Acharya et al. Supplemental Material

Supplemental Methods and Materials

Rad51 protein expression and purification: Protein expression was initially performed as described by Novagen company literature. Subsequently, to improve yield we switched to the following procedure, which slightly alters the Novagen protocol using suggestions by Dr. Joel Ybe at Indiana University. A starter culture of cells containing the expression construct, beginning with a single colony into 5mls of LB-kanamycin (30µg/ml), was grown at 37°C for three to five hours or until wisps of bacteria could be seen and then was stored at 4°C overnight. This culture was then used in its entirety to start a culture of 500ml LB-Kanamycin at room temperature. The cells were induced, after approximately eight hours of incubation, when the culture had achieved an OD600 of 0.2-0.4, by adding IPTG to a final concentration of 1mM. After induction the cells were allowed to grow overnight at room temperature until the culture was saturated. Induced cells were pelleted and stored at -20°C or their expressed protein was extracted and purified immediately, with no differences in protein yield.

The cell pellets were lysed using the Bugbuster (Novagen) cell lysis reagent, for 15 to 20 minutes with shaking, using 5ml/g of cell pellet, along with 5ml of benzonase nuclease and 50ml protease inhibitor cocktail III (Novagen/Calbiochem) per gram of cell pellet. The lysate was then spun at 16,000g for 20 minutes, to separate soluble and insoluble fractions. The Rad51 protein was located in the soluble fraction, which was then used in further purification steps.

Rad51 protein products were purified using cellulose Ni+2 columns under vacuum, following the Novagen protocol exactly. Purified protein was used for immunization of animals, for construction of columns needed to purify immune sera, and for later antibody testing. Approximately 0.5mg purified Rad51 was loaded onto an 8% SDS-acryamide gel, and run into the gel for 2 hours. The gel was then stained with Coomassie brilliant blue, and the Rad51 band was excised from the gel, and used as antigen for the anti-Rad51 antbody.

Affinity purification column construction: In order to purify the immune sera received from Cocalico, we constructed affinity purification columns that were able to specifically bind the anti-Rad51 antibody or to bind antibodies raised against the vector-encoded protein tags, by constructing an affinity purification column with Rad51 bound to it and a second column with another protein, unrelated to Rad51, expressed from the pET-30 vector. The following is derived from Bio-Rad literature, with modification; both proteins were bound to the columns in the same manner as in the Rad51 column construction described here. Rad51 was concentrated to approximately 1mg/ml, by using protein spin columns (Pall Life Sciences Nanosep columns or Millipore Microcon columns) and polyethylene glycol chips (MW 15,000) to extract water from protein in solution in dialysis tubing (MW cut off 3500, prepared as in ref. (Sambrook 2001)). The concentrated Rad51 was then dialyzed into MOPS buffer (50mM MOPS, 50mM NaCl, 0.1mM EDTA, 0.1mM EGTA, and 0.1%SDS pH 7.2). Five mg of Rad51 was prepared in 5ml of MOPS buffer, and a 20ml sample of the protein was retained. Using a fretted funnel, 2ml of a 1:1 slurry of Affigel-15 (Bio-Rad) to isopropanol, which was stored at -80°C, was washed with 5ml ice cold 100% ethanol, 5ml ice cold 50% ethanol, 5ml ice cold water, and 5ml room temperature MOPS buffer, all within 15 minutes, keeping the Affigel-15 wet at all times. Immediately after the last wash, the Affigel-15 was scooped into the Rad51 solution and mixed gently at room temperature for one hour, allowing the reactive groups on the Affigel-15 to covalently bind Rad51 protein. After binding, the gel was transferred to a column (Kontes glass co. cat# 420400) and allowed to drain. The flow-through was saved and used to represent the sample after binding. To remove excess unbound Rad51, the column was washed three times with 5ml of MOPS buffer and then three times with 10ml of MOPS buffer. The remaining unbound active sites of the Affigel-15 were blocked by washing with 5ml of 1M Tris pH 8.0 for one hour. The column was then exposed to 5ml of each of the solutions used during antibody affinity purification, to ensure that any reactivity between the column and antibody purification solutions occurred before antibody purification to prevent a decrease in antibody yield. These solutions included TBST [0.5M NaCl, 20mM Tris HCl pH 7.4 (TBS) + 0.2 % Triton X-100], glycine elution buffer (0.15M Glycine-HCl pH2.0), guanidine elution buffer (6M Guanidine HCl in TBS), and TBS. The column was then stored under TBS at 4°C until used.

