Work Based MSc Project with the Deanery of Clinical Sciences
Project Agreement
Project Agreement
By signing this document the Student, the University and the Organisation confirm that they will abide by the principles of the Quality Commitment for work based projects (WBPs) set out in the document below.
THIS AGREEMENT is made on the {insert date}
(2) {insert name of student}
whose address is at
(“the Student”);
(3) {Insert name of Organisation }
whose address is at
(“the Organisation”);
In accordance with the project plan, from {insert start date}
to {insert end date} the Organisation shall take the Student on
placement at its premises, where the student will undertake the agreed assignment(s) and the Organisation will provide the agreed supervision and guidance.
This should be completed by the Student, in collaboration with the key contact in the Organisation named below.
Name and position of the key contact in the Organisation:Contact email and phone number:
Location of project:
Title of proposed project:
Please describe the project in approx. 100-150 words outlining its context, aims and set objectives, and any initial thoughts on methodology and data.
Any specific outputs required by the Organisation (e.g. executive summary, management presentation etc.)
Any additional requirements (e.g. specific skills/experience the student should have)
Do you foresee any Intellectual Property, or confidentiality issues? If so, what form might
these take?
Where required, the Organisation will carry out a risk assessment, provide training and protective clothing and equipment, make the Student fully aware of any special hazards or dangers and immediately report any accidents involving the Student to the University.
The Student is required to: take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves and to others; not interfere with or misuse any clothing or equipment provided to protect your Health and Safety; and to report any accident or injury immediately following the Organisation’s procedures.
Pre-placement Health and Safety Checklist to be completed by the Organisation / YES / No1 / Do you have a written Health and Safety policy?
2 / Do you have a policy regarding health and safety training? Will you provide all necessary health and safety training for the student?
3 / Is the Organisation registered with Health and Safety Executive or the Local Authority Environmental Health Department?
4 / Insurance
Is Employer and Public Liability Insurance held?
Amount of Indemnity held in £ (for example £50 million) / £
Will your insurance cover legal liability incurred by a student as a result of his/her duties while on worked based project?
5 / Risk Assessment
Do you carry out risk assessments of your work practices?
Are risk assessments kept under regular review?
Are the results of risk assessment implemented?
6 / Accidents and Incidents
Is there a formal procedure for reporting and recording accidents and incidents
Have you procedures to be followed in the event of serious and imminent danger to people at work?
Will you report to the University all recorded accidents involving students?
Will you report to the University any sickness involving students which may be attributable to their work?
The Organisation’s nominated contact for compliance with the requirements of health and safety legislation is
Name: / Position:Email: / Telephone:
4.1 The Organisation confirms that it has in place comprehensive public liability insurance that will cover liability for (a) death or bodily injury to the Student and (b) death or bodily injury to any other person or damage to third party property arising from the Student’s actions whilst completing the WBP.
4.2 The Organisation shall comply with all health and safety laws, rules and guidelines and shall be responsible for the health and safety of the Student whilst on its premises or elsewhere in connection with the Organisation’s business activities.
4.3 It is recognised that the Student will not be familiar with the Organisation’s premises and the Organisation will adapt its procedures and supervision accordingly.
4.4 All material generated by the Student is not guaranteed to be in any way free of third party rights or accurate. The Organisation accepts that any material produced by the Student during the WBP is used entirely at their own risk, all implied warranties are excluded. The Student and University have no liability if such material is used by the Organisation.
4.5 The Organisation warrants that all the information it has provided to the University and Student regarding the conditions of the WBP is accurate and complete.
4.6 The Organisation has completed the University’s Health and Safety Checklist Form.
5.1 The Student will comply with the University UKBA attendance monitoring policy (Tier 4 visa holders).
5.2 The Student is undertaking a WBP as part of their curricula and on satisfactory completion, the training period will be recorded in the student’s transcript of records.
5.3 The University has responsibilities for adequately safeguarding the welfare, health and safety of the student during the WBP.
5.4 The Student will make the Organisation aware of any disabilities, illnesses or special medical requirements that they may have.
6.1 The Organisation’s representative shall be
Name: / Position:Email: / Telephone:
6.2 The University’s representative shall be
Name: / Position: / University MSc Project SupervisorEmail: / Telephone:
6.3 All communications between the University and the Organisation shall be through the representatives mentioned above.
6.4 The Student will comply with the reasonable instructions, policies, guidelines and rules of the Organisation. If any difficulties arise during the WBP, including concerns about safety, or the Student’s behaviour these shall be raised as soon as possible with the University.
6.5 The University Project Supervisor will initiate communication with the Organisation supervisor to coordinate an interim meeting or correspondence in order to assess the progress of the project.
7. Publication by either party in relation to the WBP shall be subject to the other party’s consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this agreement shall prohibit the preparation or submission of any student thesis.
7.1 After discussion, it should be defined whether the ownership of the project, final report and any associated intellectual capital will be held by the Student or the Organisation.
7.2 The Organisation is responsible for indicating which data sources and information provided are confidential and should be suppressed in the final report, allowing the student sufficient time to amend the project output accordingly.
7.3 Confidential data provided by the Organisation should be marked as such when provided to the Student.
7.4 Ownership of any new intellectual property rights that arise from the WBP should be negotiated between the Organisation and the student.
