Risk assessment pursuant to § 5 Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG)
Risks related to exposure to biological agents / Form 2.2
Met / n/a
yes / *no
Risk assessment pursuant to § 5 Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) and § 7 Biological Agents Ordinance (BioStoffV) / Form 2.2
Workstations in laboratories
Risks related to exposure to biological agents / Seq. No.:


Group / Author / Date
First assessment / Yes / No / Last assessment on
Number of employees in laboratory / of whom work with biological agents
1. General / Met / n/a
yes / *no
1. All biological agents are classified into risk groups (RG1 , RG2 , RG3 ) according to the Biological Agents Ordinance (BioStoffV), Genetic Engineering Safety Regulation (GenTSV), Infection Protection Law (IfSG), and Animal Pathogen Ordinance (TierSEV).
2. Activities involve handling of animal specimens (blood, serum, body tissue, discharges, primary cell cultures, pathogens).
3. Activities involve handling human specimens.
4. Activities involve handling plant specimens.
5. Activities involve working with cell cultures.
6. There are no specific activities involving biological agents.
7. Non-specific activities have been classified into protection levels.
8. The necessary notifications, registrations, approvals and/or permits pursuant to the Genetic Engineering Act (GenTG), IfSG, TierSEV, and BioStoffV exist.
9. Genetic engineering tasks are performed in accordance with GenTG under the responsibility of a project manager appointed by the competent manager (Inhaber von Leitungsfunktionen, ILF) and accredited by the district government of Upper Bavaria (ROB).
10. For the genetic engineering facilities area, a biological safety officer has been appointed in accordance with GenTSV and confirmed by the supervising authority.
11. For work pursuant to IfSG, a responsible head as defined in §44 IfSG is present and recognized by the supervisory authority.
12. For work pursuant to TierSEV, a responsible head as defined in §2 TierSEV is present and recognized by the supervisory authority.
13. A skin protection plan is present and is known to and observed by all employees.
2. Rooms
1. Work is performed exclusively in rooms of the appropriate protection level according to its risk rating and type of danger (in accordance with BioStoffV Annex II, GenTSV).
2. Work is performed exclusively in rooms that have been reported to and recognized by the supervisory authorities.
3. The rooms are identified in accordance with the legal and official requirements.
4. An access policy is present and observed.
5. Personal protective equipment is present and used when needed.
6. The employer ensures the cleaning of laboratory coats.
7. A washbasin is present in the work area.
8. Hand soap and, where necessary, disinfectant and paper towels are available.
9. Skin care products are present.
10. Surfaces (work surfaces, floors) are easy to clean, impermeable and resistant to the agents, disinfectants and cleaning products used.
11. The work areas are neat and tidy, thus allowing hygienic work and disinfecting measures.
3. Work
1. The identity of the biological agents used is regularly verified if so necessary for assessing the risk potential.
2. The “Protective measures for activities involving biological agents” (Annex TRBA 100) are familiar and satisfied in the laboratory as minimum requirements.
3. Employees are adequately competent and instructed.
4. The possibility to inform oneself is ensured in the laboratory, such as access to guidelines and regulations, BioStoffV, Technical Rule for Biological Agents (TRBA), GenTG, GenTSV, instructions and bulletins.
5. Current laboratory operating instructions in accordance with §12 (1) BioStoffV and/or GenTSV are present and accessible to all in the laboratory. These instructions name the responsible person.
6. Instructions are given regularly in language understandable for the employees following the operating instructions, TRBAs, BioStoffV and GenTSV, and this is documented by signature.
7. Before commencing work, new employees receive verbal instructions relating to their workstation and confirm these instructions with their signature.
8. Inexperienced employees (e.g. student assistants or trainees) are comprehensively instructed, carefully guided and supervised.
9. Pipetting devices are present and used.
10. Transparent containers for disposing of cannulas/scalpels/glass pipettes are available and used. Once the fill level marking is reached, the lid is locked closed without pressure and the entire container disposed of.
11. Employees are instructed on safe handling of cannulas, syringes, scalpels, and glass pipette tips and abide by the rules.
12. The biological agents are stored securely.
13. Recordings of the work performed with biological agents are made, stored and kept available for viewing for the prescribed period in accordance with the law.
14. Biological agents in Risk Group 1 are disposed of without pretreatment unless this is precluded by the results of their risk assessment and/or other regulations, such as radiation protection, water or waste laws.
15. All biological agents are inactivated by autoclaving.
16. Media are present for taking precautionary action to limit the extent of damage in the case of unintentional contamination or release of biological agents or toxins.
17. When handling other hazardous materials, please work through Form 2.1.
4. Equipment
1. For autoclaves, please work through Form 2.0, Point 4.4.
2. The autoclaves undergo regular functional checks, and the results are documented and known to the responsible person.
3. Any safety cabinets are regularly maintained and the results made known to the head of the laboratory.
4. For centrifuges, please work through Form 2.0, Point 4.2.
5. Equipment is properly decontaminated before repair and maintenance work, if necessary.
6. Permission to carry out activities is given by the responsible person in writing.
7. The maintenance and testing logs for the equipment are checked by the head of the laboratory or a person appointed by him and kept in a central location.
5. Allergens and toxins yes no
1. The sensitizing and toxic effects of the biological agents and chemicals used are duly taken into consideration and suitable safety measures are defined.
2. Employees with a latex allergy are provided with gloves and PPE made of a suitable substitute material (e.g. Nitril).
3. The number of employees who carry out activities with biological agents with sensitizing or toxic effects is limited to the smallest number necessary.
4. Measures are in place for minimizing the exposure of employees who carry out activities with biological agents in RG1 with sensitizing or toxic effects:
  • Work is done in a safety cabinet.