Affinity purification of immune sera: We performed the following protocol twice for the purification of anti-Rad51 antibody, once to bind antibodies raised against the vector-encoded tags to remove them from the sera, and a second time to purify the anti-Rad51 antibody. This protocol is derived from that of the Walczak lab at Indiana University (Walczak et al. 1996). First, a column prepared with another protein unrelated to Rad51, expressed from the pET-30 vector, was washed with 5ml of low salt TBS (0.15M NaCl, 20mM Tris pH7.4). A 5ml volume of immune serum was then diluted 1:1 with TBS and passed over the column five times. The sera flow-through was then passed over the Rad51 column five times. Final sera flow-through from the Rad51 column was saved at 4°C.

The Rad51 column was then washed with 25ml of TBS + 0.2% Triton X-100 and then 25 ml of TBS to remove antibodies and other proteins from the sera that adhere non-specifically. Rad51 antibody was then eluted in two stages. First, a low pH elution was performed using glycine elution buffer. After the TBS wash the column was allowed to run until almost dry. Fifteen ml of glycine elution buffer were pipetted on to the column 1ml at a time. Each ml was eluted into a 1ml fraction. As each fraction was eluted off the column the receiving tubes were prepared with 100ml of 2M Tris-HCl pH 8.5 to neutralize the acidic elution buffer. The column itself was then neutralized by washing with 25ml of TBS or with TBS until the pH was 7.4. A second round of elution was then performed to elute antibodies that did not disassociate from the protein on the column under low pH. This second elution used 15 ml of guanidine elution buffer, done in the same manner as the glycine elution except without any neutralization solution in the receiving tubes. After the last elution, the column was regenerated by washing with 25ml of TBS. The elution fractions were tested by western blot for presence of antibody. Typically, the majority of antibody was recovered in the glycine fractions and the guanidine fractions contained too little antibody to be recovered. Fractions containing anti-Rad51 antibody were combined, concentrated and dialyzed into PBS (137mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, and 10mM Na2HPO4) by standard procedures (Sambrook 2001). The column used to capture antibodies generated against tags encoded by the pET-30 vector was regenerated by performing the same elution procedure as used for the Rad51 column, with the elution factions being discarded.

Characterization of C. cinereus anti-Rad51: In order to investigate meiotic recombination we purified an anti-Rad51 antibody, derived from rabbits immunized with a full-length Rad51 fusion protein. Western blot analysis identified a band at 45kD, similar to the predicted protein size of Rad51 at 37kD (Figure S2A). Bands observed at 80 and 120kD probably represent poorly disassociated multimers of Rad51 and bands seen at 20 kD are secondary antibody specific bands (data not shown). Comparison with commercially available anti-Human Rad51 antibody showed that the two antibodies recognize bands of the same size (Figure S2B). The Rad51 band in C. cinereus extracts runs as a doublet when stained with either anti-C. cinereus Rad51 or anti-Human Rad51, which likely results from partial phosporylation of the protein (Chen et al. 1999; Li et al. 2002; Slupianek et al. 2001; Yuan et al. 1998).

Because Rad51 is a highly conserved protein, we also asked if our anti-Rad51 antibody would recognize the meiosis-specific Rad51 paralog, Dmc1. We obtained as a gift from the Sakaguchi lab an expression construct for C. cinereus Dmc1 in the pET-28 vector (Nara et al. 2001), and used our standard purification techniques to obtain Rad51 and Dmc1 proteins, which we analyzed on a western blot probed anti-Rad51 antibody. Rad51 was detected, but Dmc1 was not (Fig. S2C), indicating that the anti-Rad51 antibody is specific to Rad51 and does not cross react with Dmc1 at this protein concentration.

In a further test of the specificity of the anti-Rad51 antibody, we found that the foci observed on wild-type chromosome spreads by immunofluorescence microscopy could be competed away by a ten-fold molar excess of purified Rad51 protein (data not shown).

Nucleolar staining of Rad51: Diffuse nucleolar staining of Rad51 was observed with both anti-Rad51 antibody and when secondary antibody was used alone, and was not counted as nuclear foci. However, punctate foci in the nucleolus were observed specifically with anti-Rad51 antibody, as was seen previously by others (Barlow et al. 1997; Franklin et al. 1999) and may represent either DNA repair events or a reservoir of Rad51 protein. All of the immunofluorescence staining results described here were acquired by counting the total number of foci on chromosome spreads, i.e., counting foci present on non-nucleolar chromatin and in the nucleolus. The numbers of Rad51 foci observed in the nucleolus and in the rest of the nucleus were counted for one slide each of wild type, spo11-1, rad50-1, and rad50-8 at both K+1 and K+4 (N=20-35 per slide). In all instances the mean proportion of foci observed in the nucleolus was between 15% and 25% of the total number of foci observed in the bulk chromatin and in the nucleolus combined. From this we concluded that there were no differences among our strains regarding the proportion of nucleolar staining, and thus that counting the total number of Rad51 foci gave biologically meaningful comparisons among the strains.

