WSC Meeting



Workplace Safety Committee

Safety is No Accident

Thursday,November 6, 2014

8:30 AM

PVE Lobby Conference Room

Attending:Chris FisherBeverly HendricksBeverly Hofford

Deborah SandtScott CampbellRich Hicks

Visitor:Roger Pomposello, Asst. Principal

Howard Scott, Building and Grounds Director

Crystal Reph, PVE Head Custodian

WSC Meeting


  1. Meeting called to order at 8:32 am.
  2. October meeting minutes correction.

1.Page 2, heading, “September/October Injury Report”

Item 10/1/14 – administration secretary slipped and fell on slippery/elevated spot on lobby floor

Corrected as – administration secretary slipped and fell on lobby floor

2.Corrected minutes approved; motion by Deb Sandt and second by Bev Hendricks; motion carried

  1. Old Business

1.Building clean up at Eldred is underway.

  1. Will be ongoing for several weeks.

2.Ladder Check List

  1. Review check list
  2. District-wide check of all ladders will be done; Howard Scott and Rich Hicks
  3. Discussion
  • Existing
  • What needs to be replaced

3.Old medications/chemical disposal

  1. All inventoried by Quad 3 Group
  2. Final packing and removal scheduled for November 24, 2014

4.“Do Not Block Area” placards for fire extinguishers

  1. Howard Scott will follow up with Rodney Green.
  1. New Business
  1. October Injury Reports
  1. 10/9/14 – While trying to help a student in crisis, three PVE staff members were hit, kicked by student before being subdued using CPI restraint techniques.
  2. Medical sought; no lost time
  3. Building principal, Erica Greer, completed accident reports.
  4. Supervisor Recommendations:
  1. Child evaluation issued.
  2. Staff debriefing (was done)
  3. Committee recommendations:
  1. Agree with principal’s recommendations.
  1. 10/13/14 – PVE custodian strained left calf muscle when stepping from a ladder.
  2. Medical sought; lost time
  3. Accident report completed by custodial supervisor, Tony Pierri.
  4. Recent prior, non-work related injury to leg less than a week before was noted.
  5. Employee returned to work with doctor note; no restrictions listed.
  6. No supervisor recommendations.
  7. Committee discussion

Is paperwork getting to all necessary persons?

Employee didn’t give a doctor note to head custodian.

Take steps to insure proper paperwork is received.

  1. 10/24/14 – PVE teacher closing closet doors pinched middle finger.
  2. No medical sought; no lost time
  3. Building principal, Erica Greer, completed accident report.
  4. Closet doors were checked and no defect was found.
  5. Supervisor Recommendations:

Principal met with teacher and discussed the situation and how to prevent the accident from happening in the future.

Teacher needs to remind students to close closet when finished taking out or putting in items.

Take more time; slow down.

  • No committee recommendations.
  1. 10/29/14 – PVI paraprofessional monitoring Wellness football game was hit on side of face with a football.
  2. First aid given by school nurse; ½ day lost time
  3. Building principal, Todd VanNortwick, completed accident report.
  4. Supervisor Recommendations:

Wellness activity procedures were reviewed with employee.

Students should be directed to play game further away from sidewalk and staff.

  • Committee supports supervisor’s recommendations.
  1. Building Inspection Reports – PVE
  1. All safety issues from last inspection have been corrected.
  2. Building Inspection Report will be submitted.
  1. Discussion
  1. Fire extinguisher in PVI kitchen area blocked by shelf and piled cardboard.
  2. Steps being taken to remove and relocate the shelf.
  3. Training
  1. Check for LO/TO video or webinar; check costs – Bev Hofford
  2. Kits for LO/TO discussed
  1. Safety equipment stored at warehouse
  1. Needs to be distributed to different departments
  2. Check on needs
  3. Howard Scott will check with maintenance
  1. Adjournment at approximately 9:30am; motion by Rich Hicks and second by Scott Campbell.
  2. Next meeting will be on Thursday, December 4, 2014, 8:30 am, PVI hallway conference room; safety inspection begins at 7:30 am in main lobby.

Respectfully Submitted: Beverly Hofford, Recording Secretary