Work-Based Learning/Employment Services Statewide Advisory Committee

May 8, 12/ 9 am to 11 am

CCC Call Confer

In attendance: Christina Amaral, Connie Ayala, Linda Barlogio, Susan Coleman, Svetlana Darche, Allen Dooley, Maggi Dunsmore, Roger Gerard, Scott Gordon, Darrel Harrison, Eric Hilden, Dan Jenkins, H. Hunter Perry, Emma Sanchez, Ann Steinberg, Karen Taylor, Maureen White

Absent: Virginia Rapp, Vikki Westerkov, and Stan Wright

Agenda / Discussion / Action
I. Welcome /
  • Committee welcome/introductions
  • Maureen White introduced herself as the new Project Monitor for the committee, replacing Ron Selge. Maureen covered her current projects with the Chancellor’s Office and specific interests with the Advisory Board.
/ No Action Required
II. Approval of 2.10.12 meeting minutes from San Jose /
  • Minutes reviewed and corrections made.
/ Approved. The committee agreed that a plaque or certificate should be offered to Helen Beaird for her longstanding contributions to the committee.
III. Budget / The committee budget is on track for this fiscal period. Roger Gerard acknowledged a balance of approximately $10,000. The committee agreed that the following would be allocated equally to the Website, CIWEA website and CPA for Professional Development resources for faculty and students. / Final allocations to be determined. Susan Coleman, Maggi Dunsmore, and Dan Jenkins to be contacted.
IV. Chancellor’s Report /
  • Maureen White mentioned that she asked for this assignment.
  • The current topic of repeatability does not apply to work experience at this time. Maureen checked with Ron Selge.
  • Maureen mentioned CalVet and the focus on hiring vets and the importance of connecting with local HR associates.
  • Deadlines for 1C Applications-May 15; May 22- CTE Transitions and 1B
  • The Skills Panels concept was discussed with Washington State as a model:
  • The Career Guidance Model will be integrated into the Career Café.
/ No action required
V. CPA Report /
  • Maggi Dunsmore and Eric Hilden reported.
  • 125 attendees at last conference, which included great programs for Professional Development, Resume Workshops, and How to Get People into Jobs
  • Upcoming CPA Annual Conference; February 27- March 1 at the Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach
  • Eric Hilden- New president-July 1
  • Ann Steinberg- Policies and Procedures for CPA
  • Eric discussed the roles of Employment Services and Workplace Learning. He referred to a trend with returning workers and the gap that exists between their skills and the jobs being applied for.
  • Ann Steinberg referred to making contact with a student at the last conference who was a graduate of AVC. She currently has a position with Disney. Our education system is working.
  • Organization website:
/ No action required.
VII. Academic Senate Report /
  • Darrel Harrison reported on some points from the Fall Plenary session.
  • Discussed requirements for CTE Advisory Boards being once or twice a year meetings.
  • Discussed the fine-tuning of the Program Review process.
  • List of recommendations. See
  • List of resolutions:
/ No action required
VIII. CIWEA Report /
  • Dan Jenkins commented and reviewed mission of organization.
  • Two and four year org. that acknowledges scholarships and internship.
  • March 22 -23, 2012 Annual Conference at UCLA. See:
  • Workshops: Employer Performance Reviews – Best Practices Panel
  • Learning Outcomes Assessment in Academic & Student Affairs
  • Labor Law & Internships – Now What?
  • Look at goals online:
  • $50 for an individual membership.
/ No action required.
Website Update /
  • Susan Coleman reported.
  • Stats on page views per visit were shared.
  • Q.T. has 6,000 on mailing list.
  • Big Ideas has been removed. More focus will be on exploration and interviews.
  • Focus is on faculty and student success
/ No action required.
IX. Other/Meeting Adjournment /
  • Ann Steinberg offered information on changes to Financial Aid.
  • See and
  • Other documents of interest:
  • Press Release- Course Repeatability Regulation Changes:
  • Federal Labor Law on Unpaid Internships (H. Hunter Perry):
  • Next meeting dates:
  • September 7, 2012- Ayres Hotel and Suites, Costa Mesa
  • CCC Call Confer- December 11, 2012
  • February 1, 2013, Sheraton Grande, Sacramento
  • May 7, 2012- CCC Call Confer
  • Meeting adjourned at 11 AM
/ Topics for next meeting-
  • Subject Matter Experts Panel (Eric Hilden to contact):
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Transportation
  • Manufacturing/Exports
  • Healthcare
  • Work-Based Learning
  • Student Success Task Force
  • Repeatability

5/8/12 WBL/Employment Services Committee Minutes Prepared by Roger Gerard Page 1 of 3