


Minutes of meeting held at 7:30 pm on Thursday3rd December 2009

at Methodist Church Hall, Forest Road, Huncote

Present:Cllr A. Knight (Chairman)Cllr J. Battell Cllr J. Grundy Cllr B. Kilby Cllr J. Melville

In attendance:Stuart Bacon (Clerk)

Members of the Public:None.

  1. Receiving apologies for absence

Cllr R. Taylor (Vice Chairman), Cllr K. Davies, Cllr A. Taylor and Cllr M.A. Murphy (Blaby District Council) all sent their apologies which were accepted.

  1. Declarations by Members of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

(In relation to Agenda items)

Cllr J. Melville declared interests in Huncote Partnership Library relating to budget proposals for Precept calculation.

  1. Chairman’s opening remarks

The chairman welcomed all present and discussed the concerns he had had raised to him since the last meeting.

Resolved:Lorries on Forest Road discussed with site manager of Duncan Avenue, all lorries requested to come down Forest Road and not by other means.

  1. Parishioners’ time (15 minutes are set aside for Parishioners’ to raise issues and ask questions)


  1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the meetings held on 4thNovember 2009 (HunPCDec09/02)

Clerk to chase up Graham Anderson about Huncote minutes in Journal

Temporary closure of footpath from Cheney End to Forest Road - discussed

Resolved: to accept and to sign as a true and accurate record

A Knight proposesJ. Battell seconded

  1. Acknowledge matters arising from these minutes(other than those dealt with elsewhere in the Agenda)

Resolved: -

Clerk to follow up 5517/2 Funding for flashing speed signs.

5520/1 stone removed in penfold, and repair being sought.

Handyman requested to check situation with roundabout and remove.

Check with Steve Parker about methods of restricting vandalism and appropriate punishment.

  1. Reports from County and District Councillors

5537/1Leicestershire C.C. (Councillor E.F. White)


5537/2Blaby D.C. (Councillor M.A. Murphy)


  1. Review Policing Issues – Cllr J. Battell

Total of 6, remarkably low for this time of year but incidents have been sizeable.

Resolved: to note these figures.

  1. Review Publicity & Public Relations Issues including:

5539/1Journal -

Resolved: note item 5535

5539/2HuncoteVillage News

Resolved: Cllr Battell was unhappy about funding arrangements not being mentioned

  1. Review Planning Issues(Cllr J. Grundy & Cllr J. Battell)including:

5540/1Applications for Consideration

Broughton Astley farm

Food waste from all over county expected. Not happy about all lorries along B4114.

Resolved: Clerk to send email to say we have noted their concerns but not able to attend.

5540/2Any additional applications received by the Clerk by 3rdDecember 2009

5540/3Comments already submitted

09/0668/1/PX –Single storey side and rear extension and replacement garage for 12 Carey Road, Huncote, Leicester, LE9 3AH.

Resolved: No comments to be made on this application.

5540/4Results of earlier comments

Sale of land at Sportsfield Lane

Resolved:Item discussed and just awaiting documentation from Land Registry.

09/0571/1/OX – Erection of one detached dwelling on land adjacent 4 Duncan Avenue, Huncote, Leicester LE9 3AP (Outline) (Revised Scheme)

Resolved: Noted application rejected by Blaby District Council

  1. Review Financial Issuesincluding:

5541/1Accounts for Payment and Confirmation of Payments Made (Doc HunPCDec09/3)

Resolved: to accept and to sign as a true and accurate record

A Knight proposesJ Grundy seconds

5541/2Summary of Income & Expenditure and analysis to date (Doc HunPCDec09/4)

Resolved: to accept and to sign as a true and accurate record

5541/3Review decision with Library funding

Resolved: Decision delayed until January meeting to be decided by all Councillors.

5541/4Review 2010/2011 Precepts

Optional increases were proposed to be agreed by next Council meeting to allow for submission.

Two grant requests were submitted for Citizens Advice Bureau and Voluntary Action Blaby.

Resolved: Decision delayed until January meeting to be decided by all Councillors.

  1. Review Housing Issues

5542/1Duncan Avenue flats redevelopment – update

5542/2Decision on name of new road

Options: Quarry hill view ***, Park View, Park Crescent

Resolved: Clerk to send letter to Mary Keough (BDC) for name of road

  1. Review Highways & Footpaths Issues

5543/1Huncote Bus Service

Resolved: Arriva bus situation explained with ref: email from Cllr Ernie White.

5543/2Footpath V64 from Cheney End-Forest Road

5543/3Chairman approached about footpath from sports field along to Cheney End.

Resolved: Clerk to approach LCC about when footpath was designated a public footpath.

  1. Review Environmental Issuesincluding:

5544/1Street cleansing, litter clearance, dog fouling

5544/2Graffiti Database

5544/3Hedge cutting and tree pruning in (football field, cemetery and recreation ground)

Resolved: Nothing to report.

  1. Review Huncote Enhancement Project (HEP)

Resolved: Nothing to report.

  1. Recreation & Amenities Subcommittee and Related Issues

5546/1Hedge between playing field and Duncan Avenue

Resolved: Clerk/ Chairman meeting contractors to discuss hedge laying and replacement.

  1. Review Quarries Issues

5547/1Acresford Quarry - none

5547/2Sita - none

5547/3Croft Quarry – blasting at Croft end. Inundated with complaints from Croft residents. Well monitored and below their required levels.

Resolved: Noted quarry reports

  1. ReviewCemetery Issues (Cllr B. Kilby)


Resolved: Noted concern over cemetery records with plan to review in Spring 2010.

  1. Review Library Matters (Cllr J. Melville)

Update on funding meeting with Bardon Aggregates – 20th November.

Resolved: Noted update..

  1. Review Administrative Matters


  1. Review Staffing Issues

5551/1Recruitment Subsidy Voucher - update

  1. Review Organisational/Policy Issues

5552/1Quality Council application

Resolved: Clerk to meet with LRALC to discuss application on 14th Dec.

  1. Review Huncote Parish Council Website

Update on website and efforts moving it forward

Resolved: Delay sending unnecessary information live in line with Quality Council application

  1. Miscellaneous Matters


  1. Any other business

(It should be noted that no substantive issues can be raised under this item (i.e. those requiring decisions or with a financial implication. It should be used only to register items for a future Agenda or items that are solely for information only)

  1. Date of next meeting

7th January 2010 – Methodist Hall, Forest Road, Huncote 7:30 pm – This meeting will be open to the public.

Stuart Bacon = Clerk (01455 844 539 / 07875 291 366)

Huncote Agenda – 3rd December 2009Page 1 of 4