Fee details
S.No / Name of Course / Duration of Course / Break up of fee (Rs.)
1. / Pre-Sea Training for Deck Cadets IMU (Diploma in Nautical Science)
Institute component of fees
/ 1 Year / 1,92,500/-
Total / 1,92,500
2. / Pre-Sea Training for GMEs
Additionally Rs.1,500/- is charged as CDC & INDoS fees / 1 Year / Registration fees / 10,000
Tuition fees / 56,000
IIT Workshop fees / 60,000
Boarding, lodging and Transport / 72,000
Mandatory STCW Courses / 10,000
Books and Uniforms / 12,000
Total / 2,20,000
3. / Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities / 3 days / 3,000
4. / Personal Survival Techniques / 2.5 days / 3,500
5. / Elementary First Aid / 2.5 days / 2,000
Competency Courses
8. / 2nd Mate (FG) Functions / 4 months / 9,000
9. / 1st Mate (FG) Phase-I / 3 months / 12,500
10. / 1st Mate (FG) Phase-II / 3 months / 13,500
11. / Master (FG) A.S.M. / 1 month / 17,000
13. / MEO Class-II (New) / 4 months / 12,000
Modular Courses
14. / ROC / 2 weeks / 7,500
15. / ARPA / 5 days / 4,500
16. / RANSCO / 6 days / 9,000
17. / Ship Maneuvering Simulator / 5 days / 29,900
18. / Eng. Room Sim. Ops Lv1 / 3 days / 5,000
19. / Eng. Room Sim. Mang. Lv1 / 5 days / 7,000
20. / GMDSS / 2 weeks / 23,000*
21. / MFA / 4 days / 5,000
23. / OTF / 5 days / 5,000
24. / TASCO / 2 weeks / 11,000
26. / CTF / 5 days / 5,500
27. / CHEMCO / 2 weeks / 11,500
28. / Bridging Course Deck Officer / 5 days / 10,000
29. / Revalidation Course Deck Officer / 10 days / 13,000
30. / C/E Upgradation Course / 5 days / 10,000
31. / C/E Revalidation Course / 10 days / 13,000
33. / Training for Instructors / 5 days / 8,500
34. / Training for Trainers and Assessors / 2 weeks / 15,000
35. / Ship Security Officer Course / 2 days / 7.000
36. / LCHS (Operational Level) / 3 days / 9,000/-
37. / LCHS (Management Level) / 5 days / 12,500
1. / ECDIS / 15,000/-
2. / Pre Sea Training for Deck Cadet (Diploma in Nautical Science) / 4,25,000/-
3. / PSSR / 3,000/-
4. / PST / 3,500/-
5. / EFA / 2,000/-
6. / Security Training for Seafarers with designated Security Training / 5,000/-

*Excluding Govt. of India examination fees.