(HECC Letterhead)
Addressee Name
Addressee Title
Address 1
Address 2
As you may know, the 2010 Florida Legislature created the Higher Education Coordinating Council (1004.015, F.S.). The Council (HECC) was established to identify unmet needs and to facilitate solutions to disputes regarding the creation of new degree programs and the establishment of new institutes, campuses, or centers. Its purpose is to make recommendations to the Legislature, the State Board of Education, and the Board of Governors, State University System of Florida. The Council has seven members: Education Commissioner, State University System Chancellor, Florida College System Chancellor, President of Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida, Executive Director of the Commission for Independent Education, and two business representatives (one appointed by the House Speaker and the other appointed by the Senate President).
The 2011 Legislature passed CS/HB 7151, Postsecondary Education, which expands the Council’s responsibilities. These additional charges require the Council to make recommendations on the following: the primary core mission of public and private postsecondary institutions, performance measures, articulation policies, and workforce development education. The Council is seeking input on these issues vital to the state of Florida. Your participation is key to developing comprehensive, meaningful, and practicable recommendations. Toward that end, we have attached the bill’s language as it applies to HECC. Beneath each section of the bill is a list of italicized questions we ask that you consider carefully and answer.
The bill’s language requires that the Council submit a report with its recommendations by December 31, 2011. Therefore, the Council is bound to a very tight timeline for this task. Please submit your responses by July 15, 2011. Thank you for your assistance with this very important undertaking. Should you have any questions, please contact XXXXXXXXX at XXX-XXXX or (e-mail address).
Jon Moyle, Co-Chair
Marshall Criser, III, Co-Chair
1004.015 Higher Education Coordinating Council.
(4) The council shall make detailed recommendations relating to:
(a) The primary core mission of public and nonpublic postsecondary education institutions in the context of state access demands and economic development goals.
- What elements should be included in a cross-sector, system-wide postsecondary education mission statement?
- How can state access demands and economic development goals best be addressed?
- If you are an institutional responder, how much additional capacity do you have or can create over the next ten years and how can you accomplish this increase?
(b) Performance outputs and outcomes designed to meet annual and long-term state goals, including, but not limited to, increased student access, preparedness, retention, transfer, and completion. Performance measures must be consistent across sectors and allow for a comparison of the state’s performance to that of other states.
- What meaningful performance measures should be implemented that can be applied across sectors?
(c) The state’s articulation policies and practices to ensure that cost benefits to the state are maximized without jeopardizing quality. The recommendation shall consider return on investment for both the state and students and propose systems to facilitate and ensure institutional compliance with state articulation policies.
- How can the state’s articulation policies be improved?
- What kinds of systems would best ensure compliance with state articulation policies?
- Please comment on alternative methods of course delivery such as students receiving college course credit by completing advance placement courses, IB and/or CLEP exams.Do they come as prepared for advanced coursework as students taking regular classes in college? Do these alternative methods expedite the time required for graduation?
- What are the educational and/or economic reasons for establishing AP, IB or CLEP credits? Are they being realized?
- Is it economically more efficient (relevant to actual experience) to deliver at the pre-college/university level v. delivering at the college/university level (ie should the funding be moved?).
- Is the standard of awarding colleges level credit with a score of 3 or higher appropriate across all higher education degree programs ( ex is the necessary mastery of subject matter for a course such as calculus the same for a business degree as an engineering degree?).
(d) A plan for workforce development education that addresses:
1. The alignment of school district and Florida College System workforce development education programs to ensure cost efficiency and mission delineation, including an examination of the need for both college credit and noncollege credit certificate programs, an evaluation of the merit of retaining the associate in applied science degree, and the consolidation of adult general education programs within school districts.
- How can the school districts’ and Florida College System’s workforce development education programs be better aligned?
- Is it necessary for Florida College System institutions to offer both college credit and noncollege credit certificate programs?
- Is it necessary for Florida College System institutions to continue to offer the associate in applied science degree?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of consolidating adult general education programs within school districts?
2. The consistency of workforce education data collected and reported by Florida College System institutions and school districts, including the establishment of common elements and definitions for any data that is used for state and federal funding and program accountability.
- What common data elements between the Florida College System and school districts would be beneficial for workforce development?
(5) The council shall submit a report outlining its detailed recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Board of Governors, and the State Board of Education by December 31, 2011, which specifically includes recommendations for consideration by the Legislature for implementation in the 2012-176 2013 fiscal year.
(6) The Board of Governors and the Department of Education shall provide administrative support for the council.
Final Questions
- What recommendations do you have for postsecondary education improvement that can be addressed by HECC?
- What does your institution/organization perceive to be obstacles to Florida’s excelling in postsecondary education/workforce development?
- Any other ideas you have related to the work of HECC would be greatly appreciated!
Potential Recipients
Florida Retail Federation
Associated Industries of Florida
Florida Chamber of Commerce
National Federation of Independent Businesses
Florida United Businesses Association
Think Tanks
James Madison Institute
Collins Institute
Council of 100
Educational Institutions
ICUF institution presidents
SUS presidents
FCS presidents
CIE postsecondary presidents/CEOs
Government/Quasi-Government Agencies
Agency for Workforce Innovation
Enterprise Florida