Chinook Winds Radio Control Club
Membership Application
Chinook Winds R/C Club
Membership Number______c/o Bob Smyth
18 Lake Rosen PL SE
R/C Club______Calgary, AB
Label List ______T2J 3M2
Card ______(403) 271-8383
Date ______Email Address______
Family Name ______Phone No. ______
Given Name(s) ______
Address: ______
City:______Postal Code:______
M.A.A.C. Number: ______
Mandatory: A copy of your MAAC card must be enclosed with this application every time you send in this form. If you have not received your MAAC card, please send a copy of your receipt from the MAAC website. Once you receive your MAAC card, please forward a copy to Secretary/Treasurer (address above). A copy of your MAAC card must be on record for each year you are a member.
Remember: No M.A.A.C. - No fly
Frequencies Used: (channels) ______
Flight Operating Status: Learner Pilot Instructor
Your specialty/interest: Sport Flying Scale Giant Scale Electric Glider Other ______
Annual Membership Rates:
Juniors (under 18 years of age) - $20.00 (Junior members can only apply for a 1 year term)
Ordinary and Seniors - $70.00 for one year (MAAC card must be valid 1 year or longer.)
Ordinary and Seniors - $140.00 for two years (MAAC card must be valid 2 years or longer.)
Ordinary and Seniors - $210.00 for three years (MAAC card must be valid 3 years or longer)
Order name tag $8.00
I understand that after payment of any dues or levies, the issuance of a membership card (valid from Jan. 1 to Dec.31 during any one year) is indicative of me being accepted by the Chinook Winds R/C Club as a Member in good standing with the privileges and responsibilities of that Membership. I also understand there are no refunds under any circumstances. I will also provide proof of MAAC for the year(s) that I am applying for above.
Signature ______