  • Work is done under fume hoods.

  • Those workstations at which allergies could be triggered are aspirated.

  • The rooms are amply ventilated.

  • Skin protection and breathing protection with suitable filters are used (observing shelf life).

  • Sporulation phases of fungi and actinomycetes are prevented.

  • Please document any other measures under Point 11

6. Handling of antibiotics yes no
1. The appropriate operating instructions for safe handling of antibiotics are present, up to date, known to the employees and accessible for consulting at all times.
2. The safety measures for handling antibiotics are observed.
3. The risk assessments on handling antibiotics are worked through on Form 2.1 (Hazardous Materials) under Points 3.1 and 3.2, as needed.
7. Handling of cytostatic agents yes no
1. Cytostatic agents are handled.
2. The risks involved in handling cytostatic agents are dealt with in Form 2.1, Hazardous Materials, under Point 3.2.1.
8. Preventive occupational medical care
1. Precautionary occupational medical health examinations are carried out before work is commenced.
2. Mandatory occupational medical health examinations pursuant to §15 BioStoffV Annex IV are necessary and are carried out (e.g. G42).
3. Occupational medical health examinations are offered and accepted.
4. Occupational medical health examinations are arranged when activities involve wearing:
- Filter respirators with Class P3 particle filters, gas filters, or combination filters
- Filter respirators with Class P1 and P2 particle filters and particle-filtering
half-face masks,
- if these are worn for more than 0.5 hours per day.
(Does not apply to respirators without breathing resistance, self-rescuers or escape hoods,
or to the use of respirators for rescue or self-rescue, except for Equipment Group 3.)
LMU München
* if not, but required, list alternative measures under Point 11 / Version: July 2009, 1/4
Risk assessment pursuant to § 5 Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG)
Risks related to exposure to biological agents / Form 2.2
Met / n/a
yes / *no
9. Special workstations / activities / yes / no / if yes
Handling of biological agents in Risk Group 2. / 2.2-2
Non-specific handling of potentially infectious human or animal test material. / 2.2-2
Handling of biological agents in Risk Group 3. / 2.2-3
Workstations in the laboratory animal house (cages and aquariums). / 3.1
Workstations in the laboratory animal house (large animals). / 3.2
10. Other risks and corresponding safety measures
Risk / Safety measures
11. Additional measures and corrective measures
Re Point / Description / Measures / Implementation(Date)

Should you need any advice, please contact your responsible specialist for occupational health and safety in the Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability staff unit.

LMU München
* if not, but required, list alternative measures under Point 11 / Version: July 2009, 1/4