Module 2: Inner Critic

Worksheet #2 – Facilitating Inner Critic Work

Recap on Recognizing the Inner Critic’s Voice

11 Qualities of the Critic Voice

  1. Harsh, rude, mean
  2. Binary
  3. Seems to be on your side
  4. The voice of “you aren’t ready yet”
  5. The voice of “you aren’t good at math / negotiating / technical stuff … leadership”
  6. The voice of body-perfectionism
  7. The tape
  8. A broken record
  9. Irrational but persistent
  10. The one-two punch
  11. The inner critic may take inspiration from people in your life

Inner Critic versus Realistic Thinking

Inner Critic / Realistic Thinking
Definite pronouncements with
little real evidence / Curious questions + interest in evidence
Black and white / Able to see the gray
Yes/No questions
(“Is it possible?”) / Open ended questions (“How might it be possible? What part is possible?” etc.)
Repetitive / Forward-moving
Focuses on problems/lacking areas / Seeks solutions
Speaks in anxious tone / Speaks in calmer tone

1.What might you notice, or feel, that would clue you in to the fact that you are now hearing a client’s critic?

2.Recall a time when you were talking to a client and you started hearing her Inner Critic. What was the situation and what did it say?

  1. Recall a second example of hearing a client’s IC. What was the situation andwhat did it say?
  1. What might get in the way of your being able to notice or name the critic voice in your clients/mentees?

What Not To Do When You Hear The Critic – the 3’A’s




What To Do When You Hear The Critic

Inner Critic Practices / Tools

  1. Label and notice.
  2. Separate the “I” from the inner critic.
  3. Create a character that personifies your inner critic.
  4. Compassionately see your inner critic’s motives.
  5. Look for the humor.
  6. Remove your critic from the scene.
  7. Pantomime putting all your inner critic thoughts into a vessel (a cup, bowl, box).
  8. Picture the voice receding into space.
  9. Imagine you can simply turn down the volume on the critic’s voice.
  1. Which one of the tools would you like to practice using this week with others? (Aim to practice at least twice. Also consider: which are appropriate for the context in which you are working with people?)
  1. Which will you keep practicing with yourself this week?

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