Work Force Race Equality Standard Action Plan


Metric / Objective / Action / Measure / Timeframe
Relative likelihood of staff being appointed from Shortlisting / increase the likelihood of BME staff being appointed from shortlisting; / -annually review recruitment and selection training content for managers enhance the importance and understanding of an inclusive workforce that is representative of the local population
-continue to ‘thread’ unconscious bias training throughout all manager/leadership training
-formally implement scoring process at interview
-increase diversity of recruitment panels
-undertake depth analysis by Directorate/staff group/band/job roles on 2015/16 recruitment data to identify where BME staff are more/less likely to be appointed / Increase likelihood of BME staff being appointed from shortlisting / 2017
increase BAME representation in the workforce as a whole / -ensure recruitment ‘campaign/imagery’ is inclusive
-use of Trust role models throughout BME History Month
-as a leading large employer, increase engagement with the local BME community
-continue to work with local job centres
-film a short recruitment advertisement to highlight Trust as an inclusive employer
-initiate a proactive recruitment search utilising social media. Predominantly completed through LinkedIn. The use of LinkedIn will remove any bias in recruitment decisions, in addition research by PEW Research Centre in 2015 has demonstrated that the demographic of users on LinkedIn is significantly more diverse than other social media networks.
-WRES outcomes to be shared with Managers and Staff Side
-undertake an analysis of leavers by ethnicity to identify any key trends / Increased percentage of BME staff in post / 2020
ensure BAME representation is increased in the senior grades (8-9 and VSM’s) and at Board level / -include information in job adverts at band 8a and above to encourage applicants from under-represented groups
-seek to decrease percentage of Null equality fields in ESR for all senior Managers
Relative likelihood of staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD / increase the likelihood of BME staff accessing training / -annual review/analysis to form part of the PSED data collection
-promote offering to all staff highlighting available courses and how to access
-promote offering via the BME staff network
-Information to be shared with managers
-WRES outcomes to be shared with Managers and Staff Side / Increase likelihood of BME staff accessing training
Percentage of staff experiencing bullying, harassment or abuse from patients, relatives or the public / reduce the percentage of staff reporting bullying, harassment or abuse / -WRES outcomes to be shared with Managers and Staff Side
-Develop a bullying and harassment strategy/campaign to raise awareness include use of staff stories where appropriate / Reduced percentage of staff reporting via the staff survey
Percentage of staff experiencing bullying, harassment or abuse from staff / reduce the percentage of staff reporting bullying, harassment or abuse / Reduced percentage of staff reporting via the staff survey