Glenwood City Area Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Executive Committee MEMBERS PRESENT: Joan Bartz, Kristen Curvello, Terri Swanepoel, and Shawn DeWitt
- Call To Order: President Joan Bartz called the meeting to orderat 9:06 a.m.
- Approval of the Agenda and Meeting Minutes: motion was made to approve the agenda and June minutes by Shawn DeWitt, second by Terri Swanepoel, motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Terri presented the current profit/loss statement. She is still working on separating the Chamber and Rustic Lore transactions for the past two years. For 2016 she is keeping everything separate.
- Reoccurring Business/Updates:
- Economic Update: We met at 8:00am before the Executive meeting with a few community members to take a look at the recommendations made by Marie Steenlage with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. We would like to form two different committees, one for a Marketing Committee and another for Business Development & Attraction Committee. We discussed what we would like to have each committee responsible for. We talked again about the current vacant stores that are available, in particular the old school. What would it take to tear it down or get rid of the asbestos, are there grants available to help, could we check with UW-River Falls or UW-Stout to see if they have a program that could use this as a learning project? We discussed what types of businesses we would like to see come into the community or what might do well; Dollar Store, Antiques, Coffee Shop/Bakery, “My Happy Place” a variety/specialty shop, Quilt shop, a Wifi Café, Real Estate office, Sporting Goods, Taxidermy, a Mexican or Chinese sit down restaurant. It was also brought up “How do we get the city to work with the Chamber to attract businesses and/or let us know when businesses are looking at coming to Glenwood City.” Does the Chamber need to attend the City Council meetings? We talked about what strengths GC currently has as a town with our current businesses like Glenhaven, the clinic, bank, grocery store, etc. We ended our discussion with the new sign that is to be put up on the fairgrounds and could we possibly utilize this to put posters up advertising our businesses and other events in the community. Maybe make a contribution to its installation or rent the space?
- Membership: all window clings have been distributed.
- Rustic Lore: we are still working on getting sponsorship donations for the tent and listed who has been contacted currently and who else could we ask – it was suggested to contact the clinic. Nilssen’s has agreed to donate $250 plus will be giving 50 cases of bottled water to sell throughout the event – if sold at $1 that could be an additional $1200 in revenue.
- Mission Statement: still need to discuss revising - “to advance the general welfare and prosperity of the Glenwood City Area so that its citizens and all areas of its business community shall prosper. All necessary means of promotion shall be provided and particular attention and emphasis shall be given to the economic, civic, commercial, industrial and educational interest of the area.”
- Lunch & Learn/Business After 5: the next L&L is Thursday, August 4th and we will discuss the Economic Development more. Joan is checking to see that Glenhaven would be available for a meeting spot at noon. Marie Steenlage will be here again and we will invite all members of the Chamber, as well as everyone who was in attendance of the breakfast. The next Business After 5 was scheduled for Friday, October 14th - we decided to move it to Wednesday, October 12th at Leakers. Please mark this change on your calendars.
- Historical Mural Restoration – on going agenda item until completed: everything is going great, there continues to be new people added daily. Each person has a number that will be put on the plaque as a key – looking at getting quotes for the plaque and will need sponsorship for the cost.
- New Business:
- Fair Parking: we are sitting pretty well with volunteers for parking. Still need a few for the last two shifts on Saturday.
- Post Office Dedication: Shawn shared that a dedication is planned and plaque unveiling Wednesday, Aug. 31, when the Glenwood City post office will carry the name Second Lt. Ellen Ainsworth Memorial Post Office to honor the only Wisconsin servicewoman killed by enemy fire in World War II. The dedication will be at 2 p.m. at the post office, 220 E. Oak St.
- Adjournment: Joan Bartz moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:32 unanimous consent.
Respectfully Submitted by
Kristen Curvello, Recording Secretary