United Church of Christ

Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 6, 2012

Those who are able may stand where marked (*).

Gathering Music #794 “Let All Things Now Living” vs. 1

Welcome, Announcements Deacon – Glenda Iles

Opening Prayer

Prelude and Ministry of the Acolyte

Call to Worship:

One: Jesus, you are the well-grounded vine,

rooted in God’s abundant life.

All: Through you, we are nourished

and filled with good things,

as long as we abide in your love.

One: Jesus, we come to this moment, this place,

needing your generous gifts.

All: Help us, O True Vine, to trust your abundance;

help us to keep our hearts hopeful and free;

help us to bring forth the fruits of your love

as we open our hearts to your bounty. Amen.

*Hymn: #21 “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”

*Confession: Kind and generous Friend, you nourish us always with God’s abundant goodness, but we don’t trust you. Our world is so often full of violence and rage. We want to feel safe, so we try our best to take control of everything around us. Full of anger and sorrow, suspicion and fear, we do not abide in your generous love. We harden our hearts against you and our neighbors and injure the world you came to save. And still you offer us forgiveness, and still you invite us to return and abide in you. And so, kind and generous Friend, as we come to your table of blessing today, we ask you to welcome our humble hearts and restore us to fruitful lives; for we pray in the fullness of your precious love. AMEN

* Assurance of Pardon

* Gloria Patri #813

* Statement of Faith (see inside front/back cover of hymnal)

Choir Anthem “How Beautiful” Paris

Children's Time

Moments of Concern and Celebration

(please fill out a blue card in the pew)

Pastoral Prayer and Savior’s Prayer (trespasses)

Worship of God with our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Music

*Doxology #815

*Offertory Prayer

Scripture: John 15:1-8

Sermon: “And Nourished from the Stalk” Rev. Weddington

*Hymn: #591 “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”

The Sacrament of Holy Communion (see insert)

*Hymn: #87 “Fairest Lord Jesus”


*Choral Response: #794 “Let All Things Now Living” vs. 2

*Ministry of the Acolyte and Postlude