7.5 If the Student relies upon any intellectual property rights that belong to the University as part of their WBP the Organisation may not use such rights without the consent of the University’s representative in writing. The Student upon request shall identify any relevant University material in co-operation with the University.
7.6 If use is permitted of any material then the Organisation uses such material at their own risk, all implied warranties are excluded. The Student and the University shall have no liability if such material is used by the Organisation.
7.7 The Student must maintain confidentiality, during and after the WBP, of the Organisation’s data and information where such information is not already within the public domain and is indicated or understood to be confidential.
7.1 The Organisation shall not illegally discriminate against the Student and shall indemnify the University against any costs that may arise from such discrimination.
8.1 It is recognised that there will be instances where the original project plan may change throughout the project life cycle. Such delays and changes need to be discussed with the student and if required, the University supervisor as soon as possible to avoid further delays and possible project failure. Unforeseen and extenuating circumstances do happen, but it is essential that the Organisation and student seeks to avoid these where possible.
8.2 This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all other promises or arrangements.
8.3 This Agreement may only be varied with the written consent of all parties.
8.4 Any party may terminate the placement if another party shall be in breach of their commitments. In such instances there is a mandatory one week notice period and it is necessary for either the Student or the Organisation supervisor to notify the University’s representative by written communication.
This Agreement is to be signed by the Organisation, Student and University supervisor at the stage where the initial project outlines are refined and before commencement of the project. A copy must be logged with the WBP Coordinator, INSERT NAME OF ACADEMIC STAFFF RESPONSIBLE.
This Agreement is intended as a guidance document and adheres to section 9 of the QAA Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education1. It also follows the ASET2 code of practice for work based and placement learning.
This Agreement was entered into on the date first mentioned at the top of this Agreement.
Signed for and on behalf of
The University of Edinburgh SupervisorBy
Signed by
The University of Edinburgh StudentBy
Signed for and on behalf of
The Host Organisationprint name:………………………………………………………………………
Placement Coordinator
Please insert name
Contact details of academic member of staff responsible
QAA Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education Section 9: Work-based and placement learning – September 2007.
2 A Good Practice Guide for Placement and Other Work-Based Learning Opportunities in Higher Education, Version 2.1, March 2009, ASET
Quality Commitment for MSc Work Based Projects (WBPs)
Responsibilities of the Student
· Delivery of the project in the format determined either by the Programme requirements or as agreed after discussion between relevant parties.
· The student in conjunction with the University supervisor will be responsible for appropriate sourcing and referencing of data, and handling commercially sensitive or confidential data in accordance with any required standard imposed by the Organisation.
· To act in a professional manner and be respectful of the culture and working practices of the Organisation, whilst representing the University.
· Attendance at the Organisation’s premises and other locations, as required, in order to complete the project.
· Compliance with all legal workplace standards as advised by the Organisation relating to quality assurance, environmental standards, health & safety, etc.
· Awareness of any issues relating to confidentiality, data protection, and intellectual property (IP) rights.
· If not based in the workplace, the student should be aware that they may be expected to attend meetings as part of their project, to ensure delivery is on track with the Organisation’s expectations.
Responsibilities of the Organisation
· To manage the student’s delivery to ensure they receive their intended outputs from the project as agreed in the initial project plan.
· To provide on-site day-to-day supervision of the student; or an agreed number of hours or guidance meetings during the project period.
· To provide the student with an induction and relevant training, where applicable, and if based in the workplace, ensure that the student is made aware of and complies with workplace regulations relating to quality environmental standards, health & safety, etc.
· To provide appropriate liability and insurance cover.
· To monitor the student’s project inputs on an on-going basis, whilst ensuring that the project remains exclusively the work of the student.
· Engage with the University supervisor to provide feedback, which may or may not form part of the student’s final assessment, as agreed at the outset.
· To identify where there should be edits or non-disclosure of any information in the final report.
· To contact the University supervisor immediately, if there is a problem, complaint or grievance.
· The student is not allowed to complete any tasks for the Organisation during the contracted period, excepting those which directly contribute to delivery of the titled project. In cases where other tasks are being undertaken, the student must be paid in accordance with statutory UK law / minimum wage legislation.
· Provision of expenses – the Organisation should meet any expenses associated with the project / incurred by the student during the project. This should be agreed at the project preparation stage.
Responsibilities of the University Project Supervisor
· Review the project scope with the Organisation to ensure it meets academic requirements and learning outcomes.
· Engage with the student during the project offering appropriate guidance. The number of contact hours available for such communication should be the same as for a University based dissertation project.
· Engage with the Organisation in the case of concerns, where issues have been brought to attention by the student or Organisation.
· Initiate communication with the Organisation supervisor to coordinate an interim meeting or correspondence in order to assess the progress of the project.
Responsibilities applicable to all parties
Project Ownership and Intellectual Property
After discussion, it should be defined whether the ownership of the project, final report and any associated intellectual capital will be held by the student or the organisation.
Data Management
· The organisation is responsible for indicating which data sources and information provided are confidential and should be suppressed in the final report, allowing the student sufficient time to amend the project output accordingly.
· Confidential data provided by the company should be marked as such when provided to the student.
· The student in conjunction with the University supervisor will be responsible for appropriate sourcing and referencing of data, and handling commercially sensitive or confidential data in accordance with any required standards imposed by the organisation.