The New Science of Success /


Saturday 20 February 2010

HaynesMotorMuseum, Sparkford, Somerset

10.00 – 16.30

Behaviour and Attitude Management™ (B.A.M.™) is an approach to success and wellbeing that is based on the academic discipline of Positive Psychology.

Over the last ten years, leading psychologists have carried out over 1000 scientific and peer-reviewed studies investigating why some people are more successful, happy and fulfilled than others.

The results of these studies have been cross-referenced with each other and with the contents of 500 of the best selling business and self-help books.

Based on this analysis five scientifically validated principles have been established which, if applied consistently, will lead to success in our careers and in all others areas of life.

They are:

  1. Take Responsibility. Understand that we, and nobody else, are ultimately responsible for our actions, thoughts and attitudes. How our lives turn out is up to us and no-one else.
  1. Set Goals. Goals provide us with a direction in life. They help us to focus our energy on what is important to us. We need to make decisions about what we want from life and to set clear goals that reflect this.
  1. Be Positive. Having a positive, optimistic outlook makes life more enjoyable for us and for those around us. It also gives us energy and drive, making us far more likely to be successful.
  1. Persevere Intelligently. Getting the most from life requires determination and perseverance. It also requires a flexible and intelligent approach. If a course of action doesn’t work we must be able to find effective alternatives.
  1. Connect with Others. None of us live in isolation. To be successful we need to have effective relationships with other people in all areas of our professional and personal lives.

B.A.M.™ uses a series of key concepts, methods and techniques to enable us to apply these principles.

This workshop will include lectures, exercises and discussions explaining the principles and how to apply them in our professional and personal lives.

Participants will learn how to use the principles to enhance their own careers and the performance of those that they manage and work with. They will also learn how to use the principles in other areas of life to enhance relationships, health and wellbeing, to fulfil their potential and get the most out of all aspects of life.

Professor Patrick W. Jordan is a world-leading expert on the psychology of success. He is a strategic advisor to many of the world’s leading companies and a policy advisor to the UK and a number of overseas governments. Please see and for more information.

Price: £ 149 (Lunch and Refreshments Included)

Early Registration (on or before Friday Feb 5th): £ 99

To reserve a place contact:

© Patrick W. Jordan.

The following terms and abbreviations are trademarks: Behaviour and Attitude Management™; Behavior and Attitude Management™; B.A.M.™; BAM™; Attitude and Behaviour Management™; Attitude and Behavior Management™; A.B.M.™; ABM™