Rad51 foci in spo11-1: To examine the capacity to form Rad51 foci in spo11-1, we irradiated spo11-1 caps at K+1 with 60 Krad of gamma radiation (Figure S4). We then made K+2 or K+4 chromosome spreads using the irradiated cap tissue and stained them with anti-Rad51 antibody. We observed a dramatic increase in the number of foci, which approached or exceeded wild-type levels of Rad51 staining during meiosis. Thus, in spo11-1 Rad51 foci are induced in response to DNA damage. This indicates that the anti-Rad51 antibody is able to recognize foci formed after irradiation, and that the defect in spo11-1 is in DSB formation, as previously inferred (Celerin et al. 2000), rather than some other aspect of Rad51 focus formation.

The observation of a low level of Rad51 foci in spo11-1 could be staining background, (i.e., a technical artifact) or might reflect recombination or repair events that are not Spo11 dependent. In order to distinguish between technical and biological backgrounds, we examined staining of meiotic chromosome spreads using a non-specific antibody (IgG from rabbit serum), at a concentration of 5mg/ml, the same concentration used for the anti-Rad51 antibody (Figure S4F). We stained one slide each of meiotic chromosome spreads from a spo11-1 mushroom at K+1 and K+2. We found that at K+1 and K+2 the number of foci observed by staining spo11-1 with the non-specific antibody (mean = 29±4 at K+1, 17±3 at K+2) was significantly less than the number of foci observed staining spo11-1 with anti-Rad51 (mean = 43±5 at K+1, 44±4 at K+2; p<0.001 for both K+1 and K+2).

We also examined wild type by staining with the same non-specific antibody, staining one slide each from meiotic chromosome spreads made at K+1, K+2, K+3, and K+4. In wild type the number of foci observed for the non-specific antibody, at all time points examined, was less than or equal to the non-specific antibody staining observed for spo11-1 at K+2. Because some foci were observed when staining with non-specific antibody in both wild type and spo11-1, a proportion of Rad51 foci observed are likely background foci and an artifact of the staining procedure. The Rad51 foci not explained as background might be derived from a low level of Spo11-independent recombination, DNA repair events, or a reservoir of inactive Rad51 molecules.

Image analysis: Foci were counted using the Metamorph imaging system (Molecular Devices) as follows. The FITC image was first processed using the “flatten background” command, producing a new image in which diffuse staining was removed. A background area of this new image, which did not correspond to an area of chromatin as seen in the DAPI image or spurious background in the FITC image, was selected. This area selected was used in the “use region for background” command, which produced a new image that subtracted the average pixel intensity in the selected region, thereby dramatically reducing camera noise. An inclusion threshold was selected, which was set between the maximum pixel brightness and a setting just above the point at which background camera noise was selected. This selected a threshold at which all of the foci, but none of the background, was selected. The number of objects was counted using the “Integrated Morphometry Analysis” (IMA) tool of Metamorph (Molecular Devices). In order to ensure that foci contacting each other were not counted as one object, the number of foci was counted using the standard area count tool in IMA, with the standard area configured at 35. This tool uses a standard value representing a focus size to calculate what the number of distinct objects would be in a large object that is typically encountered when many foci overlap. Measurements for each image were logged to Excel (Microsoft) for further analysis.

Image display: In the Metamorph imaging system (Molecular Devices) images can be acquired with user-defined exposure times, or with computer controlled exposure times. In addition, each image can be displayed such that the range of pixel brightness displayed corresponds to the image acquired or corresponds to a user-defined range. All DAPI images were acquired using the auto exposure command and displayed using the full range of pixel brightness according to each image. FITC images were acquired using a constant exposure time of 7.5 seconds, and are displayed using the full range of pixel brightness for each image. Images from different strains and time points, and even within the same strains and time points, had variable maximum and minimum pixel brightness levels between images. If images were displayed on a uniform scale of pixel intensity, then, because of their inherent variability, the images would not represent the foci accurately (Figure S3).