Attorneys at Law

4763 Barwick Drive, Suite 100

Fort Worth, Texas 76132-1531

TELEPHONE (817) 263-5190

FACSIMILE (817) 263-5197

STEVEN E. KATTEN, Attorney* KIM OLMEDO, LCSW, CCM, Elder Care Coordinator

MONICA A. BENSON, Attorney BRENDA S. EVANS, Office Manager / Paralegal

*Board Certified Estate Planning and Probate CORDY G. DAVILA, Legal Assistant

Texas Board of Legal Specialization

Certified Elder Law Attorney

Planning for care is complicated, and this questionnaire is designed to help you gather and organize as much information as possible before you meet with us. This will in turn help us make the consultation time as productive as possible.

Please take a few moments to look over and complete this questionnaire as much as possible. Don’t worry if you aren’t able to provide all the information at the consultation, but do be aware that if you engage us to do Medicaid planning, we will eventually need all requested information in order to complete the application.

If you have questions about this form, please feel free to call our office and ask for assistance.

I. Personal Information

Husband: / Wife:
Address: / Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Phone: / Phone:
Email: / Email
County: / County:
Date of birth: / Date of birth:
Place of birth: / Place of birth:
U. S. citizen?: /  Yes No / U.S. citizen?: /  Yes No
Veteran?: /  Yes No / Veteran?: /  Yes No

Children (names, addresses):


If either of youis not living at home:

Name of facility:

Date of admission:

Date left home: ______

Please describe your major health problems (if any):



If not you, who is your “Contact Person” (the person we should contact for appointments, for more information about you, etc.)?:

Do you have any dependents (that is, someone who depends on you, in whole or in part, for their support)?

 Yes No If yes, who?:

Are any of your children receiving Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability; or, if not, has any major disabilities?  Yes  No If yes, who?:

II. Resources

Monthly Income

Do not list interest or dividend income.

Source / Husband / Wife
Social Security (gross/net):
Pension (gross/net):
Other (gross/net):

Real Estate You Own

A. Personal Residence

Address of property:

Names as they appear on deed:

Current Value: Tax-Appraised Value: ______

Mineral Lease  No  Yes If yes, value: ______

B. Other Real Estate

Address of property:

Names as they appear on deed:

Current Value: Tax-Appraised Value: ______

Mineral Lease  No  Yes If yes, value: ______

C. Other Real Estate

Business or Farm:

Names as they appear on deed:

Current Value: Tax-Appraised Value: ______

Mineral Lease  No  Yes If yes, value: ______

Other Assets: Your bank accounts, CDs, annuities, stocks, retirement plans, and the like.

Type of Asset / Company Name / How Is It Titled? / Value
Life Insurance / Policy 1 / Policy 2
Company Name
Owner of Policy
Death Benefit (face value)
Current Cash Value (if any)
Loan Against Policy (if any)

Do you have long term care insurance?  Yes  No

List large items of personal property you own (cars, boats, RVs, farm equipment, livestock, etc.):

Personal Property (Item) / Value

Do you have a prepaid funeral or burial?  Yes No

If yes, describe the arrangements:

Have you given away any money or property within the last 60 months?  Yes  No

If yes, what did you give away and when?

Do you have any of the following documents? / Husband / Wife
Durable Power of Attorney /  Yes No /  Yes No
Medical Power of Attorney /  Yes No /  Yes No
Living Will /  Yes No /  Yes No
Will /  Yes No /  Yes No
Revocable Living Trust /  Yes No /  Yes No

Please bring the following documents to the meeting, if you have them:

Durable Power of Attorney

Medical Power of Attorney

Living Will


Revocable Living Trust

Last 4 statements on all accounts (checking, savings, securities, IRAs, etc.)

Social Security cards

Medicare/health insurance cards

Proof of income from Social Security or other pensions

Planning Questionnaire- 1 -