Chapter Test Study Guide

Chapter 7

Viruses, Bacteria, Protists, and Fungi

Directions: Answer each question on your own paper. Be sure to answer each question completely.

Chapter 7-1--Viruses

  1. Describe the 2 basic parts of the virus’s structure.

outer covering = protein coat

inner core = genetic material

  1. Explain the main difference between an active virus and a hidden virus.

active virus = multiplies immediately

hidden virus = multiplies later

  1. Explain how a virus is like a parasite.

A virus must have a host for energy and reproduction.

  1. What one characteristic of living things does the virus possess?

Viruses reproduce.

Chapter 7-2--Bacteria

  1. Define prokaryote and eukaryote.

prokaryote—cells do not have a nucleus

eukaryote—cells contain a nucleus

  1. Are bacteria classified as prokaryotes or eukaryotes?

bacteria = prokaryote

  1. If a bacterium does not have a flagellum, how does it move?

air, water, or other objects

  1. What cell structure helps a bacterium move?


  1. Are bacteria autotrophs, heterotrophs, or both? Explain your answer.

Bacteria can be autotrophs or heterotrophs. Some bacteria can make their own food from sunlight. Other bacteria must rely on other organisms for food.

  1. Explain binary fission and conjugation.

Binary fission—(asexual reproduction) parent cell duplicates genetic material and the cell divides. You start with one cell and end with two IDENTICAL cells.

Conjugation—(sexual reproduction) thread-like bridge forms between two bacteria and genetic material is exchanged; you start with 2 cells and end with 2 cells that contain new combinations of genetic material.

Chapter 7-3—Protists

  1. Are protists classified as prokaryotes or eukaryotes?


  1. List three categories into which scientists group protists.

animal-like protists, plant-like protists, and fungus-like protists

  1. What is another word for animal-like protists?


  1. What does the word “protozoan” literally mean?

first animal

  1. What structure does an amoeba use for locomotion (movement)?


  1. What structure does a paramecium use for locomotion?


  1. What structure does a euglena use for locomotion?


  1. How many nuclei does an amoeba have?


  1. What is the function of the small nucleus in a paramecium?

It helps with reproduction.

  1. What is the common name for plantlike protists?


  1. Are plantlike protists heterotrophs or autotrophs?


  1. Are funguslike protists heterotrophs or autotrophs?


Chapter 7-4—Fungi

  1. Are fungi classified as autotrophs or heterotrophs?


  1. Are fungi classified as prokaryotes or eukaryotes?


  1. How does fungi “move”?

Fungi rely on wind or other organisms to “move”.

  1. What structure makes fungi similar to plants?

cell wall

  1. Which fungi characteristic makes it similar to animals?

They are heterotrophs.

  1. Fungi can reproduce asexually and sexually. What is the difference between

spore reproduction and budding?

Spores are created during asexual and sexual reproduction. Budding typically occurs during asexual reproduction.

  1. Which type of reproduction produced offspring that are genetically different from the parent(s)?

sexual reproduction

  1. Who discovered penicillin?

Alexander Fleming