Working Well Expansion EOI

G4S are a current Welfare to Work provider delivering Work Programme, Community Work Placements and have just completed delivering ESF Families in the North West of England

Working Well expansion has recently been announced and we are currently looking for organisations who would like to help deliver this programme.

G4S are looking to build a supply chain across GM to deliver services to local residents. We look for organisations who are embedded in local communities and who have a proven track record of delivering provision to residents with multiple barriers.

Phase 1 expansion looks to continue to wrap provision around the employability looking at a cohort of hardest to help residents in GM. It will support up to 15,000 people with multiple and inter-related barriers to employment such as:

·  Long-term unemployed

·  Ex-Offenders

·  Severe debt problems

·  Homelessness and housing problems eg. threat of eviction

·  Addiction

·  Learning Disabilities and Difficulties

·  Severe literacy and numeracy problems

·  Mental health problems

·  Physical health problems

·  Family problems

As well as the above there will be a range of further priority groups that providers will be expected to target with the help of local authorities, GPs’ and other agencies.. Priority groups may differ from across Greater Manchester and we are interested to hear about priority groups where you deliver services. We are looking for partners who;

·  Cover all or some of the local authority areas in Greater Manchester

·  Are already working with these target groups

·  Can demonstrate innovation and an integrated approach.

Please fill in Page 2-4 and return to Coralie Perella via email no later than 5pm Friday 14th August:

Please also do not fill in if you have already completed the call for partnership information that we sent out in January 2015, or if you have already had initial partnership conversations with any member of the G4S Employment Support Services Team.

About your organisation

1.  Organisation Name:

2.  Your Name:

3.  Your Role:

4.  Telephone number:

5.  Key contact email address:

6.  Type of Organisation (i.e. Registered charity, Public sector, Private sector):

7.  Please Confirm in which areas you have existing infrastructure and would like to deliver, and the maximum capacity of those sites, taking into account existing contract you are already delivering:

Area / Y/N / Maximum number of customers you could deliver for a year / Area / Y/N / Maximum number of customers you could deliver for a year
Bury / Bolton
Oldham / Manchester
Rochdale / Salford
Tameside / Stockport
Wigan / Trafford

8.  Would you like to deliver as an End to End provider, Specialist Provider or Both?

End to End Specialist Both

9.  Would you be available for Spot Purchase Provision?

Yes No

10.  We are keen to understand how many clients you have worked with over the past year with the following barriers (In Greater Manchester), and any specialist service you were able to provide:

Condition / # / Additional Specialist Service
Example – Mental Heath / 20 / 1:1 CBT support, NLP, Multi Systemic Therapy, Motivational Coaching etc
Mental Health condition
Physical Health condition
Low confidence/motivation
Childcare problems
Low skills

11.  Please provide your experience of dealing with likely client groups that will likely be eligible for Work Well Expansion (These will include Lone Parents, Young People, Ex-Service personnel, Over 50’s, Long term unemployed, residents with multiple Barriers)

12.  Please give a summary of the strengths and values of your organisation (500 Word Limit)