularly between workshops / Organizational groups hold meetings in between training sessions to continue focus on process. / Steve could set aside time in the training for mock facilitation groups outside of meeting / Explicitly talk about which processes we are using, and why, outside of class.
Small groups model specific practices for large group to give feedback / Practice skill components separately to gain ease and confidence / Have instructional aides at workshops in each group to facilitated small group practice sessions – mini Steve / Accountability to Teach 0
Assign small groups to lead concept reviews
Have Steve send out homework on a particular skill with some guidance (tips, bullet points, videos, etc) / Continue bridging modules with emails and videos for participants / Individuals would participate and provide feedback in mock facilitations between trainings
Consider how specific strategies can be applied to situations that arise / Watch video tutorials with Steve using micro skills and “think aloud” strategies – Whisper Coaching / Receiving feedback from group/Steve on a recorded practice video demonstrating a process and/or skill