Module 2: Inner Critic
Worksheet #2 – Facilitating Inner Critic Work
Recap on Recognizing the Inner Critic’s Voice
11 Qualities of the Critic Voice
- Harsh, rude, mean
- Binary
- Seems to be on your side
- The voice of “you aren’t ready yet”
- The voice of “you aren’t good at math / negotiating / technical stuff … leadership”
- The voice of body-perfectionism
- The tape
- A broken record
- Irrational but persistent
- The one-two punch
- The inner critic may take inspiration from people in your life
Inner Critic versus Realistic Thinking
Inner Critic / Realistic ThinkingDefinite pronouncements with
little real evidence / Curious questions + interest in evidence
Black and white / Able to see the gray
Yes/No questions
(“Is it possible?”) / Open ended questions (“How might it be possible? What part is possible?” etc.)
Repetitive / Forward-moving
Focuses on problems/lacking areas / Seeks solutions
Speaks in anxious tone / Speaks in calmer tone
1.What might you notice, or feel, that would clue you in to the fact that you are now hearing a client’s critic?
2.Recall a time when you were talking to a client and you started hearing her Inner Critic. What was the situation and what did it say?
- Recall a second example of hearing a client’s IC. What was the situation andwhat did it say?
- What might get in the way of your being able to notice or name the critic voice in your clients/mentees?
What Not To Do When You Hear The Critic – the 3’A’s
What To Do When You Hear The Critic
Inner Critic Practices / Tools
- Label and notice.
- Separate the “I” from the inner critic.
- Create a character that personifies your inner critic.
- Compassionately see your inner critic’s motives.
- Look for the humor.
- Remove your critic from the scene.
- Pantomime putting all your inner critic thoughts into a vessel (a cup, bowl, box).
- Picture the voice receding into space.
- Imagine you can simply turn down the volume on the critic’s voice.
- Which one of the tools would you like to practice using this week with others? (Aim to practice at least twice. Also consider: which are appropriate for the context in which you are working with people?)
- Which will you keep practicing with yourself this week?
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