Workplace/Activity Risk Assessment
A / Workplace detailsBusiness Area / Neighbourhood Services / Section / Community Development Workers/ neighbourhood Community Advisors / Location / Six Town Housing Offices, Community hubs within Bury
B / Work activity / Generic office work and meetings
C / Persons affected / Community Development Workers, colleagues, customers
D / Assessment of risk
Hazardand cause ofharm / Existing control measures / Risk
L/M/H / Further control measures
needed / Action
taken by whom / Risk
Working on computers and other Display Screen Equipment / See separate DSE assessment
Fire / Fire Risk Assessment
Fire Action Notices
Fire Alarm testing
Smoke and heat detectors
Emergency evacuation procedures / low / none
Manual Handling / Training
Know your own limits
Assistance available if required
Use external providers’ equipment where possible / Med / Aid required to move paper, packages etc (hubs) / ? / Low
Assault/violence / Zero Tolerance Policy
Accident / Incident Reporting and investigation procedures
ASB Procedures
Warning codes on QL
Mobile Phone
Panic Alarm
Security Doors (STH Offices)
Limited visitors access
Tenancy Agreements
Lone working Procedure
First Aiders/kits Available
Stress Policy / Low / None
Lone working / See separate lone working risk assessment
Chemicals/Hazardous substances / Limited use of chemicals
All products used in accordance with manufacturers
Asbestos policy and procedures / Med / COSSH Assessments required
Assessments to be made available to all staff
Microwave ovens / Not to be operated empty
Defect reporting system
Accident reporting and investigation
PAT testing / Low / None
Kettles / urns / coffee machines / Positioned away from electrical points
Used on stable surfaces
Trays should be used when carrying multiple drinks
Defect reporting system
Accident reporting and investigation procedure in place
PAT testing / Low / None
Heating appliances / Not positioned in close proximity to people or major walkways
Switched off and disconnected when not in use
Kept free of obstruction / Low / None
Scissors, knives, crockery, bottles, glass / Cutting tools to be stored in drawer/cupboard
Cutting tools to be disposed of when blunt
Staff should be aware to cut away from the hand when using cutting tools
Dust pan and brush available to sweep up breakages
Breakages disposed of to external bins or in a cardboard box clearly marked. / Low / None
Electrical equipment / Switched off when not in use
Switched off and disconnected from mains before moving
No use of multi-way adaptors
Fuse bow covers closed
Cable tidies used – no trailing wires
- Competent person to maintain equipment
- PAT tests
- Defect reporting system
- Accident reporting and investigation procedure
- First Aid / kits available
- Training
Falls from height / Goods stored at waste height where possible
Kick step available
Staircases and corridors generally free from obstruction
Generally adequate lighting / Low / None
Slips, trips and falls on same level / Housekeeping
Corridors generally kept sterile
Defect reporting system
Adequate lighting
Filing cabinet drawers kept closed when not in use
Clean as you go system in place
Warning signs used
Hand rails provided
Maintenance of grounds
Accident reporting and investigation procedures in place
Generally wear suitable shoes
Falling objects / Correct storage procedures
Filing cabinet doors only opened one at a time
Large cabinets secured to the wall
General tidy up day scheduled
Accident reporting and investigation procedure in place
Inspections / Low / None
Lifts / Inspection and maintenance programme in place
Accident and incident reporting and investigation procedure in place / Low / None
Passive smoking / No smoking in all public buildings / Low / None
Noise / Low levels of noise – no noisy equipment
Supervision / Low / None
Temperature, weather / Windows open within office
Air conditioning unit available
Water coolers available
Regular breaks taken when required
Fan heaters can be obtained if required / Low / None
Stress / Stress policy
Stress risk assessments
Bullying and harassment policy
Code of conduct
Occupational health referral
Approachable managers / Low / None
Out of hours working / Out of hours working procedure
Mobile phone
Panic alarm / Low / None
E / Site Specific Dynamic Risk Assessment
Hazard and cause of harm / Existing control measures / Risk
L/M/H / Further control measures
needed / Action
taken by whom / Risk
L/M/H / Hazard and cause of hazard / Existing control measures
F / Assessment prepared by
Name / Michelle Smythe / Signature / Position / Neighbourhood Coordinator / Date / 11.1.16
G / Assessment review
Date for review / Carried out by / Position / Signature
DB RA1 January 2015 Issue 2 1/8