Ut-In Selica - Moluk Chapter

Bridging Ceremony

ARRANGEMENT: Order of the Arrow does not provide the bridge. Unless the Pack has a bridge, one of the troops should bring a bridge with them and set it up on the stage before the Arrow of Light Ceremony. Each troop should have a troop neckerchief for scouts bridging into their troop. The four Principles stand ready at the back. The cubmaster will set the appropriate mood before the ceremonialists enter.

CUBMASTER: Tonight marks a great occasion – the graduation of Webelos Scouts from our Pack. We are sad to see them leave. But, we are happy for them because they are going on to the great adventure of Boy Scouting. They have worked hard on their activity badges; they have learned the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan, Salute, Sign and handclasp. They have visited Boy Scout Troops in the area and have decided on one that will lead them on their Boy Scouting adventures.

Drummer enters.

Drummer: I am ______of Boy Scout Troop _____. Then explain what the Order of the Arrow is (see script). Start drum beat in a slow tempo. Ceremonialists enter from the back and assemble in front of the bridge. Drum stops.

Drummer: You are about to cross over the bridge into Boy Scouting. In Boy Scouting, you will follow the ideals of the Scout Law. Before you take this step and begin to climb up a new trail, listen first to the wisdom of the four winds.

(Each of the four winds should step forward in turn to speak his part; then step back when done. Your lines should be directed mainly towards the scouts who will be crossing over to boy Scouts.)

East Wind: I am the spirit of the east wind. I represent the common law, trustworthy, loyal, and helpful. You are what you are when no one is looking. Being trustworthy means you can be counted on to always do the right thing. Your honor depends on being trustworthy. Be loyal to your family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and nation. Stick with them through thick and thin. Be helpful. Care about and help others without being asked, and without expecting anything in return.

West Wind: As the spirit of the west wind, I represent the law of humanity, friendly, courteous, and kind. They create the atmosphere that comes from within your heart. Be friendly. Offer you friendship to people of all races and nation, and respect them even if their beliefs and customs are different from your own. Be courteous and polite. Using good manners makes it easier to for people to get along. Be kind by showing compassion. Do not be hurtful. There is strength in being gentle. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be friendly, courteous and kind to those who pass along your trail.

South Wind: I am the spirit of the south wind. I represent the civil law, obedient, cheerful, and thrifty. A life of cheerful obedience is necessary for the development of a true citizen. Obedience is something everyone has to learn - to take orders and carry them out cheerfully. Real thrift means using your time, money, and resources wisely. Help to conserve our resources and the environment. Do not be wasteful and share with those less fortunate.

North Wind: As the spirit of the north wind, the most powerful of all. I represent the divine law, brave, clean, and reverent. Bravery is more than an act of heroism. To be brave is to put the needs of others ahead of your own, even when you are scared. To be clean in body and soul with reverence in your heart is to ensure that you follow the true path and will not be led astray. Always do the right thing so that you can have a clear conscience and be a person of good character. Cast from your mind and body any evil spirit that tries to weaken or destroy the divine law. Live a life of reverence. Be brave and clean.

East Wind: Arrow of Light Scouts, you have heard the wisdom of the four winds. Do you promise to do your best to live up to these ideals?

(Waits for them to say yes)

West Wind: We trust that you will remember the things that you have learned, and continue to build your knowledge as you climb the Scouting trail. As you begin to climb this trail, remember the fun you have shared with each other in Cub Scouting, and remember the wisdom of the four winds.

(The four winds step forward, one at a time.)

East Wind: Remember the common law: Trustworthy, loyal, helpful.

West Wind: Remember the law of equity: Friendly, courteous, kind.

South Wind: Remember the civil law: Obedient, cheerful, thrifty.

North Wind: Remember the divine law, the most powerful of all: Brave, clean, reverent.

South Wind: It is our hope that one day we may welcome you at the summit of the trail when you attain the rank of Eagle. The time has come us to continue on our journey. .

North Wind: May you climb high mountains and never grow weary; may you find the true path so that others may follow; may the snow of winter never chill the fire of cheerfulness within you, and may the stream's quiet laughter fill your heart with peace.

Drummer: (Start slow drum beat. Ceremonialist leave, the South Wind, then the East Wind, then the West Wind, the North Wind, then the Chief, and finally the Drummer.)

CUBMASTER: The time has come for each troop to welcome the new members to their troop. I now ask that Troop 60 come forward to welcome your Scout(s).

  • Will Amandip Dutta please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Arnav Hampapur please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Arnesh Peddi please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Ayan Bhatia please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Ayush Vaidya please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Jay Tawde please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Lawrence Chen please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Rajvir Singh please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Sanjiv Simha please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Varun Desai please come forward with his parents?

I now ask that Troop 236 come forward to welcome your Scout(s).

  • Will Zane Ort please come forward with his parents?

I now ask that Troop 803 come forward to welcome your Scout(s).

  • Will Marcus Woo please come forward with his parents?

I now ask that Troop 834 to come forward to welcome your Scout(s).

  • Will Marcos Perez please come forward with his parents?

I now ask that Troop 888 to come forward to welcome your Scout(s).

  • Will Curran Shah please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Faiz Siddiqi please come forward with his parents?
  • Will Noah Adas please come forward with his parents?

The troop can do their presentation to the new members and say whatever they choose.)

CUBMASTER: invite all scouts and their troops back on stage for group pictures. / Close

Pack 1776, Blue & Gold 2016 Page 1 of 2